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Not too expensive, easy to use, works well, doesn't fall appart etc.

2007-06-11 04:36:28 · 3 answers · asked by schming2005 1 in Consumer Electronics Other - Electronics

3 answers

I have tried several all-in-one car units and Tom Tom has by far the best software and the units seem fairly robust.

2007-06-11 06:38:13 · answer #1 · answered by J.C.R 1 · 0 0

Well thats like asking for a good car.... there are a LOT of models and styles.

MY gps systems cost around $50k and will measure to an accuracy of about a dime anywhere on the planet.. Somehow I doubt that this is what you had in mind (grin).

So.. there are two basic flavors: handhelds and car navigation systems. Here is my suggestion for both.

Handheld: Garmin makes a pretty good set of basic units that can get you around on the planet. From a hunting and camping unit that only gives you coordinates and breadcrumb trails to and from other coordinates (runs about $50 on eBay) to more exotic ones complete with terrain and city maps (about $200 to $300). They are generally easy to use and pretty rugged.

Navigation (as in auto). TomTom (out of England) makes a great set of units. They run from $100 to about $400 and have more bells and whistles then you can imagine from playing your ipod on your car radio, show a slideshow, giving you directions to the nearest ________ fill in the blank with things like hotel, restaurent, gas station etcc.., speed cameras (in england) and so on. Plus the updates are easy and the customer service is usually pretty good.

I have one and with its touch screen and John Cleese voice it is generally a flawless performer.

hope that helps...

2007-06-11 05:09:07 · answer #2 · answered by ca_surveyor 7 · 0 0

buy a pda from the net and go to ebay to buy tom tom software i did this and i got the uk and all of europe on a 2 gig SD card for £145 that included the Pda

some people do good deals on ebay

2007-06-14 00:33:57 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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