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Ok so what I've gotten from this:

God is an entity that has always existed, and created the universe, therefore he doesn't have to apply to the rules of the universe,

God created man in "his image", so God is this human-like person floating around in nonexistance for some reason beyond what we can fathom.

Is it just a great coincidence that "he just always was" , or is it just because that's a much easier explanation than actually trying to find out the answer to why we are here?

I'm sorry if my question is demeaning, but the "he just always was" is a cop-out answer.

2007-06-11 03:52:19 · 27 answers · asked by Southpaw 7 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

You obviously didn't see the question inside the additional details.

2007-06-11 03:56:21 · update #1

Shambo, my way searches for an answer. Your way just gives up and accepts being left in the dark.

2007-06-11 03:58:43 · update #2

Ritzbitsgirl: You just gave me Pascal's Wager. congratulations. You've given the most flawed reasoning in the history of man.

2007-06-11 03:59:42 · update #3

27 answers

This isn't really a question.

2007-06-11 03:55:30 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 4

Time is now when 'wrong' comes up to face everyone - everywhere - someone is saying right now that never before has opportunity presented the shortest stride to saying ' God is an entity - he just always was' or is there an easier explanation - to find out why we are all here ? - some may say the answer is to create a fairer civilisation - a true promise of democrasy based upon our relationship one to each other as human beings and our relationship which has a foundation of Love is the longest stride and experience says this takes courage - someone asks what is Love ? - and is it about sharing ? I would say yes - at the same time is it about letting go of fear based patterns of thinking ? in that we are only causing conflict in the thought process and so we turn our attention to Love as an answer to provide us with a more trusting environment ? - Is this is a cop-out answer ? someone out there is going to give a critique that speaks of contradiction because it has become a part of the fear based pattern of their mindset to oppose another human being to challenge new thought and innovation in my view that attitude is in truth neither an honest or decent approach to answer the issue and requires the willingness to change the way of thinking to more a positive attitude that they would view Life with enthusiasm and with a Love of Life and in coming to an awareness to be fearful of Love is to become diminished of value - to become diminished of self-esteem and to my understanding Love grows with the humility that we all have the creative power of thought to bring about that awareness of Love and that is the basis of all Life and to say God is compared to a human-like person floating around in nonexistence is a nonsense and intelligently we can fathom that Life is an opportunity to engage in the vision of a shared interconnected conceptual reality that is based upon the simple premise is to Love Life.

2007-06-11 21:12:17 · answer #2 · answered by Sebastian Flight 2 · 0 0

You mean who created the creator?
And which came first, the chicken or the egg?

One of the facts of life is that we can't all know everything. And if there were a choice I'd rather that humans had the knowledge of cures for H.I.V. and cancer than a question like this.
Not that your question isn't a) interesting and b) a perfectly valid question - I think it is both. But some questions just don't have answers, and the best answer to such questions is acceptance of that never knowing

2007-06-11 03:59:00 · answer #3 · answered by tickle me emo 3 · 2 0

It may be a "cop-out". But, If we are take HIs existence in faith, and believe that there is a God, whether it be Jesus - the Trinity, or any other form, it is possible to have a very wide spectrum of responses. that will only conclude that your questions will not have any satisfactory answer.

The one source about who God is in the Bible's Old Testament. "I Am" and "I am that I am" were answers given. This part of the Bible is accepted among Christians, Jews and Muslims.

Nothing can prove this to have occured. Yet, these 3 beliefs accept this as true, and correct.

It is possible that lifestyles, like aetheism and paganism, are trying to find the truth without faith. I don't know for sure, but, I do know that we will all find out one way or the other.

2007-06-11 04:02:24 · answer #4 · answered by preichwein 3 · 0 2

"He Just Always Was" is a bit of a cop out, it's what people often say when they have nothing better to back it up.
I think the reason people say that "He" must exist varies from person to person...fundamentally for all of us to be here now, there must have been something that was always there, or that spontaneously came from nowhere.
For a lot of people it's probably easier to say that there is an element of the "supernatural" involved - that helps them make it more logical...also more life-affirming, that someone created you and that it wasn't comete random chance.

I guess noone can ever state definitively that there is a God, but i think people who believe there is have generally weighed up what you said above, and also their experience in life that suggests to them there is something "above them". The ones who don't believe simply took the other approach, that random coincidence makes more sense...and we'll never know for absolute sure until we die, i guess. could go either way, just depends what you choose to follow in life on an individual basis.

2007-06-11 03:59:49 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

Ps. 90:2: “Before the mountains themselves were born, or you proceeded to bring forth as with labor pains the earth and the productive land, even from time indefinite to time indefinite you are God.”

Is that reasonable? Our minds cannot fully comprehend it. But that is not a sound reason for rejecting it. Consider examples: (1) Time. No one can point to a certain moment as the beginning of time. And it is a fact that, even though our lives end, time does not. We do not reject the idea of time because there are aspects of it that we do not fully comprehend. Rather, we regulate our lives by it. (2) Space. Astronomers find no beginning or end to space. The farther they probe into the universe, the more there is. They do not reject what the evidence shows; many refer to space as being infinite. The same principle applies to the existence of God.

Other examples: (1) Astronomers tell us that the heat of the sun at its core is 27,000,000 degrees Fahrenheit (15,000,000° C.). Do we reject that idea because we cannot fully comprehend such intense heat? (2) They tell us that the size of our Milky Way is so great that a beam of light traveling at over 186,000 miles per second (300,000 km/sec) would require 100,000 years to cross it. Do our minds really comprehend such a distance? Yet we accept it because scientific evidence supports it.

Which is more reasonable—that the universe is the product of a living, intelligent Creator? or that it must have arisen simply by chance from a nonliving source without intelligent direction? Some persons adopt the latter viewpoint because to believe otherwise would mean that they would have to acknowledge the existence of a Creator whose qualities they cannot fully comprehend. But it is well known that scientists do not fully comprehend the functioning of the genes that are within living cells and that determine how these cells will grow. Nor do they fully understand the functioning of the human brain. Yet, who would deny that these exist? Should we really expect to understand everything about a Person who is so great that he could bring into existence the universe, with all its intricate design and stupendous size?

2007-06-11 03:56:39 · answer #6 · answered by misskitty593 1 · 0 3

Yeah, if god doesn't need a creator then why should the universe? Just take a look at the answer above mine, Christians don't like to think about that logic, it makes them uncomfortable so they try to avoid the question. Eventually, they always run out of arguments and resort to the word "faith", the verbal equivilant of putting your hands over your ears and going "lalalalalala!"

2007-06-11 03:56:26 · answer #7 · answered by Ginger Ninja 4 · 3 0

Ok, let me see if I can answer this.

God did create us in His Image, His Spiritual Image, not physical one, there is a difference.

You say that it is just a Coincidence the "He just always was" " or has always existed?

Is that so hard to comprehend?

I assume you find it easier to comprehend that the Universe, just came into existance from a "Big bang" that came from nothing? out of the Nothingness? Ludicrous!
Explain that.

How did the Big Bang occur?
And whatever answer you give, I will ask you where those elements came from and will continue to ask that question until infinity,
and all answers tou provide I will demand testable evidence that i can physically test and examine, I do not want theory, I want testable evidence. If you cannot do that, and you just accept that everything came into exiatance out of the nothingness, is that not just like you said ,? and I quote "easier explanation than actually trying to find out the answer to why we are here?"

2007-06-11 04:02:12 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

"He just always was" isn't a cop-out, it's just the best we can come up with to a mystery that we may never be able to solve. Albert Einstein's theory of general relativity predicted places in the universe void of time, so the idea of eternalness is not unreasonable. Using the Alpha & Omega explanation has nothing to do with why we are here, that's 2 separate topics. As far as being created 'in his image' people have taken that to mean we physically resemble God....... but look at it this way, if I paint a picture of a rock, I made it, I own it, it's "my" image. But it doesn't look like me at all. Hmmm?

2007-06-11 03:59:06 · answer #9 · answered by Squirrley Temple 7 · 3 2

I would argue that then the "Universe just always was" would be a cop out for atheist. If you are not going to accept the answer people give based on their belief then you are not really looking for an answer but just trying to point out flaws in their logic.

I mean right now you are asking for a solid answer that you can prove it sounds like and if such an answer existed then we would know.

The point is if you are not going to accept answers that people give then what is the point of asking the question.

2007-06-11 03:57:09 · answer #10 · answered by John C 6 · 2 2

It may sound like a cop-out and might be for those who haven't thought about their choice of religions.

It's much easier than all this to put your faith in humans who say the universe began for no reason from nothing. How did that work? Scientists continue to expand the time it took to evolve certain creatures, organs, land-masses, planets, etc... so that the great god "Time" has all the answers. Not a bad name for a god (close to mine) but still for scientists' purposes, the god they choose.

2007-06-11 03:58:52 · answer #11 · answered by One Voice In The Day Rings True 5 · 1 2

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