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24 answers

Dear Rio,

My opinion on JWs does not matter.

What matters is God's Word.

According to Deuteronomy 18:20-22 (any translation you want to use) shows very clearly that they are FALSE prophets.

Because they have given numerous specific dates for Armageddon and those dates have passed by without Armageddon taking place we can know that we should not be listening to them. They will state that they made a mistake and everybody makes mistakes.

But GOD has never ever made a mistake.

For His glory,

2007-06-14 13:38:08 · answer #1 · answered by JOYfilled - Romans 8:28 7 · 2 0

I have done my best to research and study abit about every religion I could think of. Both by reading their religious doctrine and historical facts as well as talking to members Of different sects. My opinion on them is they are the only religion who says earth will become Paradise and no matter what religion you are as long as Jesus is your savior you will be able to live in this Paradise unlike most religions that say only there people will join god in heaven. Also their members must do a certain amount of community service not just for people of their religion but helping community service for all people. But they are still an organized religion and like most organized religion they have no room for free thinkers. With out free thinking how can one better them self's or find out if you believe or they tell you, so you believe.

2007-06-11 00:06:42 · answer #2 · answered by maryunger3 2 · 2 0

They are controlled by the Watchtower.
They change the bible to fit their theology.

With regards to Auchtung comment about there being no splits as he states. That is not true at all.

There were splits in 1909, 1918, 1928, 1942. And these are just off what I can remember with out researching.

2007-06-13 09:00:07 · answer #3 · answered by Will J 4 · 1 0

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Let us consider the following scriptures:

Acts 2:21
And everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved

Acts 16:31
They replied, "Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved

1 Corinthians 12:15
If the foot should say, "Because I am not a hand, I do not belong to the body," it would not for that reason cease to be part of the body.

Whether they like it or not, and whether many of us like it or not, the Wittnesses are part of the body of Christ. Their doctrine is different but they believe that Jesus died for all of mankind and have faith in him. Just because they say that they are the only true Church it does not mean that they are not part of the body of Christ. The Jews doctrine was way different to that of Christ, Did he reject them because of it? No! the heart of Jesus teaching was love, and this is how we too should treat all of our brothers and sisters, with love. Because love is the fulfilment of the law.

And at the end of the day, we should not judge them by their doctrine! in fact we should not judge them at all.

God Bless

2007-06-11 00:32:23 · answer #4 · answered by ianptitchener 3 · 3 0

Jehovah's Witnesses have the true religion. They are Christian (of course), but they are unique for their rejection of paganisms, use of God's personal name, and global preaching by every active adherent. No other religious organization can claim such purity of worship.

These facts about Jehovah's Witnesses are perhaps relevant to this question. The more one compares this Christian religion with others, the more remarkable it is shown to be.

1. Jehovah's Witnesses have no paid clergy. Yet they remain tightly organized with more than 6.5 million active Jehovah's Witness preachers (about 16 million associate themselves with the religion). Even fulltime preachers and workers at their branch offices are unpaid volunteers.

2. There is no elite class among Jehovah's Witnesses. Even the few 'anointed' among them enjoy no special privileges in their congregations on earth. An anointed person (one of those relative few with a heavenly hope) is not elevated above his fellow congregants in any way, and he may not even qualify for appointment as a simple 'deacon' or elder. There are no titles; EVERYONE is addressed as 'brother' or 'sister'.

3. No person benefits economically from the Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses. Even the 8 to 20 men who serve on their Governing Body receive simply room, board, medical care, and reimbursement for certain personal expenses according to the exact same provision as every other branch volunteer.

4. About a hundred men have served on Jehovah's Witnesses' Governing Body committee during the past 125 years or so. The vast majority of them have spent the vast majority of their adult lives volunteering for their organization's purposes, and the vast majority have died faithfully and near-pennilessly while still under their legal 'vow of poverty'.

5. Amazingly, Jehovah's Witnesses did not splinter as a sect from some other religion. Instead, a truly tiny but sincere group of bible students studied only the Scriptures to determine the will of God. Thus their religion remains absolutely independent of and not carrying the sins of Christendom's history, yet carries the authority of Christ's teachings.

6. Despite the distortions of anti-Witnesses, throughout their modern history Jehovah's Witnesses have refused to claim divine inspiration or infallibility for their teachings. They have pointed to the bible (and not any particular translation) as the only inspired infallible means of knowing God's thoughts. For over 125 years, their teachings have been presented as merely the results of sincere bible research by imperfect but godly humans.

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2007-06-12 04:22:06 · answer #5 · answered by achtung_heiss 7 · 2 0

HEY! i have a sense of humor... i think
I think they are religious people. Love each other as wells as the neighbhors.. They do whatt Jehovah asks them to do. THey adhere to bible principles Very closely. They preach the good news. I love em. Nice wholehearted people.

2007-06-14 07:47:20 · answer #6 · answered by ♫♪♥Beautiful♥♫♪ 3 · 1 0

I dont like religion. Seems to fake. I mean, if things were that perfect in heaven, why not share the wealth? I mean, if things were that way here, would there be a need for Crime and violence? If God and that other guy are fighting a war, what better way to get soldiers than propaganda?

2007-06-10 23:54:38 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

Basically, they are nice people who are way off base. For instance; they believe heaven is full (why would I want to go there, then, if I am going to be turned away at the gate); they believe there is scriptural basis for not celebrating holidays or birthdays (there is none); lastly, they also believe it is wrong to say the "Pledge of Allegiance" or sing the national anthem, again with no scriptual backing for the doctrine. One more, their 'translation' of the Bible was translated by people who had no education in Biblical languages.

2007-06-10 23:57:37 · answer #8 · answered by capitalctu 5 · 4 3

A very sincere group of people that would follow God, but with some very serious problems with their theology.
Like any other group, there is an emphasis one some things more than others, in their case, it's door to door "witnessing".
I wish to repeat that while they are sincere, they are sincerely incorrect in their theology.
Nice people, just like anyone else, really. Just misguided.

2007-06-11 00:00:28 · answer #9 · answered by Jed 7 · 0 4

Every one is entitled to their beliefs I myself don't agree with them but they obviously do and they are pretty harmless and if you dont want to talk them shut the door.

2007-06-11 00:03:32 · answer #10 · answered by molly 7 · 2 0

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