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i have been on web most of weekend regarding this and would like if someone out there no's of any telephone numbers or web addresses for me to look into to xxx

2007-06-10 20:09:30 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Diseases & Conditions Cancer

6 answers

Sorry this is outside my speciality (urology) but felt i must point out what you NEED is conventional treatment, not someones personal rant (see above). Please only have treatment from a specialist in thoracic/respiratory problems. Only their years of devotion to this very subject will be of any value. 'complimentary' medicine should be just that. www.cancerbackup.org.uk can be contacted and will give you all the info and resources you need. Best of luck.xxx

2007-06-10 20:35:30 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Small cell is best treated with chemotherapy.

Because it is a systemic disease and tends to spread through out hte body quickly.

Chemo is not the only therapy used. It is generally used with surgery and radiation therapy. But chemo is a definite.

2007-06-11 00:53:19 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

If you are in the USA then MD Anderson cancer center in Texas is one possibility, as well as Memorial Sloan-Kettering. In Europe, The Royal Marsden Hospital in London is one of the best.

2007-06-10 21:14:59 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

university of chicago is supposed to be pretty good.

2007-06-11 05:04:27 · answer #4 · answered by racer 51 7 · 0 1

try here http://www.emedihub.com/profile.php?pid=236

2007-06-11 19:02:33 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

You can regenerate your body without treatment. Here is a bit of information that might interest you.

Sunrider Foods

The village well was poisoned and people fell sick. The doctors, the nurses, and the villagers all ran about buying new beds for the hospital, giving medicine, providing life-long care for those permanently crippled or diseased. They became very adept at treating the ill. They refined the medicines. They discovered new and stronger antidotes. They trained people to care for the sick. They built beautiful buildings to accommodate the chronically ill. Better treatment procedures were invented with marvelous mechanical devices. Emergency services were developed to a remarkable degree of efficiency. There had never been better medical care anywhere. But the patients kept coming and the statistics kept rising because no one treated the source of the problem – the poisoned well. Today our culture is a poisoned well. Even our medical system is not health promoting – it’s a “disease care system” that focuses on illness after the damage has been done. It has become a salvage operation that mainly specializes in the management of the victims.

Isn’t it time to shift the paradigm? Wouldn’t it be wiser to prevent the disease instead of having to treat it? Health is NOT determined by the doctor’s intellect, training or the size of the hospital. In a large part, it is determined by our knife and fork.

Why Sunrider Foods?

I am often confronted with the question, “WHY SUNRIDER? WHY SHOULD I EAT SUNRIDER FOODS IF I AM ALREADY EATING A BALANCED DIET? Good question! Let’s look at some reasons why.

Dr. Melcher Dikkers, Loyola University states: “There is no doubt that malnutrition is the most important problem confronting mankind at the present time.” Dr. Michael Colgan, author of Your Personal Vitamin Profile states: “Americans are malnourished. Even when we think we are eating a balanced diet, our systems still suffer from the lack of nutrients in foods. For example, raw carrots differ widely in beta-carotene content, often showing variances from 18,000 International Units (IU) to 70 IU per 3 ½-ounce sample. Wheat from the United States has been rejected at China’s ports because the protein content was so low. U.S. Agriculture figures show that today’s wheat often contains only 20% of the protein it used to have.”

The Congress of the United States is also aware of this problem of our depleted soil. The following excerpts on mineral deficient soils, plants and foods, are part of Senate Document #264 as adopted and ordered reprinted by the second session of the 74th Congress of the United States of America in 1936:

The impoverished soil of America no longer provides plant foods with the mineral elements essential to human nourishment and health.
Laboratory tests prove that the fruits, vegetables, grains, eggs, and even the milk and meats of today are not what they were a few generations ago.
No man of today can eat enough fruits and vegetables to supply his system with the minerals he requires for perfect health because his stomach is not big enough to hold them.
Physical, mental and moral fitness depend largely upon an ample supply and a proper proportion of the minerals in our food.
The iron content in tomatoes grown in 1948 was 969 parts per million (ppm) and only 5ppm in 1963. In a span of only 15 years the average drop of iron was more than 90%. It is only reasonable to assume that there is also a drastic decline in other essential vitamins and minerals as well.

Larry Ephron, Ph.D. in The End states: “A recent United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) study found that the majority of Americans – supposedly the best fed people in the world – are getting less than 70% of the recommended daily allowances of calcium, iron and magnesium. And if a deficiency in any one nutrient is a sign of inadequate nutrition, more than 80% of Americans are suffering from malnutrition.”

Dr William A. Albrecht says: “Depleted soils produce deficient foods and deficient foods bring us ill health. Two food items may look alike, but one may have everything such a food should have because it was grown on healthy soil, while the other is worth no more than a glass of water if grown on sick soil.” In other words, a plant can only contain all the nutritional value it receives from the soil – minerals, vitamins, iron and the like. If it was not there in the first place, it is not in the fruit, vegetables, grains, seeds, or nuts we are consuming. What kind of nutrition do you suppose we find in the produce purchased from our local grocery stores? You need to know that all Sunrider foods are made from food-grade herbs (not medicinal) grown in fertile, healthy soil in China, Taiwan, and other parts of Asia. They contain no preservatives, harmful chemicals, pesticides, wax coatings, irradiation, food coloring, artificial flavoring, artificial sweeteners or genetic modification.

Did you know the more we do to food, the less value it has? For example, foods that are:

Raw 0% enzyme/nutrition loss
Juiced 0% enzyme/nutrition loss
Dried 2-5% enzyme/nutrition loss
Frozen 3-30% enzyme/nutrition loss
Steamed 15-60% enzyme/nutrition loss
Cooked 40-100% enzyme/nutrition loss
Canned 100% enzyme/nutrition loss
Microwaved 100% enzyme/nutrition loss
Pasteurized 100% enzyme/nutrition loss
Processed 100% enzyme/nutrition loss
Irradiated 100% enzyme/nutrition loss
What about enzymes?

If you don’t put enough nutrition into your body, your body has to “borrow” from its lifespan and you will eventually “go into debt” healthwise. Your body is then forced to borrow enzymes from critical functions just to keep it alive until a whole, live food source is provided again. Sunrider foods contain live enzymes in the right amounts for your body including all major organs, so it can balance itself and begin the process of regeneration, producing healthy new cells. At some point in time, we all have to make the decision about whether we want to create health/regeneration or disease/degeneration in our bodies. Why not choose to get on the road to regeneration? Actually being able to reverse the disease processes that have been accumulating in our body for years is a gift that Dr. Chen has given us in Sunrider Foods based on the “Philosophy of Regeneration.” It’s simple and easy – all we have to do is add these superior whole food concentrates to our daily routine.

What About the Acid/Alkaline Balance In Our Body?

The acid/alkaline balance in our body is one of the most significant phenomena of human physiology. Our body always strives to keep our blood balanced at 7.4pH. If our blood drops below 7.4pH we will die from acidosis. The way our body keeps the 7.4pH balance is through the alkaline minerals derived from the whole, raw foods that we eat. When food is overcooked, processed, canned, microwaved, pasteurized, or irradiated, it becomes acidic. All meat, dairy, eggs, and flours are acidic foods. Our diets should consist of 80% alkaline foods such as vegetables, fruits, grains, lentils, pasta, and rice. Sunrider foods are concentrated alkaline plant foods with all of its naturally occurring enzymes and nutrients still intact.

Let’s Get Back To The Question: “Why Sunrider Foods?”

It is simply the best way to nourish the body with live, organic whole foods, enzymes, vitamins and minerals that it needs.
They are food grade herbs formulated to nourish, balance, and cleanse the cells of the body.
Will provide raw materials to the cells that the body needs to regenerate itself.
Contains essential amino acids, fatty acids, glucose, proteins, vitamins and minerals.
Balanced and natural source of whole food concentrates that harmonize with the body.
Provide the body with vital, life-giving nutrients not available in commercial agriculture.
Are low in fat and sodium with NO cholesterol.
They are plant foods “as grown” and as close to nature as possible, still in their raw state, but have been cleaned, enhanced, ground up, formulated, extracted, concentrated, juiced and spray dried into liquid and powder form, resulting in vibrant food that will nourish, balance, and cleanse the body.
In short, we eat Sunrider foods to regenerate our bodies by filling in the nutritional “gap” found in our modern diet. They provide us with powerful plant nutrients that we cannot find in grocery stores. Dr. Tei Fu Chen, founder and owner of Sunrider International, has exhaustive knowledge about herbs and food pharmacology that enables him to extract nutrients without disturbing the synergy of the original plants. We have the opportunity to eat these foods and give our body the nourishment it craves and the regeneration it needs.

Health Challenges

If you have health challenges, eat as much Sunrider food as you can, along with whole natural foods such as fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, grains, legumes, lentils, pasta, and rice. We need to reduce our consumption of meat, dairy, and eggs that are acidic foods, high in fat and cholesterol. In the last 25 years, modern epidemiology (the branch of medicine that deals with the incidence, distribution and possible control of diseases and other factors relating to health) has taught us that modern killer diseases are largely related to lifestyle and what we do with our knife and fork. We need to take charge of our lifestyle by adding Sunrider foods to our daily diet so we can restore our body to a higher level of health.

Sunrider – Simply the Best!

Prepared by an Independent Sunrider Distributor as nutritional information only. It is not the author’s intent to diagnose, prescribe or imply treatment. If you have a medical problem, consult your physician.

I can assist you to a healthier lifestyle..

2007-06-10 20:15:57 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 5

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