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actually mulipart:

1st. how can christians hate homosexuals if we are made in the image of God? Does this mean God is a bit homosexual?

2nd. How can the world be made out of clay in 7 days and we are here for a few thousand years. and for some reason, our machines cannot date things younger than 70000 years.

3rd. Religon was created by a bunch of people who were compltely inept to most things in the world.

2007-06-10 11:28:02 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

26 answers

God is REAL

And Jesus LIVES!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2007-06-10 11:35:12 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

First of all a blanket statement such Christians hate homosexuals is totally out of order I am sure there are a lot to do but can't give blankets statements/opinions without knowing what the facts are. When God speaks of his image he talking up the spiritual image.

2.a. God, by definition, is supernatural. If he is he does not have to follow any rule of nature. What he creates he can do any way he wants.
b. Often times the Bible uses imagery to help the people understand those images. When the Bible was first written most of the people in the world were unable to read. They were dependent upon others telling them about what is in the Bible and to understand it. The Bible if full of metaphors and other figures of speeches to make a point.

3. How were these people inept. So if you make a hard scrabble living by fishing or being a carpenter makes you inept?

4. The Bible is the word of God and the writers of that word worked under the spiritual guidance of God.

May God's countenance shine upon you.

2007-06-10 18:39:40 · answer #2 · answered by SgtMoto 6 · 1 0

Hey Christians hate a lot of things that God had no problem with, and they are completely fine with doing things that God just don't cotton with. So don't thinks it's anything, but a bunch of delusional bigots deciding that "God is on our side." God says he didn't authorize it.
Second, days is a relative term, to a deity what took days could actually take several millennium, if you're going to live forever time seems rather immaterial.
Third, that seems more like a statement than a question, a better turn of phrase would be: If your religion was started by a group of people who had no idea how most things worked, how can you possibly justify following it after all this time and discoveries?
The answer is what we "know" today is really speculation and experiments. And if you believe everything that is "the truth" you are more neurotic and crazy than the fundamentalists.

2007-06-10 18:46:04 · answer #3 · answered by jadeaaustin 4 · 0 0

1) We were created in the image of God but that changed when Adam & Eve ate the forbidden fruit. Sin permeated and now deviant behavior (i.e., homosexuality for one) runs rampant and is even accepted.

2) I have yet to be convinced everything was created in a literal 7 days since God is beyond time. The fact we cannot date things past a certain point is nothing more than a mere example of where our limits are. God knows the limits of the human mind and had to put it into terms we could comprehend.

3) What is this statement founded upon??

2007-06-10 18:35:05 · answer #4 · answered by Catherine 4 · 0 0

1) Christians don't hate homosexuals. Homosexuals take a warning to turn or burn like we are the ones doing the burning. God is the judge.

2) Adam and Eve were made after God destroyed the dinosaurs.

3) The bible was written by 40 different men from 3 continents. It took 1500 years to write the bible. Every author gave credit to God. What book can make those claims but the bible?

2007-06-10 18:37:35 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Here's my answers:

1. Christians don't hate homosexuals.
2. Time is of no consequence where God exists. The 6 days to create the world is an analogy....humans wrote the bible and interpreted information through humans minds. We explain things in human terms...but I feel where God is, there is no time.
3. Partly agree....I don't think people were "inept" per se, I think again the human factor has skewed what is truly spiritual. I think there will be many aspects of God that will surprise us when we get there.

Peace, Love, and Blessings

2007-06-10 18:33:19 · answer #6 · answered by Greenwood 5 · 1 0

1) In a democratic country anyone can think and say anything they want. They can even peaceably assemble to voice their opinion. It's better to where someone stands then make them plot in secret and wear hoods. God is gender neutral so any sexual label does not apply.
2) To the best of my knowledge no sane person with or without a faith based belief system thinks clay is the basic building block of matter! I don't know about you I'm about three trillion years old like everyone I know. When one body wears out we find another. I never heard of an age limit on who our machines can date as long as they're home in bed before curfew.
3) Within the limits of their ever advancing technological knowledge the ancients accomplished amazing feats of engineering. See 7 wonders of the world
The Greeks built amazing devices using just levers and rudimentary hydrolytics. The Chinese were able to change the course of rivers and built ships that would dwarf our Aircraft Carriers.

2007-06-10 18:56:10 · answer #7 · answered by hairypotto 6 · 0 0

1. I think some do hate homosexuals, but if I were to answer that in a religious context, I would say homosexuals made their choice to be homosexual. I am sure many Christians would say that. I'm not saying that's right, the fact is we don't really know.

2. That is left up to interpretation. (religious or otherwise)

3. In a sense yes, when people lose hope they make up stuff to have a purpose. I don't need religion you see, but I think some people feel comfortable with it...and I really have no problem with that, I do have problem when they try to make it public policy or something like that..in other words intervening in my life and others.

2007-06-10 18:35:21 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

God is not a guy in the sky. He is spirit and far beyond our complete comprehension. The Hollywood version of God is just that, their interpretation.

When we say we are in His image, we are talking about the spiritual, not the physical.

Bigots are bigots and while some try to hide their bigotry behind their version of Christianity, they are still bigots first. To be Christian is not to be a bigot.

Many of us do accept evolution. The creationists are mostly American fundamentalists. While they tend to be loud, they are not representative of mainstream Christianity. I believe they are free to believe whatever they choose so long as they don’t try to interfere with the science education of our children.

Historically, those who have shaped Christianity come from many different backgrounds. God is willing to use all who are willing to put aside pride and arrogance and shape their lives according to His will.

May God bless and keep you.

2007-06-10 18:41:02 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

number 1- Christians hate homosexuals because God created Adam AND Eve. woman AND man. wife AND husband.
its not adam and adam.
you are getting the wrong part of "made in the image of God."
we are made with thinking and a soul.
that is how we are like Him.
not like animals who don't think for themselves.
we are not animals. we are a completely different being.

number 2. i believe in creationism. machines are not always accurate. and God has powers even machines or humans can't understand. you can't always believe in science. God's powers go beyond science.

number 3 - thats not true. like i said in ur last question. religion is created by God who SPEAKS THROUGH THE PEOPLE.

i know. your first thought of reading this: im crazy.
well maybe i am.
im crazy for God.

2007-06-10 18:37:56 · answer #10 · answered by hanaa 4 · 2 0

1st- no God is not homosexual- God created man in His image- man chose sin but always has the choice not to walk in it. God is righteous and holy- man can be righteous and holy through Jesus - without Jesus, man is suseptible to every kind of deception and sinful behavior

2nd- maybe man's machines need to be recalibrated- who was here 7000 years ago to be sure that the first thing they dated was dated properly? Man is imperfect, God is perfect, man's machines therefore are definitely imperfect.

3rd - yes many religions were created out of pride, desire for wealth and power, control , etc- God was not created - we can choose to worship the one true God or worship our own idolotrous image for our own purposes- either way it does not change who God is

2007-06-10 18:34:19 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

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