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I just wondered why America being a super power was not leading the world in the fight to cut greenhouse gases. I am not anti-American and I am very sure that a vast number of Americans wonder why their government doesnt do more.

2007-06-09 20:34:18 · 18 answers · asked by randyandy_uk 3 in Environment Global Warming

18 answers

That's a very good question and one that can probably only be answered for definite by someone in the Bush Administration. The rest of us can only speculate and my feeling is that Bush is singing to the tune of the large oil corporations and has his hands tied politically.

Because you're not in the US you'll have a clearer, undistorted picture of global warming. Where you are every political party agrees that global warming is a serious threat - not so in the US where global warming has become as much political as it has scientific, the result being that there are two opposing sides. If Bush were to embrace the demands of the world it would be a political climb-down and many would view this as a victory for the Democrats.

What many in the US don't realise is how damaging this obstinacy is proving to be. The US is in danger of becoming a nation unto itself, alienated from the rest of the world. The economy is already suffering because the US is finding it increasingly difficult to export 'dirty' goods. Obversely Japan and the European nations, which have adapted and now produce 'clean' goods, are seeing exports soaring to meet world demand.

Bush now accepts that global warming is a serious threat but doesn't seem inclined to address the issue, instead leaving it for someone else to deal with - perhaps because he knows his term in office is coming to an end (in the US a president can only serve two terms so no matter what, Bush will be out of office in 18 months).

2007-06-10 01:46:29 · answer #1 · answered by Trevor 7 · 1 2

With the staeof opinion regarding the US in amy countries. the US avoids any avenue for it's competing interests form having a say in our affairs. Even if it's good for the earth.

The WTO is a powerfull org, they have the power to enforce econimic law, and with that the economies of every corener of the world.

the GW issue is a solid handle which could be use dnot for just responsable management of emissions but wielded in spite, could send the US into a dpression - or worse isolate the US economically. Maybe even start wars.

Imagine us getting sanctioned - no oil for you oops gas goes to 50 bucks a gallon....

before there was no light to the end of the alternative fules problem so the US declined the Keyoto out of hand.

This has been addresses - ever so slightly - so we agree to some but not all.

FOR SURE WE CAN DO MORE - more money to alternative fuels with domestic supplys.

2007-06-09 20:48:22 · answer #2 · answered by Lyrad 3 · 2 1

Bush is the problem here and the only reason why America has not signed yet. If he did not worry so much about killing as much innocents and spending on ammunitions many things might be different.

I still hate Bush for tricking the country for a second time and become President again. That gave him more time to absorb as much as he can and destroy the ones that do not have much.

Al Gore is still my first choice for a future President, just see how much he cares about Global Warming. Bush is so corrupted. Lets talk with the truth!

2007-06-10 20:59:01 · answer #3 · answered by Manzanita 2 · 1 1

Simple Andy. The US Government is aware that most of the Global Warming phenomena is natural and very little to do with greenhouse gases. They have real Scientists. Still they could sign if it meant more votes. Did you know that the nations that signed Kyoto have NOT reduced their CO2 emissions? They were happy to just lie about it.
Lowering the amount of energy used by the amounts proposed would put many people out of work and raise the cost of living for everyone. Not as simple as you may think.

2007-06-09 20:59:01 · answer #4 · answered by Gary K 3 · 3 2

They have cars with huge engines and use a lot of petrol. The president does not want a revolt on his hands and lose the election for his party's successor. Petrol is extremely cheap in America as is all fuel oil. To green tax the Americans would mean an increase in prices for their products making export more difficult. Economics over ruling sense.

2007-06-09 21:08:14 · answer #5 · answered by ANF 7 · 2 1

America signed up to one before, and instead of their carbon emissions going down they rose by 3%. So America had to pay other countries (England) for carbon credits (when a country reaches their target and more they can see their credits). I would hazard a guess that America don't want to be embarrased like that again, and so they won't make promises they can't keep.

2007-06-10 10:37:02 · answer #6 · answered by floppity 7 · 1 0

Because George W does not want to tread on the toes of big business in the US and the short term economic cost to them would be phenomenal. A lot of companies live in the short term and don't think too far into the future. I also believe he thinks the scientific community are feeding him greatly exaggerated stories. Bear in mind he is not the most forward thinking leader the US has had in recent times.

2007-06-09 22:23:35 · answer #7 · answered by StephE 3 · 2 1

Maybe the America people are tired of paying for the rest of the world's problems. Besides America does more to clean our air and water more then any other country in the world.

2007-06-10 19:53:47 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Because all the G8 global warming policy is: a big money grab... the other countries want the US to fund their environmental projects.

Let them fund their own projects. Our government steals enough money from us already.

2007-06-09 20:51:29 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

Not convinced myself that this is just an excuse to beat the public with more restrictions and tax. The world was hotter when the Romans were here in England and I do not hear anyone accusing them of contributing to any warming. The world climate has changed over the Milena from hot to cold and this is just another phase, so get used to it.

2007-06-09 20:57:30 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

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