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the doctor recommended us to use maalox to help and calm my son down. has anyone else ever been recommended to do this as well? i find it quite odd. also, when my son vomits the color of it is brownish/ maroonish at times. i tried switching him to a soy fromula, but it seemed worse so i put him back on the emfamil gentlease. any help i would greatly appreciate :)

2007-06-09 20:11:32 · 8 answers · asked by ? 1 in Pregnancy & Parenting Parenting

8 answers

My baby had GER and was put on Zantac by our ped. I think that the color is from the formula but if you think that it has that color because of blood you need to take him to his pediatrician ASAP. The acix could irritate his trachea and do allot of damage. Don’t give him maalox the children's version of Maalox may further aggravate reflux

Here is some good info on acid reflux http://www.reflux.org/reflux/webdoc01.nsf/(vwWebPage)/AcidReflux101.htm?OpenDocument
Some advices on formula for a baby with acid reflux http://www.infantrefluxdisease.com/baby-formula-infant-reflux-gerd.php
Good luck

2007-06-09 20:56:58 · answer #1 · answered by Natalia D 5 · 0 0

There are several causes for reflux for a 2 month old infant.

First, is the formula. Try diluting the formula further. Add another ounce of water to the dilution. Infant formulas are generally cow's milk and human infants get a difficult time digesting it. Calves stand and run few hrs after birth and so their milk has a very high protein levels. Babies don't behave as such. Avoid soya formula, they are very high in estrogen levels and will cause ur son to become effeminate in the future, U might also ask ur dr to shift formula to one that contains pprotein hydrolysate. This form is easily digested and absorbed

Second, try giving him 1-2 ounces of water 1 hr before feeding his formula. This will help prime his stomach few minutes before feeding and this will facilitate the digestion. Water plays a very impt role in digestion of any type of food and milk is included.

Third, check on the size of the holes of his nipples. If they are too big, the flow of milk from his bottle will be more and this will make the baby to suck milk faster and together with it, more air. More air in his stomach will cause him to burp forcibly and oftentimes simulate reflux or regurgitation.

Fourth, DON'T EVER GIVE HIM MAALOX!!! It contains aluminum, a metal that causes alzheimer's disease. His brain is still in the process of development and early exposure to aluminum will damage his young brain.

Fifth, the colored vomitus is indicative that his throat is hurt from the persistent vomiting. It must be stopped as soon as possible and if not, await until his vomitus become colored with fresh blood.

Sixth, if all the aforementioned things were done and ur son still has the reflux, see a doctor for a possible diagnostic procedure like upper GI series or gastroscopy. He might have a congenital defect wherein the junction between his stomach and the small intestines is slightly occluded to prevent the food he takes from freely passing into the intestines...or he might have a weak sphincter between the stomach and esophagus that causes the reflux during digestion in the stomach.

Hope these tips help U.

2007-06-09 20:33:57 · answer #2 · answered by RHENE 3 · 1 0

We almost lost our 2 month old due to his reflux, he inhaled it into his lungs and stopped breathing, Our doctor has him on previcid and reglan, i would not listen to the ER doc, see his pediatrician. I am not sure about the color of his vomit but i do know that i swear by enfamil gentlease. We recently switched to Similac Sensitive which is not soy, just lactose free and it has helped alot too. Your doctor can also have a test done called a PH probe that measures how bad the reflux is and how too better treat it. It is not an easy test to have your child go through but to me it was well worth it. Sorry couldnt be too much help. I feel what you are going through. I hope all turns out good for the lil man!!!

2007-06-09 20:22:05 · answer #3 · answered by Nay Nay 3 · 0 0

Most infants have reflux. It is not uncommon up until a year old. If he is vomiting anythign other than white or clear. it is more than reflux. Call him pedi and get him into see him/her immediately. You may want to check the hospital you took the baby to, some are not even staffed with people knowledgeable to care for infants or small children. They will treat them as a small adult which they are not. Many are not even equipped to CARE for an infant except for dire life and death situations and then only to keep them alive until they can be transferred. Our local hospital is this way. We almost always go into the next town with the larger hospital. Please call his pedi, they will be FAR more able to help you than any ER doctor.

2007-06-09 20:43:36 · answer #4 · answered by Betsy 7 · 0 0

As a pharmacy tech I saw a lot of reflux in infants up to at least a year old. Most of them, like people here said, were prescribed liquid Zantac for it. If he's spitting up the brown/maroon color you described it could be blood from the acid irritating his throat, or it could be the stomach acid itself. Definitely get with his pediatrician and see what they say. Good luck!

2007-06-09 22:23:37 · answer #5 · answered by Steph 3 · 0 0

My son was a preemie and had this too. He had to be on liquid Zantac. Ask his doctor about it. Most babies get over it by 6 months. You need to keep a baby on a new formula for at least a week before trying another one. I would definately tell his doctor about the color. It should NEVER have a color to it since they do not eat food at this age yet. His throat might be raw from throwing up.

2007-06-09 20:17:18 · answer #6 · answered by Ryan's mom 7 · 0 0

My daughter had acid reflux at about 2 months..... I do not know about the maloxx... her pedi put her pepcid ... they were pills we dissovled in sm amt of water and put it in her mouth with a dropper..... after a couple of days she was a happy and content baby... before she was very cranky and spit up alot but her spit up was not what you descibed in your 2mth old... we eventually weined her of the pepcid as her digestive system matured and she was fine no effects from this at all she is almost 3( She was on the pepcid about 3 1/2 mths)
i would call her pediatricianand talk with him about the diagnosis and what ya'll were told to do and decribe the color of the spit up to him...... best of luck

2007-06-09 20:23:14 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

My son had reflux until he was almost one. Like others, he was prescribed Zantax. What worked best for us was smaller more frequent feedings and making sure he was propped up a bit. The color is concerning as he is only nursing or on the bottle. Make sure you check with your son's ped. doc as soon as you can.

2007-06-09 21:31:58 · answer #8 · answered by aka me 2 · 0 0

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