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I know in a few years I'll end up there . Give me the full uncensored details.

2007-06-09 19:08:18 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Law Enforcement & Police

21 answers

Small people are commodities bought and sold for favors. Homosexuality is rampant, rape is wide spread, fear is prevalent. Many people lose their souls and spirit in prison. Aids is readily transmitted since there are no condoms. The guards are bribed to turn a blind eye to wrong doings. You get homesick. You long for a kind word, a kind touch, a real meal. I could go on but if you are planning to spend time there you are a fool, so have fun.

2007-06-09 19:15:39 · answer #1 · answered by lcmcpa 7 · 5 1

We all as far as we know, only get one chance to make the most of our lives, some don't and die very young through no fault of their own, some live with terrible handicaps but bravely make the most of a bad situation.

However there are some that are weak and stupid and don't realize how lucky they are, there is nothing wrong with them physically, they just can't take the little knocks that life gives them, and think that the world owes them a living, so they then decide to take what isn't theirs and hurt others in the process, people like this make me sick, they are ready to throw the towel in when they so could easily change things, most of us who live in the west don't really know what real hardship is, what it is to have no water or food, but here we have someone like you asking what its like in prison before committing what could take you there, do you realise how pathetic you sound.

Snap out of it and pull yourself together!!!!

2007-06-10 03:00:38 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The only thing about doing time is..... Doing Time!!!! All of your freedom is gone and all you have to look forward to is another day filled with boredom. I'm not trying to "Lace You Up" because I don't know who you choose to represent or should i say the colors that you fly. And yes you will have to choose. Well, that or you'll just have to catch out and have them lock you up in Protective Custody.. Which I here really sucks because you never leave you hardly ever leave your cell, like Paris Hilton.

2007-06-10 02:33:37 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

unless youre built like a brick sh*t house you will become someones property, you will be sold to other prisoners for services. if you go pc you can never go back, if you dont have a drug habit you will soon, sharing dirty needles to shoot your smack, usually regergiated methodone.
Just think if you dont have hep or hiv you are in the prime sect of the population to get your very own dose of whatever you dont desire, you will have me telling you what you can and cant do, so the choice is yours now, dont have me telling you when you can get out of your cell and stay on the street and be a law abiding citizen, the guys inside wish they had the opportunity your going to screw up. wake up and smell the coffee, prison is no game and it doesnt make you cool.

2007-06-10 07:42:18 · answer #4 · answered by DA 3 · 0 0

well sorry to hear that brother, i got out last year.
I dnt know what state ur in or wat prision ur going to, so im gonna tell u this.

It's not a walk in the park ill tell u that, u need to work for yourself, u need to respect urself and build up ur respect. You need to have confidence and commit urself to the prison system to survive, u need to be a man. Stand up for the majority, dnt be a minority, no matter how big u think u are, there are bigger people in there than u...people who really know how to hurt...

u get an hour of workout time everyday, 3 meals, wake up at 6 and lights out at 11, u do random things, whatever they need u to do...mainly clean ****, clean the compound basically, like the grass, mop, wax ****, just be calm and try not to piss off the guards or the warden too much...dnt be a snitch.

just have good behaviour, but once ur with the guys its down to business. i dnt know how long ur there for, if its not too long, develop a releationship with the guards by asking how there days are going...dnt be too kind, again build up urself, build up the trust and relationship, dnt be a prick.

just work everything out and make a stand once u get there, make sure u mean business or else u better watch it when u get in the showers...it's not nice. the people in there already know each other and know the ranking system, so u gotta do something big at first so people know where u fit in...basically go for the gold, **** up something big, if someone looks at u funny knock em out, if a huge guy is starring u down ask him wtf hes starrin at and tackle him...u might be hurting, but in the long term thats the thing thatll help u..

have courage, confidence and guts..

see u on the outside.

2007-06-10 02:16:34 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

whole lot harder then jail or the streets, they play games with you, dont join a gang,dont be a prick or a snitch,stand up for yourself or youll be a b**** and dont barrow anything from anybody b/c you will have to pay them back that and then some. possession's and respect are the most important to them.just keep mostly to yourself and you will be alright!

2007-06-10 03:49:09 · answer #6 · answered by Emerald Eyes 6 · 0 0

Scary, life threatening, restricting, claustrophobic, and some hairy dude named Bubba is waiting to put a ring on your finger. Real enough for you?

2007-06-10 02:12:15 · answer #7 · answered by And My Soul Flies 3 · 0 1

i nerv caught for any issues but my college visited one prison, life is not good as if u dont have money but if u have money u will get all facilities like 5 star hotel

2007-06-10 02:12:17 · answer #8 · answered by rockers 3 · 0 1

in the movies they have a weight room and showers and no privately man change your ways befor it,s too late.i know two people that surved hard time and only died 20 days after he got out.

2007-06-10 02:12:45 · answer #9 · answered by i,m here if you need to talk. 6 · 0 1

I don't know why you are so sure, but tell you this:
try don't get there.
All depends why you gonna end up in there.
If you are in street life or some like that, than I guess you'll like it. otherwise you'll hate it.
Good luck.

2007-06-10 02:12:24 · answer #10 · answered by onlyfor7dollar 4 · 0 1

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