You have a really good point, Charlie. I think it is a reassurance thing for them.
2007-06-09 18:19:25
answer #1
answered by Amy 4
Skydaddy, I really like that! I'm going to use that the next time I pray. I might even put that into a song ... it has a rhythm to it.
But you make a good point. "Jesus Loves me" bumper stickers and all that. I think that is a lot of what is behind the need for people to continually challenge each other's faith or lack thereof. Both groups are so unsure of their belief or lack thereof that if they invest their energy in harassing the other person there is less time to spend thinking about how foolish your beliefs are and correcting yourself.
That's why I don't feel the need to convert anyone to my religion. I'll share if asked but I'm quite satisfied and confident in my beliefs and I don't rightly care who agrees with me.
Honestly I don't care to get into too deep a conversation with very many people about religion or spiritual things at all. The average person just considers it trivia and the non-believer isn't worth my time trying to convince otherwise.
So you're probably right, the "Jesus Loves Me" stuff is probably a reflection of their insecurity in their own beliefs. So is their rabid need to convert others. I'd also wonder why there are so many atheists on the religion and spirituality board since they aren't religious and most of them are not spiritual. It seems if they were confident and comfortable with their lack of faith they would be content to talk about other G-dless subjects elsewhere.
2007-06-09 18:31:13
answer #2
answered by square 4
A better question is, "What happened to YOU as a child that you can't manage to show tolerance, caring, and concern for others?" You've obviously got major issues with Christianity. . .did your daddy not love you enough when you were little, so you don't trust our Father in Heaven? Did your mom reject you, so you feel you have to reject anyone who talks about love? I think you're trying to convince yourself that God doesn't exist and doesn't love you because you're still mad at Daddy and Mommy for rejecting you. Why go around being so angry at those who are secure and happy in their faith if you don't secretly envy them? And I'll kick in a couple of bucks on the clothing fund drive if you'll buy a pair of pants to go along with the shirt for this guy.
2016-05-21 04:22:15
answer #3
answered by ? 3
Poor Charlie -- Mommy didn't even love him enough to dress him funny, and Daddy won't contribute enough to the family budget to buy the poor kid a pair of underpants. So now he blames God and everybody else for having to run around Yahoo!Answers nekkid as a jay bird.
Just hang in there kid, and stop trying to convince yourself subconsciously that we all hate you. We've already got $3.46 in the clothing fund for you. . .granted, about half of that is in drachmas and Confederate nickles, but we'll still have enough by Christmas to buy you a pair of socks.
So just tell yourself that people really do love you and that you'll have warm tootsies here in a few months, at the rate that donations are pouring in.
2007-06-09 18:25:25
answer #4
answered by Wolfeblayde 7
One immigrant when he got into America went up and down the streets saying, "I am an American." He told everyone around him that he was "an American." How many Americans take America for granted and just live here without thankfulness because they were born here. Thankfully I was born here.
How many people take God's love for granted? His love surpasses that of any human. There is no greater love than His. Why then should we not celebrate that we have a God who loves us and does not destroy us when we sin against him.
A husband has not created you; a wife has not created you; a child has not created you. There is One who has created you. Will you not share His love with everyone?
2007-06-09 18:23:54
answer #5
answered by †ServantofGod† 3
I don't say that ever! Nor do I say that God loves me; Like you verily state, it is only a fact of life! as He is Love! What else can He do? Anyway?
On the other hand, I was wondering last night about this other fact!
What would compel (I thought) people who don't want to believe in God, to be so interested in what others might have to say or even think about it???
I was just wondering!
Could you help me with this?
I thought it was an unconscious desire to be persuaded that this life isn't all there is! What do you think?
Or do you think that it is more a sort of "calling" to dissuade others from being "insane" believers? or what???
2007-06-10 05:29:25
answer #6
answered by Terisina 4
Good question... True we do not go around telling others about the people who love us enoth. Of course its always go to keep things in respect so I would say you have a good point. And its possibly true that when a person says God loves me they are trying to convince them self along with others. I think its better to express your love with actions then with words but this is the internet of course... I will express my love by giving people respect on the interent and hope people realize God loves them and me through the respect the world gives me and lets me give to others.
2007-06-09 18:21:19
answer #7
answered by magpiesmn 6
No I am not too sure how much my mother loves me. She didn't show me too well in the past. My ex husband didn't show me too well either.
Thats why I deep down know that the only one that could be left to love me the way I need to be lives in my heart. I've never see Him, or looked deep in His eyes person to person. But, God has loved me exactly the way I need Him to. It took me a long time to know what I was missing. Smack me in the forhead.. I needed a V8 to realize this..... :)
2007-06-09 18:21:50
answer #8
answered by SDC 5
Well that may be your call, but I say God Loves me and Loves you so what's up with that. Guess I'm tryin to convince that he Loves everyone and that's a fact Jack. I know he Loves me, You know he Loves you?
Ain't no sky daddy either. Try God, all that is.
God will not be mocked so don't be scared. Have some respect yo! Submit or quit!
Rev. TomCat
2007-06-09 18:22:26
answer #9
answered by Rev. TomCat 6
In my case, I would not make this kind of comment because my mother is deceased however, I have never in my 54 years of living on this earth - have ever heard anyone make this comment. Guess I can't join in this reindeer game.
2007-06-09 18:18:17
answer #10
answered by THE SINGER 7