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What is God to you? I would like creative answers IN YOUR OWN WORDS. Try to do this with more than 10 words and without quoting any religious scripture. Thanks! I think this is a good exercise is us all getting to know each other.

2007-06-09 17:05:09 · 35 answers · asked by Ashton VanHelsing 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

I'm a little disappointed at all the usage of terms from the bible. So far I'm leaning towards the first answer received. It is actually pretty close to correct :). In my opinion anyways :)

2007-06-09 17:18:15 · update #1

So far I have 7 people who have good ideas :). Celtic, It's Yuri, Bloody Kisses (for your honesty without insult), wanzanna, bodhisattva, Alina R (although I might say that maybe God needs us needing God needs us needing God........), and arr i'll kill you later all have awesome input. I do love it when people define God on their own terms. That is the only way to do it. I am going to wait for more before I make a final decision on the best answer :).

2007-06-09 17:35:43 · update #2

and there was an eighth...emagidan has done exactly what I was hoping for. A DETAILED explanation of their personal definition of God. If you cannot express something in detail with your own words, perhaps you do not truly know what you think you know :).

2007-06-09 17:39:05 · update #3

sorry, emagidson :)

2007-06-09 17:39:41 · update #4

35 answers

I will try to answer this as best I can. Thank you for a very thought provoking question. First, any label I put on God only limits him. I have come to realize I can never really understand God in this limited form. God is...I, & everything else for that matter exist within God, there is nothing else. Anything beyond that understanding is trying to humanize God & make him smaller so he can fit in a box of limited understanding. True understanding of God cannot be expressed with words, only experienced in union & communication with him. This is the quest of Mystics of all ages. You can not get an understanding of God thru the intellect, only thru revelation, & even then there will be no words you will find that will even come close, there is an event horizon so to speak. So more simply, what is God to me? My answer is that there really is nothing else.

2007-06-17 05:33:53 · answer #1 · answered by ? 5 · 0 0

God is the beauty of this earth. He is the thunder and the lightning, the fresh fallen snow, the laughter of little children. He is the amazing feeling when you look at the one you love. He is the budding trees in spring and the sunshine in summer, the colorful leaves in autumn and huge fluffy snowflakes in winter. He is all that is in creation. He is the hand that holds yours when treading a difficult path, He is the arms that hold you when you are hurting. He is the love that surrounds you from the minute you are born throughout eternity. He is the best friend you will ever have and the strictest parent you will ever know. He is the most amazing, powerful, understanding soul in creation. He is the sun that i enjoyed on the beach, He is the surf that quieted my troubles today, He is the daisies that made me smile on my walk today. He is joy, happiness, love, friendship, comfort, beauty. He is all that strive to be and know i never can be with all my failings. And i know that He will love me through it all!

2007-06-17 14:28:30 · answer #2 · answered by sara 2 · 0 0

This is a tedious task, to define what God is for me is like pouring the whole universe in the eye of a needle.
To make a long story short a definition may be appropriate:

Eternal spirit, loving father, almighty supreme being, creator and saviour.

God Bless

2007-06-17 11:24:24 · answer #3 · answered by George Y 2 · 0 0

Inside each of us there is a small voice, a voice of goodness and conscience, a voice that leads us to do the right thing, not always the easy thing.

And amazingly, each of us has that voice, and IT IS THE SAME VOICE. It comes from a common source, a wellspring of conscience and goodness.

And at the bottom of that wellspring is the creative force that makes each of us what we are. That creative force that has formed the world around us in miraculous balance and sustains life in each of us, we know not how.

But we do know WHY. To love and help each other, to bring each generation a step closer to the time when all men and women will live in harmony and peace.

that is god.

2007-06-09 17:33:28 · answer #4 · answered by emagidson 6 · 2 0

He is my surety, my bond untill the day of redemtion. My prove that he exists. When he filled me with the Holy Ghost and I spoke in tongues. I knew I had wasted all those years trying to be a Chriatian untill that moment. Afterwards the Bible was so simple. What people struggle to understand for a life time is so simple a child could understand. I now can see the other world. The spirit world that exists all around us. I know when demons are near-he shows me. I know when danger is near-he leads me away. I've learned what true love is and don't believe I can ever attain it. Because he expects perfection. I fail and sin, over and over. And I can't believe he forgives me over and over, filling me again and again. Restoring that clean feeling again and giving me justification. But then I understood. I won't be perfect as long as I have this body. But in him I am perfect. He holds the world and everything in it. Because I'm his son (by the spirit) I can sometimes change his mind thru prayer and fasting. When someone is dieing or something is dieing. Sometimes he will change his mind for me and give me the desires of my heart. He gives me peace like nothing else can give. A good Valium can not even come close to the feeling of peace after having been slain in the spirit and talking in tongues. He softened my heart to mankind. I can go to an altar and cry and snot like a baby for someone else's cause. I also know the end is near. U.S. soldiers are in Babylon. He tells me this. What others have no explanation for and cannot understand. I understand fully. He is all that matters in my life. If I have him. I have everything. If I die without him. My life was a waste of time. I've seen his miracles. I've felt his power. He is real!! I'm so sorry for the people who say he doesn't exist. Sorry yes for thier fate, but more sorry for them not knowing the feeling of being filled with the Holy Ghost. The power, from the top of your head to the bottom of your feet. The rushing power controlling your body and your tongue. No drug on earth can match his high. What is God to me?? Everything! Life and the breath I have. He could snuff me like a candle. In all his awesome power. He who created heaven and earth. Took time to love me and reside in me. I can't believe it. While all these people ponder if he is real. He lives in this puny, underserving body. What did I do to warrant such love? Nothing. I can never repay him. But I'm going to do the best I can. While this world falls apart I'll stick with him. He is the only religion that has given me anything. A REAL GOD. That I will spend eternity with after this short life.

2007-06-17 00:17:08 · answer #5 · answered by Ham Shank 2 · 0 1

Absolutely!!! It was once whatever extra formal, but I used to speak to Him anything the intent and since I saved ahead to my possess ambition and wants, whilst He gave me avertisements I stored none and did my approach going into increasingly trubles! Into an finish, inside a deep depresion, He stored my lifestyles (!!!) the very moment I left away of all my deep wants... There, empty center, I was once stuffed with God's Light and Peace and Love - a entire New LIFE, a brand new frame, a New Vision over the beyond and the longer term :) :) :) Yes, He is my Saviour!!!

2016-09-05 10:49:41 · answer #6 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

In my perception (eclectic wiccan path), "God", or "The Gods", is more of a metaphor. The higher spiritual essence is just that, not some hybrid man-spirit that has a human consience. I don't feel that the higher power(s) have any personality as we could percieve-- just as an ant has no understanding of the human conscience, we as humans can't even begin to understand how the higer powers function or exist.

2007-06-16 17:14:05 · answer #7 · answered by Lazerus JPA 3 · 0 0

I think he's a fiery tail made up by an old that was very very high at the time and has mutated in to the different religions over time (no offense to any religious people)

2007-06-09 17:12:13 · answer #8 · answered by cthulhu will raise 5 · 0 0

He is everything to me, my best friend, my Daddy, my Saviour. He is the only One who has known me since the beginning, and knows every detail of my life before it happens. He is Light in the darkness, leading me on the path I should take. He is Love, love like no other. He is forgiveness, accepting me for who I am despite my faults. He is strength, when I feel weak He gives me the stength to go on. He is my Rock, no matter what, I can always turn to Him and He will always be there to welcome me with open arms and be my shoulder to cry on. He is precious to me, more precious than the finest jewels, The most precious gift ever given to me and to you should you choose to acknowledge Him!

2007-06-17 04:25:22 · answer #9 · answered by cleopatra 1 · 0 0

When you take God from your own imagination, or what you would like Him to be to you, you are breaking the commandment, Thou shalt not have before thee any graven image
You are making up your own God, and that isn't who God is. God is in the Holy Bible, and it tells who He is. The more you read it, the more you will know Him.

2007-06-17 09:55:24 · answer #10 · answered by byHisgrace 7 · 0 0

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