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18 answers

A personal relationship with God is talking to God all the time everyday just like you would to your best friend. He talks back through His word (the Bible) and sometimes through things others say. He isn't a person in the sense that He's visibly beside you....But Jesus was on earth 100% God and 100% human at the same time so He knows what we go through. Does that help?

2007-06-09 17:06:31 · answer #1 · answered by Jan P 6 · 3 1

No God is not a person. This is just religious nonsense.

A close personal relationship with God is a relationship where God and you have a running dialog that assists you whenever you ask.

I know, I thought is was a lie too, till I found out some people actually do this.

There is a book called the course in miracles that is designed to facilitate just such a connection.

Try it, it works.

love and blessings Don

2007-06-10 21:49:13 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

If you will study the History of Civilization on this planet you will learn, that for thousands of years God was always considered to be a woman called Goddess. Somewhere around the time that Judaism got its start, God was changed into a man by religion. They have the power to change God into anything that they want. If you want a personal relationship with God, do what your heart tells you. Avoid the rules in religious dogma because so many different religions each one claims that they are right and all the others are wrong.

2007-06-09 23:58:01 · answer #3 · answered by liberty11235 6 · 1 2

By personal, you ask is God a person.
I meet very few women with your logical thinking.
Not that there aren't many here on Y/A.
I think the personal relationship means a spiritual connection.

Have you ever had that experience when you think you may have done something wrong and felt guilty?

Have you ever felt that experience when you know you should do something for your benefit and you don't, and you regret not doing what you knew you should?

That is wisdom. Is it ethereal?

Could that be the spiritual connection?

2007-06-10 00:11:42 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

God is alive and fully able to communicate with us. No, he is not a person in the same sense that we are people...but our spirit is made in the image of His spirit. It is that, that allows us to communicate with Him and He with us.

A personal relationship is where you can and probably will talk to Him every day....not in some fancy prayer form...but just a comment now and then. It will be trusting Him to hear your deepest secrets that you could tell no one else. It is counting on Him to keep his hand firmly on your shoulder as you make your way through a difficult situation. It is listening for his voice....his advice..his guidance. Yes, I know this sounds kind of weird, but I can assure you, this is what it can be like. You will get to know him...not the God you were taught to believe in...but the God he is. Did you know that he has a sense of humor? Well, he does. It is a bit dry and has a touch of irony about it...but it is there never the less. Some days I can actually hear him laughing...in a quiet sort of way. Am I nuts? Perhaps. But if I am, I never want to be sane again. He is my best friend, my confidant, my guide, my comforter and it is He who makes me who I am. I love him more than I can say.

2007-06-09 23:54:43 · answer #5 · answered by Poohcat1 7 · 0 1

The word " person " is extracted from the word " personality " and is used to describe a uniqueness or quality of an individual. In our Fathers case it is love and truth........ Anything that is alive has God in it, nothing can exist without him ; he is life so look around you he is every where and you need to believe he is. That is a good start but if your lookin for that eye opener read yahoo 360 blog robert m. The 1st page.

2007-06-10 00:17:59 · answer #6 · answered by macleodg7 2 · 0 0

God is not a person.

A personal relationship with God is between you and him. It is personal. It is the only relationship of its kind b/c you are the only you.

A personal relationship with God includes talking and walking with him. Getting to know his heart so that through the holy spirit b/c of Jesus and in his name are you able to have the option to take part in this relationship or not.

A personal relationship with God is your choice b/c of free will. God doesn't want your worship nor your praise out of obligation. He wants you to read the Bible, praise him and go to church b/c you want to.

A personal relationship with God means you have him on your side so who could be against you? You don't owe him anything. You don't have to be perfect, just progress.

I hope this helps and blesses you

God Bless

2007-06-10 00:01:38 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

no God is not a person. God is a spirit. a personal relationship with God is in reference to a spiritual need that only God can fulfill not man.

2007-06-09 23:54:14 · answer #8 · answered by eddieteston 2 · 0 1

Jesus is God in the flesh. When you repent and believe you are born again. Once you are born again the Holy Spirit comes and lives in you. The Holy Spirit is God. There is one God in 3 persons(or forms) Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We are to read and act on what we read in the bible. If you are in a true personal relationship with someone you love them. In order to so love you do what that person wants you to do. So to love Jesus is to do the will of the Father. Pray and get to know Him better. Jesus set an example how to live in the new testament. If you would like to have prayer or have other questions go to our site at http://www.needanewstart.com

2007-06-09 23:56:56 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

We should include God in our daily lives the same way we would any other member of our family, only a much more important one! We should pray to Him, read His word, and meditate on verses in an effort to get to know Him better and be able to do His will. We should pray for wisdom, which is the most valuable asset we could ever have. We should take our requests to Him, asking in Jesus' name. Jesus said, “You didn't choose me. I chose you. I appointed you to go and produce fruit that will last, so that the Father will give you whatever you ask for, using my name” (John 15:16). Jesus is the one who loves us enough to give His life for us, and He is the one who bridged the gap between us and God. And God is the one who sent Jesus to do it; they are one in the same, and both deserve all of our honor, praise, and worship.
This personal relationship with Jesus that you are seeking is not as hard to find as you think; and there is no mysterious formula for getting it. As soon as we become children of God, we receive the Holy Spirit, who will begin work on our hearts. We should pray without ceasing, read the Bible, and join a Bible-believing church; all these things will grow us spiritually. Trusting in God to get you through each day, and believing that He is your sustainer is the way to have a relationship with Him. Although you may not see changes immediately, you will begin to see them over time, and all the truths will become more clear.

Recommended Resource: Seeking the Face of God: The Path to a More Intimate Relationship with Him by Gary Thomas.

2007-06-09 23:52:32 · answer #10 · answered by Freedom 7 · 0 3

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