I say yes and no. The bible says where two or more are gathered in his name, he is there. In saying that no you do not have to go to church to truly worship God. What you do need is one more person to worship with. The things you are doing are great, and I think that God would understand if you needed to do that sometimes. God knows what is truly in your heart. If you are seriously praising him, thinking only of him, and have him in your heart then he knows.
Some of the things you should consider are....Are your children(if you have any) learning about God and Jesus? Are you taking communion? Who are you praying, singing, and learning with? Are you growing spiritually by staying home and not socializing with other Christians? Is the man on T.V. able to answer any questions you might have?
2007-06-09 16:50:01
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
No one who worships God is wrong. But somehow I think the fellowship of other believers is valuable. Jesus said where there are 2 or 3 gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them. I know there was a time in my life when I felt I just didn't get any fellowship at church and stayed home and did the tv thing. But while I could worship the Lord, I really didn't feel like I was serving Him in the way I should. I finally found a Bible believing church and have volunteered for many opportunities within the church in which I can use my God-given talents for His glory. I hope God will lead you to a church where you may join in and serve Him with your time and talents. Keep up your reading and whorshiping and pray that He will lead you in this direction.
2007-06-09 16:44:11
answer #2
answered by conni 6
Religion doesn't want you to know that during biblical times, there were no churches. People gathered in each others homes and worshiped. That's why many believe that the part of the bible that says that the followers must financially support the church was added in by the priests who translated the King James Version of the Bible. There were no churches back then. God doesn't care where and how people worship, it's the religions who pass around a collection basket who do care.
2007-06-09 16:40:50
answer #3
answered by liberty11235 6
Not at all, the Bible says when two or more are gathered together in Jesus' name, he is in their midst. In other words, you can just have a couple of friends around a pray and it will be no different a worship then those prayers in church. A good church is good for all christians to grow spiritually, but you should depend solely on it for spiritual growth, you must have an intimate relationship with Christ, meditate on the Word, and pray .
2007-06-09 16:36:08
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
If you have a personal relationship with God...everything you do is worship. Your job, your family duties, the way you handle your money, the way you treat people...it is all because of your relationship with God. And lets not forget those little chats you might have with Him throughout the day. I can assure you, He loves them...and you.
Being part of a church group can sometimes be helpful so you can have fellowship with people who believe as you do, but it is not a necessity.( in my opinion) If you do decide to go to one of the larger churches in your area..perhaps you can find a small group class of some kind. It will be easier to make friends and get to know the individuals. That might make you more comfortable. Talk to God...ask Him. He will lead you.
2007-06-09 16:38:21
answer #5
answered by Poohcat1 7
Say hello to NC for me. I was raised there, but am now in TX. Personally I think it helps to be around others of the same faith. It strengthens me and it is easier to help each other out in times of need (temporaly and spiritually). I had a lot of trouble finding a church that believed what I saw in the Bible. So many translations of the same scripture. I found the answers I was looking for at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Never did the pieces fit until I researched it. I no longer have those type of questions anymore. Best of luck to you.
2007-06-09 16:47:01
answer #6
answered by BigOnDrums 3
Worship is not just singing songs to our Lord. Honestly, it is how you show God how much He means to you. By living out your life for Him, telling others about Him, etc. You do not have to go to church to worship Him. Worshipping Him is done outside of the church as well as inside.
HOWEVER, Jesus had disciples because He needed fellow believers to fellowship with Him. He could not have done His ministry without them. They prayed with Him, He taught them, they poured their lives into each other. This is what church is for- to fellowship with other believers. If you can find other believers who would be willing to meet once a week in your home and/or theirs, you could fellowship with them that way. Worship together, learn together, teach each other, pour your lives into each other.
I live in the Bible belt as well- (Tennessee). And I went to a very large Baptist church for 8 years (from 5th grade to 12th grade). My church had a wonderful pastor who believed that our church had powerful believers and He personally tried to meet every one of our 10,000+ members. However, recently, after a political debate within our church body, our pastor left, and so did my family. But my point is that some large churches do have a sense of community within it's huge numbers. If you get involved with the children's ministry, you definitely can meet lots of new people, as well. It will help to get more involved in a church.
We recently joined a nondenominational church, and it is absolutely wonderful!!! I don't know what denomination you are, but I would recommend searching for a smaller nondenominational church in your area if you don't feel like getting involved with a large church just yet.
I hope this helps!!! I'll be praying that you find a wonderful church home!!!
2007-06-09 16:44:03
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Fellowship with God can happen ANYWHERE. In fact, Jesus did not go to church to talk with God. But, I think a church home is important because it provides fellowship with other Christian believers. It is a place to be amongst other believers, to increase your knowledge about the bible and Christ, and to grow. So, both of you are partially correct.
2007-06-09 16:36:10
answer #8
answered by TwinkaTee 6
Catholics are required to attend Mass every Sunday because only at Mass does Jesus Christ become truly present for us on the altar, and that supernatural event cannot be duplicated in any other way.
So if you're not Catholic, it probably doesn't matter nearly as much.
The big question is, why wait until Judgment Day to meet Jesus, when if you were Catholic, you could get together with him every single day?
2007-06-09 17:55:49
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
you are 100% rite! I know how you feel I love Joel olsteen and how can you go to some half backed church to get the quality that, Joel gives me, no one can! He bosts me up and I feel more conected to god watching him that is the point! God knows you have offerd your self to him and know you are doing the best for you and your family, I feel closed minded people will have to answer to a god in the long run for discrimation god dose not make a perfect man nor dose he want us to be. Dont throw stones! I am sure your mom isnt perfect? will that mean she will go to hell?
2007-06-09 16:39:01
answer #10
answered by Katie 3