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I took my small dog to the vet today intending to just get a rabies shot. By the time i came out he had gotten 4 shots, stool tested, and heartworm test (blood drawn). Was all that really necessary? My bill was $189. Needless to say, my dog is in ALOT of pain right now.

2007-06-09 14:47:46 · 22 answers · asked by Vintheland 2 in Pets Dogs

22 answers

Dogs need more than just a rabies shot. He should be tested yearly for heartworms and intestinal parasites. He should recieve whatever vaccines are needed depending on what his lifestyle is and what his exposure is. Your dog should not be in a LOT of pain from any of this. A little soreness from the vaccines is possible. As for your first question, I think there are some vets that do things to make money, just like some doctors, dentists, lawyers, car mechanics, etc.
There are creeps in every profession. But, it sounds like your vet was just recommending the basics of good dog care and you did NOT have to have them done if you didn't want to today. PEOPLE--SPEAK UP! If you can't afford something, then tell the technician and the vet as soon as they walk in the room!!!! And ask for a written estimate!!! Most vets will be very understanding and you can always spread the tests and shots out over a few weeks or months.

2007-06-09 14:58:53 · answer #1 · answered by KimbeeJ 7 · 3 1

We do not do more than is necessary, and at the end of the day, YOU are the dog's owner and the one responsible for deciding whether or not to do those additional things. There are basic rules we have, such as they must have a doctor's exam at least once a year before we'll give shots and must see the doctor, not the technician, if sick. We may make you sign a waiver if you choose not to heartworm test. We do not hold a gun to your head or do these tests without your consent. We are more than happy to give an estimate if you ask. If this vet did all that without discussing it with you, then I would find somewhere else to take your dog.

2007-06-09 19:25:12 · answer #2 · answered by lizzy 6 · 0 0

If you took your dog in to just get a rabies shot, you were neglecting the other things your dog needs every year. Besides rabies, you should be getting a distemper shot, possibly a bordatella, a fecal and definitely a heartworm test, not to mention heartworm preventative. Your dog is suseptible to internal and external parasites, some of which can kill, most of which are very uncomfortable to have. If you think your dog is in pain now, you should see him after he is injected with arsenic to kill the heartworm in his heart. Talk to your vet about why these things are necessary to the health of your dog.

2007-06-10 01:26:34 · answer #3 · answered by anne b 7 · 0 1

Depends on the vet you go to.
I am a vet tech in australia. The vets and nurses i work with have an understanding that we do not believe in overservicing our clients and therefor when we say that their dog/cat/bird/ etc needs something done then it is absolutely necessary. I have seen surgeries where every vaccinated animal goes home with flea product shampoo a brush and other unnecessary items. We don't do that!
We do not charge for nail clips , ear cleans, teeth checks and other little items when we do them as a single visit or during a consult or during surgery.
We always consult with the client before running any tests and tell hem the price and they have the ultimate decision. I work in a high socially economic area and clients have LOTS of money but it doesn't men we should rip them off!

2007-06-09 15:01:50 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

I have to agree with freedom. we dont booster any of our dogs after puppyhood but I had to take my brood of 10 in for rabies shots and out they came with a needle to take blood, when I asked what they where doing they said they where checking for heartworms I said ok fine but im not paying for it because all of my dogs are on preventative. I guess they calculated the amount they would be loosing because none of my dogs where tested. We dont go to the vet unless its a life or death situation or we just dont know the reason for something and cant find it out from someone we know.

2007-06-09 16:04:21 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I would guess that it was necessary, if you want your dog to stay healthy. The shots were for things like parvo, distemper, hepatitis, and leptospirosis, all of which are very common and can KILL your puppy, as can heartworms and intestinal worms, which is why the vet checked his stool. Be thankful your vet is thorough, and follow up with the rest of his shots. Most vets have "puppy packages" which includes all of their initial shots including their follow-up boosters, as well as the other items you mentioned--are you sure that you didn't get a whole package? Your pup may not feel good tonight, but he'll be back to his old self tomorrow. Try doing a web search for puppy vaccines or shots and read up on what your puppy needs, and why. Good luck with him.

2007-06-09 15:09:25 · answer #6 · answered by kk 4 · 2 1

I unquestionably have had various older pets that have undergone surgical treatment. it incredibly isn't any longer something to take gently for confident. I weigh the hazards and advantages of the surgical treatment. If the surgical treatment will make larger my canines's high quality of life and reduces the possibility of discomfort, i'm involved by it. I additionally look on the anesthetic hazards, which in a ingenious vet prepare is definitely minimum. of direction there is the financial section too. i'd desire to have the potential to arise with the money for the technique. right this moment, I took my 14 300 and sixty 5 days old springer in for a dental prophy, 3 dental extractions (surgical), a small lump elimination, and ear flush. We did blood paintings and placed an IV catheter. The surgeon did an examination and evaluated her situation. She became under a commonly used anesthetic for one million one million/2 hours. She awakened without issues. this nighttime she is chewing on her well-liked toy and working around as though no longer something has befell. I wish that i'd desire to be as discomfort unfastened and happy when I unquestionably have had dental paintings carried out. final week, we bumped off a brilliant belly tumor from an 11 300 and sixty 5 days old English bulldog. The tumor weighed 2 pounds 12 oz. returned this canines awakened doing super. We did a recheck examination on her right this moment. The proprietors are so happy that she is now no longer dragging that extensive tumor around. They needed they had carried out it faster yet they have been petrified of her age and her potential to shelter the anesthesia.

2016-10-07 05:03:50 · answer #7 · answered by schenecker 4 · 0 0

well, your dog may be acting out a bit, but it probably is not in pain. We tend to react to our dogs as if they were people, but honestly dog's skin is much thinner and they don't really feel needles as much as we do.

the stool test and heartworm test are very important, as is ongoing heartworm prevention. And so are regular vaccines. If you don't want the vaccines the alternative is to have your dog tested for antibodies to diseases, which requires another blood test...and if it's a fairly young dog it's probably going to need the vaccinations anyway.

as to doing things to raise your bill...think of it this way...you go to the vet and they have a limited amount of time to figure out what;s wrong with your dog. Sometimes that means they'll do tests and get negative results. But honestly i think they do the best they can to keep dogs healthy and figure out problems. Give them a break.

2007-06-09 14:54:28 · answer #8 · answered by blk_sheep_fl 4 · 2 1

Vets treat everyone like push overs and DO take advantage of people in many cases. Did you ASK for the shots? If they gave my dog shots I did not ask for I would sue them. I am very anti vaccine anyway and aside from rabies there are no laws for the other un necessary and dangerous vaccines.
You need to remember when you go to the vet that they work for YOU.. They are supposed to do what you want and can certainly offer advice on things you might want to consider doing but at the end of the day it is your dog and your decision. I know exactly what I want done when I go and I refuse all other BS they try to make you feel guilty about if you do not take their advice. Routine routine BS. If I went to the vet for a rabies vaccine I can tell you I would have walked out with only that.
Be strong and just say no unless you want something done. If I go to the Dr. because I have a sore throat, he doesn't tell me I need a physical and blood test and urine samples.. He checks my throat and off I go.
The vet is a business. They are there to make money, they are there to sell you their products and drugs and un necessary vaccines and any test they can talk you into because they are not there as a hobby, they are there to make money.
I will tell you that everytime I in the vets office I see some stupid tech at the counter talking older people who are likely living off of social security to buy crapinabag Science Diet and to stock up on flea and tick meds and Ohhh your vaccines are due in 2 months do you want to just take care of that today and on and on and on and I see the looks on these peoples faces. The guilt instilled into them by these bullies and they feel like they have to do every damn thing that is suggested.
The more you go to the vet, the more you HAVE to go to the vet. Stay away from there unless you have a need to go.
We never go to the vet just for the hell of it or for yearly check ups. It's a scam in my opinion. The vets in my area listen to my dogs heart, look up their nose and in their ears and eyes and charge me 140 bucks... I can do all that stuff at home for free and I know better then anyone if my dog is sick or not.
LOL... You got me started! I can't stand most vets and really can not stand most techs who think they know it all and pass out terrible information.

For all the mis informed people talking about the BS need for vaccines.. Do your research. They have been proven to last 7 years (end of study)and thought to last for life. Your dog does not need any vaccines beyond puppy hood. The rest of them are just putting un necessary antigens into your dog and risking adverse reaction which can be life altering and life threatening. You can NOT add immunity to an already immune system. It is not immunologically possible. SO it does not matter how many cases of parvo are in your area. If your dog is immune, he is immune and you can not make him 'more' immune. There is no such thing as a booster in reality when it comes to core vaccines that already last for life!

2007-06-09 15:28:29 · answer #9 · answered by Freedom 6 · 1 1

"Most" Vets are fantastic and will give/recommend general health cover for your pet.
I have an example of a wonderful vet giving treatment.
My previous dog Leah had bowel cancer and even tho I had insurance my vet charged me only what it cost him for medication- consultations he charged me nothing. Leah passed away and we brought home Storm from the shelter. When Storm came home she had an infection where she had been spayed, she had an ear infection AND she had a near continuous reverse sneeze. My vet booked her in for surgery, cleared out the infection on her bellie and ear, got the scope down her nose and removed an old blade of grass.

All my vet charged me for was the anaesthetic and the lab work on the x 2 infections. When the lab work came back from what the infections were he prescribed the correct medication to clear them up totally. He charged me at cost for medications.

Now here I feel I have a vet who totally is in it for the animals - He is fantastic.

2007-06-09 15:09:30 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

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