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i pray every night but it seems like GOD is not hearing me. I pray every night that I will wake up without having to take insulin & medicine, and my diabetes is gone. But every morning I am disappointed. Should I keep praying or just stop?

2007-06-09 14:36:32 · 41 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

41 answers

No. Give up and just keep taking the meds.

Edit: Whoa, 9 thumbs down. I suppose if I sift through all those other answers I'll find 9 instances of people being cured of diabetes by prayer alone. Fan double damn tastic. And I suppose that that Dr Young referred to a few answers down *thinks* he's god? The question wasn't about medical intervention, right? it was about prayer, right?

2007-06-09 14:39:11 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 4 10

Sometimes GOD says "yes" sometimes GOD says, "no" and sometimes GOD says "Not yet". You should never quit praying to God. EVER! That would just show GOD that you never really believed anyway.

I am sure you don't like being on insulin but did you ever think maybe there is a reason for you being on it? You have to go to the doctors office and labs and things like that for check ups and blood test and the pharmacy for your meds. Right? Did you ever think maybe GOD wants you in one of those places so you can be a witness FOR HIM? Maybe there is someone that is desperately seeking an answer and you will be the one to give it and you may never know it. I used to pray that I would wake up and not have to wear glasses again, but it is amazing the people I have met over the years that I have had the chance to talk to that I wouldn't have met if I hadn't been having my eyes checked or buying glasses or something like that. Whatever you think the devil is putting in your way let GOD turn it around for your good. Maybe you should ask HIM what or who it is you are supposed to talk to. What you are supposed to do. Ask HIM to show you what it is HE wants, not what you want. NEVER stop praying. That only leads to disaster. Change your prayer. Ask GOD for HIS will to be done and never be disappointed in the gift that GOD gives you. It just tells HIM what HE does for you isn't good enough.

2007-06-09 14:54:41 · answer #2 · answered by VetSupporter 4 · 0 0

Diabetes is caused by your body (genetic or weight factors usually)
It was not given to you by any supernatural force, so it cannot be cured in this way. Praying to God will not take it away any more that someone born without legs can have God make their legs spontaneously regrow through prayer
Belief can help you be positive, but you are better to accept what you have and manage it through medicine.
If you belive that your prayers help you, pray that you will come to accept how you are, rather than praying to change what is part of you.

2007-06-09 14:57:22 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

God hears you. God hears your cries, our whispers, your pleas spoken and those within your own mind.
You have a couple things backwards though.

First, for whatever reason you are burdened with these trials of health, lean not on your own understanding. It is within His plan that maybe there are things to be learned from your illness. Compassion for others and gratitude for the health that you do have are two to start.

Secondly, stop asking God for what you don't want. We all say "God, make it go away." Try asking God for what you do want. Give thanks to Him for it even. Say "God, Thank you for my health." and see yourself as being healthy and strong. Show him you are grateful for all that He has given you. There are parts of you that work, eyes that see, hands that can type, ears to hear hopefully?, so much of you that DOES work.

Diabetes sucks. I have it, my dad and my brother too. But it isn't the worst thing. Look around you and see how much more difficult other people's troubles are. Appreciate what you DO have.

For whatever reason, God lets you struggle with this burden. Be grateful He gave you doctors and a way to get the medicine to help you. Learn from it. Whether He heals you or not, you will be okay.

You can deal with this. Stop focusing on it and live your life. None of us knows when the end of this life will come and the beginning of the next so enjoy your life regardless of the circumstances.

2007-06-10 00:52:50 · answer #4 · answered by Gypsianna P 4 · 0 0

ignore what those other people said. of course you should always pray because God does hear your prayers. Even if your prayers aren't answered right away, that doesn't mean that he doesn't hear you. read these lyrics to this Garth Brooks song, maybe they will help.

"Just the other night a hometown football game
My wife and I ran into my old high school flame
And as I introduced them the past came back to me
And I couldnt help but think of the way things used to be.

She was the one that Id wanted for all times
And each night Id spend prayin that God would make her mine
And if hed only grant me this wish I wished back then
Id never ask for anything again.

Sometimes I thank God for unanswered prayers
Remember when youre talkin to the man upstairs
That just because he doesnt answer doesnt mean he dont care
Some of gods greatest gifts are unanswered prayers.

She wasnt quite the angel that I remembered in my dreams
And I could tell that time had changed me
Inn her eyes too it seemed
We tried to talk about the old days
There wasnt much we could recall
I guess the lord knows what hes doin after all.

And as she walked away and I looked at my wife
And then and there I thankedd the good lord
For the gifts in my life.

Some of gods greatest gifts are all too often unanswered...
Some of gods greatest gifts are unanswered prayers"

2007-06-09 14:45:04 · answer #5 · answered by =) smile24-7 (= 4 · 0 0

Definitely keep praying for God to heal your ailments. Everything He puts you through is to test your faith in Him and if you give up now, what is that telling Him? He knows you're hurting and tired of being sick. But remember that God has a purpose for all of us and yours may be to find a better way to deal with your sickness other than taking these drugs, or maybe, you'll invent something that takes away the pain...anything is possible. I say, be patient with the Lord. He hears all, knows all, and sees all. And you know what, I'll pray for you as well! Take care and best wishes.

2007-06-10 14:40:23 · answer #6 · answered by monicastocker74 3 · 0 0

I wish i could help you beleive that He is listening to you! I can only tell you that i know that He is, for what that is worth. My mom has Diabetes, and after years of trying to figure out why God would 'curse' her with this, the conclusion that i've come to is that He didn't give it to her to hurt her, but to help her. Sound complicated or stupid? This was my thought process: I was raised to beleive that God is a very loving Father, who will never hurt us, but only do things to help us. Knowing this, i had to go into the realm of 'trials make you stronger'. I asked my mom if having diabetes had helped her in any way. she told me that without them, she would not have had a relationship with God, and that having them made her more aware of Him, and she prayed much more often. she learned that maybe she wasn't praying for the right things..after all, God generally won't pop down and answer a question that we don't ask. She started to pray that since God had made her with this disease, that she could better cope with it, and learn her body well enough that she could take care of it better. She is 64 years old now, and if i didn't know any better, i would swear that she was 30. she looks young as well as acts young. she is out in the garden every day lifting rocks, and weeding and mowing and doing any job that is possible to do. she has never taken insulin or any medication in my 18 years as her daughter; she learned her body well enough, and learned control so much that she never has need. I think you should continue to pray. everyone has trials, but they are not always a bad thing.

2007-06-09 14:47:37 · answer #7 · answered by Mimosa 1 · 1 0

God is sovereign. I am sorry for your troubles, but for whatever reason, and there is one, God is choosing for you to remain as you are.

God is God of all. He is the creator of heaven and earth. He is the author of life. He answers many prayers. He is omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent. Yet, why won't He heal me?

Who said He had to? Why can't He work in my life just the way I am? Joni Ericson Tada is bound to a wheelchair paralyzed from the neck, down. Yet, she has a thriving ministry. God is using her.

Wouldn't it be easy to use only the healthy and fit? Yet, God can also use the sick or lame - often more powerfully because they know that they can only rely on God for their strength.

Can God heal you? Yes. Will He heal you? Maybe not yet. What if not ever? That does not mean you are not being heard. Even the apostle Paul prayed for God to remove something from him, but God would not - and that was for a reason.

Jesus was asked to quiet a storm once - the disciples were all in a panic as Jesus slept through the storm. Jesus had mercy on them and quieted the storm, but told them they had little faith. They didn't catch on that Jesus was able to sleep through the storm, knowing that they would make it through. So, if they had faith in Jesus, they would have been able to ride out the storm.

As one song says, "Sometimes He calms the storm and other times He calms His child."

2007-06-09 15:05:01 · answer #8 · answered by TroothBTold 5 · 0 0

KEEP PRAYING. HAVE FAITH. Have you watched the movie Facing the Giants? If not I highly recommend it for you. Watch it ASAP!!! Prepare for rain. (My Grandma who lives like 4 hrs from me has degenerative disk disease and I pray for her complete healing every night and every time I think about her. She is in her late 80's or so. There have been many healings in my family. Go somewhere where you can get together with other believers and pray about it together - 2 Chronicles 7:14 Then if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land. NLT) Isn't that powerful? wow AWESOME!!! Just think what America would be like if we did that!!! The gas problem would be solved, the illnesses, crime rates. EVERYTHING!!! It's that easy!!! Sorry I got a little off track, but seriously!!! Keeps Praying!!! Lots of Love!!!

2007-06-09 14:50:07 · answer #9 · answered by *Blackfoot_Princess* 2 · 1 0

The loving help of eYshua might be a bit more complex than we realize. If we are responsible in some way for our own reality then the help we seek is understanding of how things work. Therefore eYshua does not control our individual reality but teaches us how to do it. Much like a parent might teach a child to drive a car. In an emergency the parent may grab the wheel to prevent disaster but for the most part the child must learn to drive independently. Also occasionally accidents happen. While we choose to believe our reality is under complete divine control we may end up in the ditch from time to time because of our own mistakes

2007-06-09 14:48:33 · answer #10 · answered by Bullfrog21 6 · 0 0

God does not work this way...

Even if our prayers seem to go unanswered, this does not mean that God did not hear them.
prayers must meet certain requirements if they are to be acceptable to God. First, they must be directed exclusively to God—not to Jesus, to a "saint," or to an idol. (Exodus 20:4, 5) Prayers must also be offered in the name of God's Son, Jesus Christ. (John 14:6)

Read the two links on Prayers That ARe Heard by God &
How To Pray:

2007-06-09 14:46:19 · answer #11 · answered by ? 6 · 1 0

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