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This is really troublesome. I'm going through a severe depression, and I also have symptoms of Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder. I keep obsessing about my own death, and getting very very sad about it. It's insane. I will think about it in vivid detail for a very long time before I even realize what I have been doing.

I think that I feel like all I've done in life has been all for nothing, and so in the sense, I feel like I've died. And the sadness of all that I was, now being nothing, is like the sadness of if I had died. Does that make sense? How can I stop this?

2007-06-09 14:02:02 · 16 answers · asked by Heron By The Sea 7 in Health Mental Health

16 answers

Simple masterbaition always changes ur mind. Or you could watch a movie that always help.

2007-06-09 14:06:33 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 5

Perhaps you have been obsessing about your own death not because it is imminant, but because you feel a need to decide what you believe about what happens next. It's a problem almost anyone can have, even the very young and healthy.

But to suggest that all you have done in life is for nothing is to suggest that preparation, education, learning, getting started, all count for nothing. You know that is not the case. If you feel that you have not yet accomplished very much, remember that many important successes start with a great deal of preparation and background work.

As I recall, you recently graduated from a vigorous academic program. So perhaps what you are really feeling is the hollow space between that and some real career breakthrough. But remember that people must constantly re-evaluate themselves, redefine themselves, and move on. None of the experiences of the past are really lost, but they may not fit into your future the way you expected them to when you started. That's OK, too.

It may be time to talk to a doctor, whether to get a prescription for anti-depressants or just to reassure yourself that you are indeed healthy and can expect to live a good long while yet.

Then if you feel you don't have a goal in life, make finding such a goal your purpose. Talk to the mentors you respected while you were a student, and see if they can't help you map out a project to get you back on track.

Off the wall idea: perhaps you are obsessing about death right now because you have something important to write on the subject, or perhaps you are destined to become a grief counselor, or otherwise develop a career around an understanding of death and dying. I imagine Elizabeth Kubler-Ross had some dark times getting started, too.

Good luck. Keep in touch with your friends in Yahoo, and don't despair.

2007-06-09 19:11:36 · answer #2 · answered by auntb93 7 · 0 0

Hey there.

You know it's not your fault, right? I don't know anything about your situation, but the type of depression I've battled my whole life is due to body chemistry. No one can decide what type of body chemistry they are born with.

If it's body chemistry or situational, therapy works. It may be a combination of talk therapy and medication, it may be something else. I can't say it will work over night. I can't say the first treatment plan will work. I can't say you can predict when the pain will end. But it can be managed and there is hope. You need to seek a mental health professional. If you are already involved with a doctor or therapist and it's not working, be very vocal and fearless in advocating for yourself. I've been improperly diagnosed before and the second opinion made all the difference in the world.

It's tough. I don't know what you're going through, but I know depression. There are people who can help. I know it's also tough because mental health is underrated and misunderstood. Be diligent.

I know you have friends at Y!A whose emails are open. My email is open, too. Don't ever hesitate to reach out to someone.

2007-06-09 14:39:37 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

I've been much of a thinker right from the time I was 9 or 10 yrs.It troubled me too when I saw my Granna have a near-death experience.But somebody had rightly said ''Acceptance leads to peace of mind''.
Death is inevitable & it is simply futile suffering for something that has yet not happened.In Hindu philosophy you must've come across the concept that a soul goes from one old body to a new one through death just like we change clothes, until it finishes the cycle of Karma.Moreover, the soul is immortal & u'll never stop existing.
Accept this simple truth that we've been born to perform our little roles in God's vast creation & we'll leave it when He wants, just to be closer to him in eternal peace far above pain,worries & worldly things.
Hope I could be of some help.


2007-06-10 06:49:26 · answer #4 · answered by Tulip 3 · 3 0

If you are not already going to counseling...go. This is very serious. It can be controlled. I don't think you are insane but if the thoughts continue you could become suicidal without ackowledging it. Other than that I would recommend meditation. Embrace the thought and fact that all living beings die. Learn not to fear it or obsess it but to understand why it happens. Embrace your beliefs about death along with any religious beliefs. You might be able to find some OCPD support groups in your area or ask your counselor about taking a DBT class.

2007-06-09 14:10:18 · answer #5 · answered by scorpio75lady 2 · 4 0

Plan your funeral. List it all out - to the last tooth pick in the toothpick box, then this will have been settled. My parents are ready, have been for years, and their kids (me, brother/sister) are happy they are happy. and they have less stress.

Keep a huge pad of legal paper by your bed or at the frig, and in your briefcase: Then write down these thoughts, in a blue or black ink, and then check them - if they are done then cross them off with a vivid red marker pen, something that stands out so you know they are done, from across the room. Then as the list becomes complete you'll be 60 years older and I'll have seen you on Oprah (go on Daily Show I don't watch Oprah), and maybe buy your books. (Although I really wouldn't understand them.)
Being into details can be good if you write things down instead of just thinking. Actually seeing them completed should stop you from thinking of old stuff, and you can work on future stuff that will help you.
Also if you really want I could explain a wasted life (mine) so you'll know you couldn't possibly have a reason to feel this way. Being hard is good for making a B into an A+, but in day-to-day stuff, like dusting or topping of gas tank - really practice your relaxing and meditation - as there will always be dust, so why worry. When you have helped people as you do, or work on real community stuff - dusting (little things) shouldn't enter your mind.
Any chance you could have a place that everyone knows your name, and you go snipe hunting, or play pool in the back room. Meet a simple man from some small little town... and relax.
When I was underwater, maybe 20 days out of 45 scheduled, I realilized I was basically dead, and so learned to talk to people, and look at life differently than you do. All my paperwork was done, so I was content. Of course this was years before my son was born. But even now, because he's 13, I am content again becasue he remembers and knows me, so I am ready again no problem.
Your upset because you have important things to help your community to do yet, and you will - (maybe your impatient?). Look into teaching university, or high school - write your book - and get on TV.
Listen to your friends and ignore many that want to hold you down, with meanness. Listen to yourself. TRUST yourself.
Don't let humanities love for the baser things in life get you down. Just keep pulling us out of the gutter, and smile when we dive back in - ok.

2007-06-09 18:15:41 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

iv been nothing all my life ,so trying to be something is hard

1.you are now out of school and have no specific plan for the future that i have seen yet ,some good ideas yes. but ending school is a symbolic ending

2.you and your family members are physically sick, and in the past you were told that---being a sensitive person you pick up there health problems and put them ,in to your energy field and think there emotions are your emotions.

1. do the things you always do chant ,sing ,walk in the woods, take pictures of birds, go to the temple ,and plan for the future.[ go into the woods on a windy day and scream],let out your emotions

school gave you something to do,and now you have to find something new to do.

2.surround your self with light and tell any ,bad ghosts to [blank off] and get a psychic reading on your future .ghost like to pray on non decision.and kick you when you are down.

3. get any job and do that until you figure out what the next step is.

4, chant

om mother life force
om goddess of avalon

the chant is focused on [LIFE ] it self and is a worship of life . if you fill your mind with life ,death thoughts cant have very much room. get a psychic reading.a healing , and a aura cleanimg

arnt there any spiritual stores in your aria that have ESP classes, and healing classes? or spiritual churches ? spiritual churches offer free hands on healing befor the church services . may have to go to the big city for this, look in the phone book under , yoga or new age , or churches .

2007-06-09 15:06:46 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

i know how you feel honestly, i have depression and bits of OCPD. it's good to spend time with friends and surround yourself with people you know, as much as you may not feel like it. and as far as things you've done in life being all for nothing, (this is a little lame) but you're a top contributer on yahoo answers! that means people value your opinion and you most certainly have halped other people! it seems so easy for me to say "oh don't think about death, don't do it" or whatever, i know that kind of stuff doens't really help. feel free to email me if you wanna talk more!

2007-06-09 14:30:41 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

you are in a depression slump right now and you need to do things that make you happy to be alive= visit people with babies=go to the zoo= watch cartoons and funny movies==sit on a bench in the park and imagine what people would look like in a bathing suit as they pass you =these things usually are good pick me ups=give it a try

2007-06-09 14:07:45 · answer #9 · answered by caffsans 7 · 4 0

try going out ,catch a movie ,take a long walk,even if it's by yourself.also try not to look at the negative things that happen in your life.what good things have you done for yourself and others? please don't feel that way about yourself.please be positive.embrace your life.try spoiling yourself for the day.anything to rid yourself of those thoughts............

2007-06-09 14:11:39 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

That makes since to me and I think you need to see a doctor.

2007-06-09 14:08:02 · answer #11 · answered by Tiffany 2 · 4 0

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