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What if one day Christianity was proven true? What if God came down from heaven and made is CLEAR that Christianity is true. Would you admit you were wrong in your non belief and join Christians? Or would you keep on life like nothing ever happened and gladly go to hell when you die becasue you dont want to associate with the christian lifestyle?

2007-06-09 13:52:45 · 36 answers · asked by Lauren. 4 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

36 answers

Yes--we're not dogmatic like theists. If evidence came, we'd follow it, with VERY few exceptions (I'm guessing easily upwards of 99% of atheists would become believers).

2007-06-09 13:55:50 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 9 0

I think more atheists would become christian in your scenario than christians would convert in this scenario:

What if one day the FSM was proven true? What if FSM came down from his noodly domain and made it CLEAR that he is true. Would christians admit they were wrong in their belief of jesus and join the FSM worshippers? Or would they keep on life like nothing ever happened and gladly go to the place FSM reserves for non-believers when they die because they do not want to associate with the FSM lifestyle?

2007-06-09 14:18:32 · answer #2 · answered by CC 7 · 2 0

what? what if pigs flew? Would you believe that pigs are birds too? That's how ridiculous your question is. What i don't understand about christianity is that despite the fact that it may be the most ridiculously unreal (never seen anything like that before) tale, people still believe it. have you ever seen a man walk on water, how about someone multiply fish? better still have you ever seen one man build an arc that could house half the world's species, talk more of all the world's species? have you ever seen a virgin give birth to a child in the BCs without in vitro? Have you ever seen anyone rise from the dead? Have you ever seen anyone who was talked to by a voice from heaven? Ever seen anyone part a sea and walk through it? In fact do you know how deep the bottom of the sea is?
Why do people think it is sane to believe such ridiculous claims and think i am in sane for even doubting it? Don't you think that you are the least bit brain washed for not questioning it? Just a little bit

2007-06-09 14:13:52 · answer #3 · answered by uz 5 · 2 0

Yes, if god comes down to Earth and mad it clear that Christianity is true, I would admit I was wrong.

At that point, belief in god would be a non-issue. I would KNOW there is a god.

Atheism is not a dogmatic belief system like Christianity, so we loose nothing by being wrong. We err on the side of logic, not blind faith. The problem with Christianity for most atheist is the lack of tangible proof of the existence of god. I will happily admit I am wrong when I have proof. It would be illogical of me to deny the existence of god in the face of proof.

2007-06-09 14:06:59 · answer #4 · answered by atheist 6 · 4 0

Well of course if that mythological creature made up by old farts thousands of years ago actually did show up, most athiests would believe it. A lot of the false christians might also covert to real christian ways. But it is a what if that won't happen since all religions are manmade. Here's one: What if we have an alien race show up, and they have clear evidence to show they and thousands of other races exist in our galaxy. And that they and all other races cast off archaic religions once they evolved into higher beings. Then our lowly christians won't be the center of the universe anymore--- wonder how many would convert to athiesm?

2007-06-09 14:07:32 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

This is a Pascal type question. And for your information, many of us are married to, or dating, or engaged to people who live the "Christian lifestyle". I myself am marrying a Christian man at the end of the year. And never once has he asked me to give up my beliefs for his, nor have I done that to him.

To answer the question - "God" coming down and telling me he was God is just still not good enough. He'd have to do something to prove he is who he says. And it would have to be something incredible, with no scientific or logical explanation possible. IF that were to happen, I would accept it. It will not happen. He's had plenty of time to prove himself - he hasn't been bothered to do it yet.

2007-06-09 14:10:21 · answer #6 · answered by ReeRee 6 · 0 0

I would admit the deity is real but I would not join christianity or worship that deity. A deity who feels he needs to threaten with a place as vicious as hell is proclaimed to be, who can't resolve his own problems without almost wiping out humanity, who gives his support in the killing of others will never get the support from this pacifist female.

I'll gladly take hell over siding with a deity like that.

2007-06-09 14:08:51 · answer #7 · answered by genaddt 7 · 2 0

I think if God was to prove his existence I would feel better in my choice to continue to be an atheist.

I think if someone continued to live as an atheist and still be accepted into heaven- it would prove that God is what we have been taught that he is -- an understanding, all-loving and forgiving being. ( But then again, how is one's accepted or denied status going to be known by the living?).... If God did not accept the person into heaven-- isn't everything that is taught to us as "holy" and as the "truth" a lie?

I don't think it is a matter of "christian" or not.. so much as it is a question of is God really like what we are taught?

2007-06-09 14:18:27 · answer #8 · answered by Jessica Q 1 · 1 0

You must see that this is why we are atheists. There hasn't been anything remotely close to proof, let alone a clear and unequivocal declaration from God himself that it was all for real. And because we are such evidence-addicts, of course we'd all believe. You seem to think we don't believe just because we want to avoid something you call "the Christian lifestyle". What on earth is that when it's at home?

2007-06-09 14:10:27 · answer #9 · answered by Bad Liberal 7 · 5 0

If God came down from Heaven and made it clear that Christianity was true, then I would gladly believe.

2007-06-09 13:59:09 · answer #10 · answered by Jess H 7 · 3 1

As long as you would believe the counter example if proven true.

would you waste your time in a belief that wasn't true.

Whatever you feel about the above statement is probably what athiests believe about your statement.

Its all about evidence, weigh it up, come to a conclusion.

The people who would have a bigger problem would be followers from other religions.

2007-06-09 14:06:28 · answer #11 · answered by seph 2 · 1 0

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