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If you think deeply and this is for people of all faiths and atheists, we do exist, what we breath , touch, smell etc, all exists, but then all of us still question God's existence. We think if God created us, then who created God. My explanation is that we don't need to question it, but no harm in thinking about it. Look around you now and you know this is reality. Everything is real, we did not evolve from bacteria or apes, God made us, Adam and Eve are our parents if you believe that, but one way or another we exist. To get to the point, God is surely there, we are given birth to and die. I think you know which faith I'm from, but the main question is how is God and why did he make us.

2007-06-09 13:22:02 · 31 answers · asked by Spiverine (Munim Khan) 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

31 answers

two words...


2007-06-09 13:25:27 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

The terms you use are filled with connotations and symbolism that all do not agree to.

If you think deeply, it is clear that there is a creative force in the Universe - that force has been interpretted in many different ways, but it is that which makes this existence go, that which makes us breath and the grass grow. That does not mean that it is a sensient something that has created folks to play out it's divine ideas.

The question, in my mind, is much less "is there a creative force" and much more "what is the nature of the creative force" - just like we question and wonder what is behind curtain number 3. We are inquisitive creatures and we tend to ask until we are satisfied. There in lies the glitch. There is no way to know the Unknowable until it is too late - and so we wonder and imagine and toy with idea of who we are and what we are doing here. Seems perfectly natural to me.

I have heard a variety of theories on God that are much more plausible than any that are put forth in the currently accepted "organized religions" and I still come upon new and interesting ideas and interpretations. It's a fascinating subject - hence all the interest.


2007-06-09 13:35:34 · answer #2 · answered by carole 7 · 0 0

(first off sorry for the spelling, its late and i have just finished work. also i have only had 3 hours sleep in the last 42 hours)

we question Gods existence because of the pain in the world, and because God has given us the ability to question.

We question Gods existence because of the hurt and the pain in the world. but the bible says that in the beginning the world was good. It is though Adam's and Eve's actions that the pain and suffering have been borough into the world.

If i may i would like to post a counter question to the people who have discredited the bible. if we step back for a moment and look at what you believe. I'm going to guess that you believe in both the big band theory and the theory of evolution.

Lets look at the big bang theory

the big band theory states (when you don't take it on face value and look into it) the NOTHING EXPLODED. now i for one would love to see science prove that nothing has the ability to exploded.

now for evolution.

First of i would like to say that yes natural selection is true but that does not mean that evolution is. That are two separate things. natural selection is the process of the fastest and the strongest animal winning and mating. evolution is the process of an animal that has no seances or brain thinking one day, hmm i wonder if its hot, evolution brakes the second rule of thermodynamics. it is impossible to improve on some thing with out more information being added. its like a computer sitting there. it wont do anything with out a program to run. with out information being put in it would do anything.

before you all start to try to discredited a collection book that has survived though 5000 years (old testament). why don't you look at the shaky ground that your own arguments are based on.

o and one more note

to the person that said that they have not seen God. I have never looked for you so i don't know that you are there, but i have looked for God. Maybe you should do the same before you say that you cant see him.

2007-06-09 14:27:09 · answer #3 · answered by Bob 1 · 0 2

Two logical fallacies here.
First you are begging the question and then you use a tautology.

There is no reason to assume we exist because God made us. There might not even be a God, most likely there isn't.

If you actually thought deeply about your claim you would see how totally ridiculous it is.
However the fact that you could ask it shows that you are not intelligent enough to understand the problem with and will just ignore this answer.
I feel sorry for you, as sad as that is.

Please do yourself a favor and research "Logical Fallacies."

2007-06-09 13:30:21 · answer #4 · answered by U-98 6 · 3 0

a million. If God exists interior the ideal way maximum monotheistic religions imagines Him to exist -- an all-efficient, all-understanding being -- why could such an entity conform to conform with a human known of evidence? 2. As according to contemporary human expertise of reality, the existence of God is an argument of guy or woman faith. there's no objectively provable answer at the instant. 3. people who have faith God exists say particular there are sparkling signs and indications; people who do no longer say no. the respond to this question is heavily based on the assumptions one places in place previous to comparing the attainable anecdotal evidence. 4. See #a million. 5. In a manner equivalent to a pair non secular human beings as regards technology, i'm effective there could be some irreligious people who could steadfastly refuse to have faith whether God, Himself, confirmed up at their front door. 6. i do no longer think there is any censorship of evidence. evidence or lack thereof is there for the asking. The lens of interpretation is what differs. an element notice here bearing directly to clever layout, because of the fact you delivered it up. As a non secular guy or woman, i think in clever layout, after a manner. even regardless of the undeniable fact that, I truthfully do no longer help its inclusion in technology coaching curricula because of the fact it. Is. no longer. technology. era. If a school needs to coach it in a philosophy or social examine classification, it extremely is fantastic. the subject with identity is that it *starts* with a end - that there is a supernatural author - and works its some time past to the hypothesis, selectively choosing evidence to assist the foregone end. it is singularly undesirable technology. 7. In my own opinion, particular i think of there are motives God keeps the evidence inconclusive. In maximum monotheistic non secular traditions, there's a intense point of esteem placed on faith interior the unprovable. If all of it will become black and white, no faith necessary, then a huge area of properly-known spirituality collapses.

2016-10-08 21:41:42 · answer #5 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

science and time have proven the whole god theory wrong time and time again, some people refuse to believe what is right in front of them though. i'm not trying to upset you or anything but this is how i believe. i have a question for you, can you show me proof that god does exist? no you cant, but many other people have proven otherwise. it doesn't matter what i think though, what matters is whatever feels right in your heart. if you feel right believing in god than continue, if not then find what does make you feel right. good luck

2007-06-09 13:31:37 · answer #6 · answered by sarah 3 · 1 0

I believe he/she exists, but I believe that we created god for ourselves. And not just in the literal sense. I dothink there is a power in this existance but it certainly doesn't favor humans. We are no more important than any other living being.

2007-06-09 15:02:50 · answer #7 · answered by aperfiktlife 1 · 0 0

Our existence has nothing to do with an imaginary invisible man, that lives in the clouds, grants wishes, and performs magic.
Our existence is due to natural occurrences that are obvious to anyone that does not suffer from religious delusion.
The origin of our existence is explained by science.
We no longer need to make up myths and fables about our existence. Science, biology, anthropology, and medical science ALL lead to the indisputable facts of our origin.

2007-06-09 13:30:50 · answer #8 · answered by No Chance Without Bernoulli 7 · 2 1

Time and space is compressed, by God, into what we conceive as reality. This is our reality, what we live in now at the moment. God exists without space and time, He created it for our benefit in order to exist. If you believe that He sent His Son to be beaten to a pulp, nailed to a cross and pierced with a sword to bleed to death for you and me then we will see each other in that different time dimension. God bless.

2007-06-09 13:59:51 · answer #9 · answered by Emerald Book Reviews 6 · 0 1

I exists, you can see, hear, touch, taste, and smell me. No one has to believe I exist; my reality can be known. Everyone can empirically prove to themselves that I am real. Therefore, a rejection of my reality is foolish.

I can't see, hear, touch, taste, or smell god. God can not be empirically known. There is no proof for god, anywhere. Therefore, belief in god's reality is foolish.

2007-06-09 13:31:33 · answer #10 · answered by atheist 6 · 2 0

It says in the Bible (Old Testament): The fool has said in his heart "There is no God."

In the New Testament (Injil) (John 3:19) it says: The Light (Jesus) has come into the world but people have loved the darkness because their deeds were evil.

I was brought up as an atheist and all evidence of God was rationalised into nothing. Now (praise God - Hamdullah) I know better.

2007-06-09 13:31:31 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

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