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I'm 19 and i'm in college. I'm workin in a warehouse where my partner is 20 years older than me. he always say that it's a blessing to live 41 years. He try to make me beleive that the fact that he's older than me, i have to agree with everything he says. sometimes he doesn't make no sense at all but he always try to make it look like he's right. He's bossy. he actually moved down here from pennsilvania. Sometimes he tells me that i'll never have somethin good to tell him cause i've only been in south florida. Let me be honest, i wasn't born here but i came here legally. My first day wit him he was always talkin about immigration. When i realized that he was really telling me stuff bring me down, i stoped him right away. So he never talks to me about immigration no more. One time, just to test me, he asked me the difference between THEIR and THERE. I told him and he was supprised. So it was my turn to ask him something. I gave him two fractions to substract and he ignored it.

2007-06-09 12:38:11 · 7 answers · asked by Louis max j 1 in Environment Other - Environment

7 answers

Take a breath you're not marrying the guy, maybe he needs to be reminded of that if ignoring him doesn't work

2007-06-09 12:46:12 · answer #1 · answered by ali 2 · 0 0

Louis, You're young and probably haven't met folks like that guy. Folks like him CAN'T be made happy. They're what some of us call "Blowhard knowitalls". They THINK that just because they're older that they know everything. Usually they're less educated and informed than the avergae person and they often times even KNOW that. They bully other people around if THEY see you as a weaker person. You BEST strategy for dealing with this guy is to just politely nod when he tells you something, go ahead an think what ever you want to about him and what he's saying to you. Ignore him as much as you can, do your OWN work and simply try NOT to engage him in any more conversation than you actually have to in order to complete your work properly.
Folks like him tend to be complainers a lot too. and no matter HOW good things seem to be going he'll find SOMETHING wrong to complain about. It might even be a nice gesture to go out of your way to do him an occasional favor or bring in a little treat once in a while and share with him. It won't change HIS behavior BUT it WILL make YOU feel good about yourself. YOU will be the better person for it by simply making the effort to "take the high road" and act in a more sociable manner. YOur employer WILL notice that any problems that develop will be caused by HIM and not you. Simply treat HIM as YOU wish to be treated. He most likely will NOT respiond in kind but YOU will be the better person for it and will have the satisfaction of knowing him for exactly what kind of man he TRULY is. Hang in there guy and I'll send a few prayers your way for strength and ideas on ways to cope with him.

Raji the Green Witch

2007-06-09 20:46:27 · answer #2 · answered by Raji the Green Witch 7 · 1 0

The best suggestion that I have for you is separation of friendship and business matters. This will earn you more respect.

If you are at work you should make it very clear that you do not want personal conversation and comments during working hours.

If he insist on talking to you about personal matters, like the ones you mentioned above, you should politely say-- hey you know what Iets go have a cup of coffee after work and we will discuss this matter because I am concentrating on work now.

If he excepts then think about his question very intelligently and give him an answer then, if he says no then you say--well let me think about that a moment and I will get back to you on it.

By being more political about your answers and keeping your relationship more of a professional relationship at work hours, it will definitely earn you more respect, and with respect will come happiness.

good luck

2007-06-09 20:57:55 · answer #3 · answered by versatauomo 2 · 1 0

He is trying to be the smarter one, and make himself feel superior to others. This may just be his personality, and no one can change it. You have defended yourself from him so far. If you want to make him happy, you would have to allow him to feel superior and right. But you also have to make yourself happy. If you just know that you are OK, and that he cannot make you feel bad, and if you have a sense of humor, and compassion, so that you don't try to make him feel bad, everything should be all right.
You go home at the end of the day and live your own life, and get something else to focus on. Something positive.

2007-06-09 19:51:37 · answer #4 · answered by Lu 5 · 0 0

Look, this is just stuff that goes on, OK. You're gonna have to work with all kinds of folks, so let it slide. When you're older, you'll learn that there are more important things to worry about. He hasn't broken into your car in the parking lot or got you fired. Your kid doesn't have cancer, your house isn't being foreclosed, and you're not in Iraq. These are the kinds of things adults worry about, so grow up.

2007-06-09 22:34:13 · answer #5 · answered by Dr. R 7 · 0 0

Hire a teenager while they still know everything. When you get to be 41 think about what is happening to you now. I would do it my way also. I have allready made and lived thru the mistakes you have yet to experience.

2007-06-13 01:30:48 · answer #6 · answered by K M 4 · 0 0

sounds like 2 stubborn, stuck up, childish people both in the wrong to me...

At least you have the excuse of not having had the time and experience to mature...

Just tell him that if its not about work... you don't want to hear it.

2007-06-09 19:47:12 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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