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Being a Father, Son, And Holy Spirt in the Christian religion?

2007-06-09 11:32:50 · 20 answers · asked by ♦Its•Possible•But•Not•Logical♦ 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

20 answers

He can't . Nobody is able to understand the nature of god . that's why we've developed such an old confusing philosophy AKA Trinity. Wouldn't that be easier to understand his nature by forgetin' all about trinity ?? Ofcourse all of you would say NO !

2007-06-09 11:51:47 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

you may have been chatting with some extremely uninformed Christians, or you probably did not comprehend them. the classic formula for the Trinity is "3 persons in one being". We carry that 'individual' and 'being' are actually not semantically same. A being is the essence of a difficulty, and a individual is a rational subsistence. the three divine persons proportion the comparable essence yet not the comparable rational subsistence. the father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are each individual own instantiations of the single divine being. Analogies consistently smash down, however the suitable one i've got heard is that of a delicate source: the father is the sunshine source, the Son is the sunshine of the sunshine source, and the Holy Spirit is the warmth of a delicate source. And be conscious that analogies are actually not used to instruct the Trinity, yet to describe the Trinity. in case you decide on evidence, bypass to the outcomes of historic past. Jesus claimed to be the single genuine God (the Son) (e.g. John 5:23, John 8:fifty 8) and yet prayed to the single genuine God (the father) (John 17). He replaced into additionally claimed he might deliver yet another recommend; the Holy Spirit (John 15:26). Jesus' claims have been vindicated whilst God (the father) raised him from the lifeless, and in the disciples at right here Pentecost.

2016-11-09 22:50:04 · answer #2 · answered by lanman 4 · 0 0

Because God is God, He is beyond our comprehension. We try to comprehend His nature through the revelations He has made about Himself. His nature is clearly Triune, contrary to the detractors who have stated that there are no Scriptures supporting the idea.

Jesus said of Himself that He was God. He applied the name of God, "I AM," (See Exodus 3:14) to Himself in several passages. Here's a few examples: Matthew 14:27, Mark 6:50, Mark 13:6, Luke 21:8, John 4:26, John 6:20, John 8:24, 28, 58, and John 13:19. There are several others I have not listed. Besides this, Jesus said that He & the Father were one (John 10:30). This describes a unity, even though there are two. (Note, the I AM passages I referred to are from the Greek, as the English translations often mistranslate I AM for "It is I" or "I am He," to allow for readability.)

Another angle to pursue is the various Scriptures that demonstrate that God's attributes are present in Jesus as well as the Holy Spirit. For example, the Father is eternal (Psalm 90:2), and so is the Son (John 1:2), and so is the Holy Spirit (Hebrews 9:14). Another shared attribute is their holiness. Only God is truly holy. The Father is holy (Revelation 15:4), so is the Son (Acts 3:14), and so is the Spirit (Acts 1:8).

Next, Jesus received worship, which is only for God:

"Then the men in the boat began to worship Jesus, saying, "You certainly are the Son of God!" (Matthew 14:33)

"Suddenly Jesus met them and said, "Greetings!" They went up to him, took hold of his feet, and worshiped him." (Matthew 28:9)

"They worshiped him and returned to Jerusalem with great joy." (Luke 24:52)

"He said, "Lord, I do believe," and worshiped him." (John 9:38)

"I heard every creature in heaven, on earth, under the earth, and on the sea, and everything that is in them, saying, "To the one who sits on the throne and to the lamb be praise, honor, glory, and power forever and ever!" Then the four living creatures said, "Amen!", and the elders bowed down and worshiped." (Revelation 5:13-14)

Lastly, Jesus forgave sins. The Pharisees were correct when they asked, "Who can forgive sins but God alone?" (Mark 2:7) And yet Jesus did that several times.

2007-06-11 07:30:01 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

God's nature is infinitely beyond our comphrehension. It is like an ant trying to understand human nature. The Father has eternally "generated" the Son. The Son has eternally been begotten from the Father. THe HOly Spirit has eternally proceeded from both the Father and Son.

2007-06-09 11:39:50 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

It's not Scriptural. We invite you to search the Bible, especially the 27 books of the Christian Greek Scriptures, to see for yourself if Jesus and his disciples taught a Trinity. As you search, ask yourself:

1. Can I find any scripture that mentions “Trinity”?

2. Can I find any scripture that says that God is made up of three distinct persons, Father, Son, and holy spirit, but that the three are only one God?

3. Can I find any scripture that says that the Father, Son, and holy spirit are equal in all ways, such as in eternity, power, position, and wisdom?

Search as you may, you will not find one scripture that uses the word Trinity, nor will you find any that says that Father, Son, and holy spirit are equal in all ways, such as in eternity, power, position, and wisdom. Not even a single scripture says that the Son is equal to the Father in those ways—and if there were such a scripture, it would establish not a Trinity but at most a “duality.” Nowhere does the Bible equate the holy spirit with the Father.

2007-06-09 12:18:12 · answer #5 · answered by LineDancer 7 · 1 2

That's what I always disagreed with-because it is not scientific.

They call it the Trinity: The father, the son and the holy Ghost?

I'm sorry but Ghosts are not God, so I left the Catholic Church because I would not believe in the impossible.

2007-06-09 12:18:29 · answer #6 · answered by JP 3 · 1 2

"The Lord Our God is One Lord"

The original teachings of Christ shone forth with wonderful radiance
into the darkness of the Roman world. The Gospel in the beginning was
preached in plain terms by simple men, and it was received with
gladness by the meek of the earth. The twelve apostles of Jesus
Christ, as long
as they lived, were the guardians of faith, keeping it pure from
human traditions and Pagan influence. Few Christians realize how
rapidly corruption entered the church after their death.

We are told by historians that the church conquered the world, but in
reality the world overcame the
church. As the Gospel message increased in popularity, hordes of
Pagans entered the church, bringing with them Pagan ideas. Great
catechetical schools were formed; ritualism took the place of Bible
study; and costly buildings replaced the catacombs. The pastors of
the flock, once noted for self-sacrifice and piety, became wealthy
lords over the common people. The sacred heritage
of the Bible was buried in creeds, superstition, and forgotten
languages; and the ruling powers eventually made it a capital crime
to translate the Bible into the common tongue.

Sola Scriptura was the rallying cry of the great Reformation, when
the Bible was exalted by Protestants as the sole guide of faith. The
Catholic doctrine of tradition as an equal authority in religious
matters was at that time firmly rejected. Evangelical Christians ever
since have relied (theoretically) on the Bible alone as the source of
revealed truth, but in practice they seldom
measured up to that high standard.

Thus "historic Christianity," "historic Protestantism," and various
other euphemisms for tradition are frequently cited in the writings
of Protestants as authority for doctrinal positions. We hear them
saying that nothing more can be known about basic Christianity than
is outlined in the conflicting creeds of established churches; and
that to assert any really different opinion about
the Holy Scriptures now would be presumptuous, for so many
generations of pious Christians could surely not be wrong.
This traditionalism is a serious error. The necessity for upholding
the Bible as the only touchstone of truth is manifest throughout
church history, particularly as we consider the various Christian
teachings on the nature of the Deity—a subject which, though
certainly of cardinal
importance, has been one of the most hotly debated issues in the
history of the church.

Trinitarianism a Gradual Development

The concept of a trinity was widespread throughout the Pagan world.
In Japan there was a three-headed divinity called "San Pao Fuh": in
India the trinity was called, "Eko Deva Trimurtti," "One God, three
forms." The Babylonians also had a trinity, as did the Pagans of
Siberia, Persia, Egypt, and Scandinavia. Long after the apostles
died, the teaching that God is a trinity began to be introduced into
the Christian church. It was championed chiefly by the educated
converts from Paganism and resisted by ordinary believers. "The
victory of orthodoxy was a triumph of priests and theologians over
the indeed deeply rooted faith of the people...."* That the Father
and the Son are equal, however, was at first denied by all. Early
church writers, such as Irenaeus, Clement of Alexandria, Tertullian,
Origen, Novatian, Arnobius, and Lactantius. were very explicit in
affirming that the Heavenly Father alone is the supreme God and that
Jesus is
completely subordinate to his authority and will.
* * [ [A Adolf H Harnack, Outlines of the History of Dogma, trans. E.
K. Mitchell (Starr King Press), l 957, p. 266. (A Trinitarian

During the early years of the fourth century, a heated controversy
raged between the Arians (named after Arius, their leader and the
Trinitarians, led by Athanasius. The Arians maintained that Jesus is
a created being, pre-existent, though having a beginning in time, a
son in the normal sense of the word, and subordinate to the Father.
The Athanasian party argued that the Son is
fully God, co-equal and co-eternal with the Father.

Fearing that religious dissension might disrupt the political unity
of the Empire, the Emperor Constantine summoned a general council of
bishops to settle the dispute. Meeting at Nice in 325 A.D., the
council upheld the teachings of Athanasius and formulated the Nicene
Creed. Arius was excommunicated and banished, along with those of the
bishops who held out against the decision of the majority and the
threats of the Emperor.

The basic Trinitarian position was finally forged at the Council of
Constantinople, A.D. 381, where the Holy Spirit was declared to be a
divine person, although Harnack states that in the third century the
majority of Christians believed it was merely a divine power.* At the
Council of Ephesus, A.D. 431, and again at Chalcedon in 450 A.D.,
Jesus was asserted to be eternally both
human and divine, a unity of two natures. The Council of Ephesus,
incidentally, added Mary as a supplement to the Trinity, declaring
that she should be received and honored as Theotokos, "Mother of God."
[* Ibid., p. 266.]

Thus the controversy on the nature of God was settled, or so orthodox
historians would have us believe. And thus, we are told, the Holy
Spirit guided the church into an understanding of the truth. In point
of fact, however, these councils, settled very little. Other councils
met as well and upheld Arianism! The fortunes of both sides seesawed
according to the politics of the Empire.
Whenever the Arians were dominant, they persecuted the Trinitarians;
and when their fortunes were reversed, the Trinitarians persecuted
them. The eventual result was not so much the outcome of rational
debate and pious scholarship as of power politics and shedding of
blood. By
the start of the eighth century, Arianism was externally suppressed,
for the Trinitarians, (* McClintock and Strong, Cyclopedia of
Biblical, Theological, and Ecclesiastical Literature Grand Rapids:
Book House, Vol. 1, p. 392, 1895. A Trinitarian source.),
proved to be more efficient in killing the Arians than the latter
were in killing them. Thus was orthodoxy established. And the most
avid defender of holy tradition cannot deny that, had the Arians been
militarily successful, their position would have become the standard
of orthodoxy instead of that of their opponents.

The Trinitarian consensus, imposed by force of arms, related more to
a formula than to the actual
substance of belief. The doctrine of the Trinity was simultaneously
declared to be a deep mystery,
which nobody can understand, and a dogma which must be accepted to
obtain salvation. Artists pictured their beliefs with varied
representations. Some portrayed the Deity as three separate men,
looking alike; others, as three men distinguished. Still others
represented it as three heads on one body, or three faces on one head.

Evangelical Modifications

Since the latter part of the nineteenth century, the Trinitarian
position has come under searching criticism throughout the world. To
meet these attacks, evangelicals have been modifying their doctrinal
formulations. Thus Dr. R. A. Torrey, recent Superintendent of the
Moody Bible Institute, has advanced a subordinationist view, stating
that the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are three separate
persons, co-eternal but not co-equal. The Father, according to Dr.
Torrey, is superior to the Son, and the Holy Spirit is subordinate to
[* R. A. Torrey, The Person and Work of the Holy Spirit (Grand
Rapids: Zondervan Publishing House), 1910.]

Another area of modification by contemporary Trinitarians is relative
to three gods in one or "three persons in one substance." Walter R.
Martin, of the Christian Research Institute, modifies this point with
the following definition:
Within the unity of the one God, there are three persons—the Father,
the Son, and the Holy Spirit; and these three share the same nature
and attributes. In effect, then the three persons are the one God.
Similarly, in an essay entitled "The Triune God," published by
Christianity Today,* the term "substance" used in the Athanasian
Creed is modified. This Creed was affirmed by Catholics and
Protestants for many centuries. However, this essay concedes that the
formula of the trinity often read "three persons in one substance
(Greek, treis hypostaseis en mia ousia, and Latin, tres personae in
una substantia )"
[* Samuel J. Mikolaski, "The Triune God" (Christianity Today), p. 5.]

There is, thus, no uniform Christian position on the nature of God.
Reliance upon human tradition has been a great source of difficulty
to many Christians who are earnestly seeking to understand God's
Word. The divinely inspired Scriptures are the only valid evidence for
Christian belief, and any objective appraisal of their teaching must
include all scriptures pertinent to any subject, i.e., the earnest
student of God's Word must be willing to harmonize the Scriptures,
not merely selecting those verses which seem to support his position
while ignoring the rest. Only thus can a Christian be "a workman that
needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing
the word of truth."—2 Tim. 2:15

In summation, the following facts regarding the origin of the Trinity
are irrefutable:
1. The word "Trinity" nowhere appears in the Bible.
2. The word "Trinity" does not even appear in Christian literature
till the beginning of the third century. Even then, it meant
something very different from the interpretation now given to the
word. Tertullian, the first to use the word, believed that only the
Father was without beginning.
The Son, according to him, had a beginning, and his pre-human
existence was of the angelic nature. The oneness of the Father and
the Son was a oneness of purpose and will.
3. Trinitarians themselves are forced to concede that the doctrine of
the Trinity was not completely forged until the fourth century.
4. There is not even a hint of the Trinity in the Old Testament. The
Jews, God's chosen people
from old Testament times, have never held this belief. In all of the
voluminous rabbinical writings (Talmud) which date from Old Testament
times, neither the Trinity nor any similar concept is once mentioned.

,,,,,,,,,,, please go to the links below for the rest of this ,,,,,, its too long to post here,,,,,,,,


2007-06-09 12:26:13 · answer #7 · answered by kay 3 · 0 2

The water illustration is a good one. Steam, ice, water--same substance, different format.
Father: Creator, Source, I Am
Son: Saviour, God in human form, the Word who dwelt among us
Spirit: Comforter, the Father's "agent" if you will who dwells in our hearts

2007-06-11 07:19:19 · answer #8 · answered by anna 7 · 0 0

This is just my opinion but I think God is the father, Jesus is the son, and I think the Holy Spirit is the love between God and all of us.That is just how i see things.

2007-06-09 11:39:13 · answer #9 · answered by Brandi24 3 · 0 2

no where in the Bible is a trinity mentioned or implied in fact the Bible says quite the opposite, lets look at some scriptures

(Hebrews 5:7) 7 In the days of his flesh [Christ] offered up supplications and also petitions to the One who was able to save him out of death, with strong outcries and tears, and he was favorably heard for his godly fear.

so was Jesus praying to himself & if so why did he turn himself down.

(John 3:16) . . .“For God loved the world so much that he gave his only-begotten Son, in order that everyone exercising faith in him might not be destroyed but have everlasting life. . .

notice God GAVE HIS ONLY BEGOTTON SON not himself

(John 14:28) 28 YOU heard that I said to YOU, I am going away and I am coming [back] to YOU. If YOU loved me, YOU would rejoice that I am going my way to the Father, because the Father is greater than I am.

notice Jesus said that he was lesser then his father.

(1 Corinthians 11:3) . . .But I want YOU to know that the head of every man is the Christ; in turn the head of a woman is the man; in turn the head of the Christ is God.. . .

notice Jesus is subbornate to his father

(Hebrews 9:24) 24 For Christ entered, not into a holy place made with hands, which is a copy of the reality, but into heaven itself, now to appear before the person of God for us.

notice he entered before the person of God

(John 20:17) 17 Jesus said to her: “Stop clinging to me. For I have not yet ascended to the Father. But be on your way to my brothers and say to them, ‘I am ascending to my Father and YOUR Father and to my God and YOUR God. . .

notice again he refered to his God

further more the holy spirit is never personalized in the Bible but its God's active force

(Genesis 1:2) . . .Now the earth proved to be formless and waste and there was darkness upon the surface of [the] watery deep; and God’s active force was moving to and fro over the surface of the waters.

2007-06-09 12:54:51 · answer #10 · answered by zorrro857 4 · 1 2

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