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#1 don't take the bible literally word-for-word... there is alot of fluff in there but it's mostly used as guidlines for a good way of living...

#2 he forgives everyone and anyone if they choose to embrace him and become a good person. Which is more than what almost anyone else can or will do for you.

#3. He's the essence of all that is good and ya he might get jealous but we're all HE has... so take into consideration that if we don't like him then who else does he have? he'd be completely alone in the universe and he's the one that created us...

that's prolly the most depressing thing i could of thought of...

2007-06-09 11:32:09 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

27 answers

Absolutely and definitely NO! God is LOVE. He loved us all the time. Whenever we sin He always forgives us. His mercy is never-ending. He understands us. He cares for us! He is good in every way and He loves us just the way we are!!!! He is not vengeful nor cruel...He's vengeful in a good way! its because He loves us...that's why!!!!

2007-06-09 11:37:11 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Sounds like you believe in God. You obviously don't like parts of the bible so you believe you can cherry pick the parts you do like. It doesn't work that way, take it or leave it in whole. Either it is the word of God and is truth or it is a pack of lies. I believe it is the inerrant word of God and I base that on the fact all the prophesies that have been fulfilled have been done to the letter. No other "religion " can make such a statement or even come close. Only God the Creator could make such prophesies. For example in the Old Testament they prophesied the coming of the Messiah (Jesus Christ) and His coming fulfilled over 100 prophesies. Just as there are many more to be fulfilled. Secondly, Christ came , walked the earth for 33 years was Crucified, rose from the dead, walked the earth for another 40 days and was seen by over 500 before He then ascended into heaven. Now does that not tell you He was different than any other! There are no contradictions in the scriptures only such that is made up by nonbelievers trying to deny the truth. Us trying to be good is not what pleases God it is our receiving His gift He sent for us His Son. He tells us "there are none righteous no not one" we need Christ who declares us righteous by what He did at Calvary.

2007-06-09 18:47:58 · answer #2 · answered by Steiner 6 · 0 0

Yes he is vengeful (to those who do evil), but he is not cruel.The reason God may seem vengeful and cruel is because in the old testament was to play the role of a father to the children of Israel. If the children of Israel fell away from his teachings that fall into inmorality and ultimately become evil and end up destroying themselves like other nations in the old testament. And yes God is a jealous God that is because we are ( All the Human race) are his special creations. One of our most major purposes in life was to bring glory to him and put Him first in our lives. So yes obviously God would get jealous if you started to worship something or someone in his place. Personally I don't think God can be cruel if he sends his only son to die for our sins. If you can get a vague idea of the Holy trinity(the parts of God that include the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit ) then you can get the idea of a loving human father giving his only son to die as a sacrifice for all the crimes and sins of mankind. He did this to show how much he loves us and that we may have a eternal life along with a personal relationship between the creator and man that was at first broken in the garden of Eden. To learn more about the character of God read the New Testament, especially the gospels( Matthew, Mark, Luke , John etc.).

2007-06-09 18:57:11 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

So let me get this straight:

1. Don't take the bible literally word-for word, as in it's simply an interpretation, and

2. There is NO interpretation of whether God exists, because the bible says so.

So the obvious question is if the bible is only a guideline, why do so many people insist it's the only way to be a good person?

Oh, goodness, NO, God is not vengeful or cruel! That's left up to other anthropomorphisms like Mother Nature!

"Gorsh, when that tornader done did rip through our trailer park, we iz all so blessed that God wuz watching out for us!"

Such logic is absolutely stunning.

2007-06-09 18:40:49 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

1) I have looked at the bible from both the literal standpoint and the metaphorical standpoint.
At certain times of its existence, the Christian God is definitely vengeful. If there are later times when he is not, then he is, also, capable of change.

2) Important life changes must be done for ones own self. Doing them for someone else can often weaken your resolve, and leaves the person vulnerable relapse any time they doubt their relationship with the person (being) they changed for.

3) A ultimate creator cannot be all good. If they are capable of creating evil then they must have some evil in them.
An all knowing, all powerful being must be responsible for all action AND in-action otherwise is neither.

2007-06-09 18:53:22 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Let us just ignore the whole bible.

Let us just look at the world and the Christian definition of God.

Christians define God as being:
Omnipotent - All powerful
Omnicognizant - All knowing
And all loving.

So, God is capable of doing anything, knows exactly what to to and how to do it, and it going to make it the best for us that he can.

Now look at the world. Let us ignore too all the murders and rapes and assaults, all those attacks on people who if they could exercise their 'free will' would almost definitely chose not to be attacked. Let us just look at natural disasters. The earthquakes, the volcanoes the hurricanes, the tornadoes the tsunami. God is responsible for these events. From the Christian definition they MUST be part of his plan, but all these events deal out wholesale slaughter, often in a horrific lingering death.

How can you attribute this to an all loving God?

2007-06-09 19:52:42 · answer #6 · answered by Simon T 7 · 0 1

I also do not take the Bible literally...nor do I always take the interpretation of those that wrote it.

I have a very personal and continuous relationship with God...and I find it hard to believe that He does anything out of vengence. To me vengence is an immature response to something that someone else did. Now, that does not mean that I do not believe that God was and is capable of destroying whole cities...or the whole world in a flood etc. I don't know for a fact that those stories were true...or whether they were written just to give us a lesson etc. ....but if God did do those things, I do not sense that it was out of vengence but out of necessity...to rid the world of the evil that those individuals represented. As I understand it, He will take similar action at the end of times period...and for the same reason. It is his right.

2007-06-09 18:38:57 · answer #7 · answered by Poohcat1 7 · 0 1

That's one reason I turned to the Wicca faith,I think the bible is made up from the church to control people to be good,and take our money.Look,I believe there is a god,a creator,I believe Jesus walked the earth to teach us love and understanding.I do not believe that they would want us to suffer here on earth and be poor and sick all the time so that we can go to heaven and worship them for eternity.Look at this earth how beautiful it is the birds singing,the flowers blooming and the rivers...I can go on for a long time about how beautiful everything is to me.we are all smart enough to know right from wrong.any time you hurt another person it's wrong.because life is the greatest gift,god could give us.Heaven is right here on earth.
Many Blessings.

2007-06-09 18:52:40 · answer #8 · answered by margaret moon 4 · 0 0

Yes he is! i have seen it happen in my own eyes. If you follow God's word, you faith in his son, you are obedient and are filled with the holy spirit, you will be lifted up by him. If you are in the church and decided one day that you want to make more money or found a girl friend and decide that God is not as important, then watch out, that is the unforgivable sin (blasphemy of the holy spirit). We have people walk away from church and everything went to hell after that, one guy got thrown into jail, another church goer was making 1,000 of dollars in his business and when he left his wife for his girlfriend, he fell away from the church and his business fell like a rock and his girl Friend left him. should I say anymore. God is jealous God. God is not Love, Love , Love, he kills makes alive, makes poor and makes rich! www.mylordmysavior.com

2007-06-09 18:43:14 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

God's jealousy is not the same as envy. He loves us and wants a relationship with us; a personal relationship. He made us to be in relationship with Him. When we let other things get in the way of that, He guards us jealously. He is complete, in and of Himself, and does not need us but He chose to make us. What an honor.

2007-06-09 18:41:19 · answer #10 · answered by Toby 1 · 0 0

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