I just answered a question here:
and read some of the responses, by some "Christians". I have tried really hard not to call people names on here, or feel as though they are uneducated. But the responses by "I love god" and "fireball226" and others simply appalls me!! If you so much as opened an american history book you would know this is true.
Does anyone else see this??
BTW, there were some GREAT answers by most of you in there. Thanks.
15 answers
asked by
Society & Culture
➔ Religion & Spirituality
thanks for the new link
10:14:56 ·
update #1
It's intentional. Any reading of history says that the colonization of the new world was a bloodbath.
2007-06-09 10:13:05
answer #1
answered by WWTSD? 5
Believe it or not...American History books can be written with a angle. They are not pure history. That is a proved fact.
I'm not saying I know what happened with the American Indians...but as with most things..there were probably BAD people and there were some good.
Just as there were good Germans during the holocaust that helped Jews, and good white people during slavery that helped and aided slaves...etc. etc.
One thing not to do, is to assume anything. American History or any history taught in our schools leans in a certain direction. That's just the plain truth. Look at American history books before the Civil Rights movement. Many of them painted a different picture of blacks. I'm not saying it's lies or anything like that...but it tends to give a certain lean to history in order to teach certain values or keep with a certain idea.
Check out the book: Lies My Teacher Told Me: Everything Your American History Textbook Got Wrong
by James W Loewen
2007-06-09 17:23:50
answer #2
answered by Misty 7
People are on the whole frighteningly ignorant.
I hope I'm ahead of the average, but there's almost certainly tons of things out there that many consider obvious, of which I'm oblivious.
Mind you, even though it's nothing to do with religion, this one surprised me recently:
"22% of 1,073 [British] adults questioned did not know bacon and sausages originate from farms. " URL
To return to R&S
" in a Mori poll from 2003 Aug, only 55% of the English population could name one of the four Christian gospels "
... Which does somewhat reduce the basis for conversation involving anything historical or theological.
2007-06-09 17:34:59
answer #3
answered by Pedestal 42 7
Its sad to say that ignorance is very apparent in their answers, as well as their religions in general. They are very uneducated answers and from what I see in many of these repsonses is that they have been brainwashed to such a degree that even they believe the lies.
I'm afraid to say that this type of ignorance is responsible for a lot of problems in todays messed up world. I believe thats why we have intolerance.May be if these "believers" educated themselves in history, philosophy, psychology and socialogy we would have less hatred and more tolerance in todays multicultural world.
2007-06-09 17:33:37
answer #4
answered by GayAtheist 4
I think it's more of a mindset.
Christians don't really have to defend their faith very well because they've always been told they're right by their Bible teachers and so when they say something, they see it as right as saying water is wet.
It's sad, yeah, but it's America.
America has cultivated lazy Christians who don't know much and aren't willing to stand for their faith.
I mean, I don't know very many Christians who would strap a bomb onto their bodies for Jesus.
2007-06-09 17:23:03
answer #5
answered by needlepoint_lace 5
I've been working on these kind of fools for over a year now. We have much better support of the truth today. Never sit down & shut up! Slowly but surely...the truth WILL be known!
They really like to turn a blind eye on the attrocities that have been committed in their "God's" name.
"What violent history?"
Poor lost souls!
2007-06-09 17:18:35
answer #6
answered by Helzabet 6
yeah i know....by the way the link doesn`t work..here`s the link to that question:
2007-06-09 17:14:05
answer #7
answered by Sir Alex 6
Last time I looked at that question, Fireball had 18 thumbs down. But I just wanted to say, they are even more willfully ignorant when it comes to learning about the evidence for evolution.
2007-06-09 17:28:46
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Ignorance knows no one particular group as there are ignorant people in every religious and non religious groups. I'm not a Christian by the way but I felt that it needed to be addressed.
2007-06-09 17:15:17
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
"How ignorant are people??"
Here is the answer to your question, and write this down, because you'll want to remember it for the rest of your life.
Most ignorance is vincible ignorance. People don't know because they don't want to know.
Once you accept this fact, it becomes a whole lot easier to deal with people. You just assign a mental age to them (usually 5 or 6) and treat them accordingly.
2007-06-09 17:27:37
answer #10
answered by Anonymous