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Atheists obviously don't believe that God or any other supernatural being exists. To atheists, once we die, there is nothing after that. So, nothing we do in this world matters because there will be no consequences or anyone to answer to after you're dead.

If that is all true, then why do some atheists care about what Christians believe? We all will meet the same fate in the end. Therefore, we can live our lives in any way we want to live them.

So, why are there so many trying to prove that God does not exist, that the Bible is full of flaws, that what Christianity says is false? Why can't we believe what we want if we will all meet the same fate? I get tired of reading websites that are trying to prove errors in the Bible, continuously telling us to stop believing in God, and trying to make other people atheists. I know that some Christians try to prove their version of things, but they at least have a reason to prove them.

So, what's the reason behind what atheists do?

2007-06-09 08:50:10 · 31 answers · asked by Jason P 4 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

I'm not asking why atheists care about what Christians do. That's a whole different thing. I'm just asking about what we believe. Yes, there are people that translate what they believe into what they do. However, why do some try to destroy a belief system?

2007-06-09 08:59:24 · update #1

I will admit that I am mistaken on one thing. From what I knew, atheists really didn't have a belief system. I guess there are personal beliefs, but nothing in regards to anything beyond this world. I'm mistaken on all of that, though. Obviously, atheists do have some beliefs that they want to defend, and I guess it makes sense why they will defend their positions. I guess I'm making the same mistake that I have before, assuming that all atheists are trying to prove religion is wrong when it's only a small fraction.

2007-06-09 09:42:31 · update #2

31 answers

As a Christian (of the tolerant, non-RRR-Cult variety, as 94% of American Chriistians are), and not an atheist, I cannot speak as an atheist to your question.

However, just to play "devil's advocate" (with no form of pun intended!), I'll try to put myself in the atheists' shoes, to respond.

If I were an atheist, I would be **extremely** resentful of loons (usually who are pretending to be Christians) running around saying I could never be elected president because I was an atheist. Or saying that I HAD to be an immoral person because to be "moral," a person has to believe in a religion. Or have to fear allowing anyone in my workplace to find I was an atheist, for fear that this would spur my employer to concoct some "legitimate" reason for firing me. Or getting evicted from a rented home or apartment, in a similar manner.

If I were an atheist, I would be resentful of such garbage as the above being thrown in my face by society, FAR more than the proselytizing efforts of the part of Christians who are trying to obey Christ's "Great Commission" to them. People of ALL other religions get subjected to that, too -- not just atheists. (And sensible Christians who do that, and then get their overtures rejected, do what the Bible tells them to do in such instances... "shake the sand from their shoes" and walk away.)

2007-06-09 09:12:15 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

You made some great points here. I am not an atheist, nor am I a particular fan of religion at all. BUT, I do tire of seeing all these websites making fantastic claims about the Bible, and trying to destroy its meaning to both its followers and observers.

The Bible to me is at least a historical set of documents, written by humans. It is only as flawed as any other historical document, because it is written from a human's perspective. There is no good TRUE history, as any student of US history knows. :)

Of course there are going to be errors; however in the true spirit of Christianity or any similar faith, we are not above God, only he/she/it is perfect. Although I do not share Christian beliefs, I also do not condone websites or people who disrespect another's beliefs. How can YOU tell someone else that they are wrong? We could ask "what if" all day long, but what really matters is what YOU believe in your own mind and heart.

I am an agnostic, true to the Greek root meaning "Without Knowledge", we ALL are without knowledge regarding the "after life". People of faith, however, should not be robbed of their belief that faith GIVES them at least some knowledge of what is to come after death.

We DO all meet the same fate in this world, everyone dies. Only at death, will we all know what really happens. Until then, you can either have faith or act solely on scientific fact. But that choice should still be left up to the individual.

2007-06-09 09:21:55 · answer #2 · answered by Ryan 2 · 0 0

Why do Christians Even CARE what others feel? I do not comprehend why a christian might come right here to argue everyday! Why do they care? If I believed in god, I might simply move approximately my trade and go away them on my own! It's now not just like the christians are creating a change!!! Why do they arrive right here and why are they so MAD?? What did we ever do to them?? Why are they so incensed approximately something NOT god or christianity?? I Really Do Not Understand Why They Care What We Believe!! If there is a god then we're suckers, proper? WHAT DO THEY CARE?? WHY ARE THEY SO ANGRY?? This is your truly reply. The equal can also be stated for anybody of ANY faith who comes on right here and bashes others within the identify of his or her god/gods and/or goddesses.

2016-09-05 09:45:26 · answer #3 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

I'm an atheist and ill try to speak impartially here.
Most atheists could care less what Christians believe. If you scroll down the topics its rarely atheists who start any of these threads and its usually a religious person such as yourself who blasts atheists with questions, and insults while trying to sound like the better person. Many people will even use god as a window by typing things through him. For example, one person typed that atheists are sent by the devil to test true Christians. I suppose i didn't come across very impartial there.

2007-06-09 09:18:32 · answer #4 · answered by Lazerus m 1 · 2 1

What makes you think atheists' actions don't have consequences? Of course they do, and the are much more concrete that the "hereafter,r'

Drive too fast and get a ticket.

Cross on a red light and get hit by a car.

Rob a bank go to jail.

Just like what happens to Christians.

Of course, sometimes atheists get away with such things; just as Christians sometimes do!

2007-06-09 09:06:28 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

You answer your own question when you say you are tired of reading disproofs of God, you read those disproofs, and so presumably care to some extent, for the same reason that atheists read and care about the proofs.
As an agnostic of course I read both and care about them.

2007-06-09 09:10:05 · answer #6 · answered by hog b 6 · 2 0

Believe it or not I for one really do NOT care what you believe.
I could care less if anyone else ever became Atheist, that is just what I am and I should be able to stay that way without a lot of judgemental crap from everyone else
Be Honest now- do Christians not argue thier point just as strongly?

2007-06-09 09:05:07 · answer #7 · answered by FallenAngel© 7 · 1 2

I don't care what Christians or any other religionist believe... right up until the point when they try to impose their beliefs on me, my family and the society I live in.

What I do care about is being stopped in the street or pestered on my own front doorstep by idiots telling me I'm a sinner or that I'm going to hell.

What I do care about is the fact that religionists are trying to replace evidence and fact with blind faith and unsupported belief, especially in our schools and educational institutions.

What I do care about is the fact that unshakeable belief, even in the face of overwhelming and obvious evidence to the contrary, can be used to manipulate and control people, especially the young.

Unfortunately there seems to be no dividing line between what Christians believe and what they do because part of what they believe is that they must disseminate their beliefs to others; thus bringing them into conflict with those who choose to believe differently.

[and to Neeva: the moment you permit religion into politics and educational establishments you set up a theocracy - a religious dictatorship. Theocracies are very dangerous for a free and democratic society because anyone disagreeing with such a government or institution is immediately accused of heresy or blasphemy with the result that you end up with a neo-fascist religious state such as occurred in Afghanistan under the Taliban. If you want to maintain democracy then religion and politics must be kept separate]

2007-06-09 08:55:33 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 2 4

It's a very interesting question, and one that has puzzled me. I have come to the conclusion that there are a variety of different types of Atheist. I believe that the majority of people professing to be atheist are not really atheists at all.

I believe that God has fashioned each and every one of us to be unique individuals, people for whom God has prepared a unique and particular plan, a plan that first and foremost reconciles us to Him through Jesus Christ, conforms, transforms and renews us to be like Jesus and by being obedient to His word and following His example, Glorify God.

That said I beleive that most professing atheists really want God to be real for them and that this is principly why they take such a keen interest, albeit negative. They will generally insist upon God making Himself known to them in ways that would require no faith on their part and when God doesn't conform to their demands, generally their response is to either try and punish God for not meeting their needs, try and gode God into responding to them or to make adjustments in order to accomodate God and in so doing find themselves seeking Him and eventually taking that step of faith and committing to Jesus.

There are of course those that refuse to believe there is a God and often they come to this conclusion based upon a misconception of who God really is.

It's my belief that God has placed the desire to know Him in the hearts of all people and it's our response to that desire that either causes a drawing nearer to Him or a drifting from Him.

God's word promises :

Jer 29:13
And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart. (KJV)

2007-06-09 10:29:13 · answer #9 · answered by movedby 5 · 0 0

I ONLY care when their beliefs cause them to act in a way that affects MY life and the lives of others in a negative way.

2007-06-09 08:55:37 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

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