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What are your thoughts and belief about the head of the Roman Catholic Church?

2007-06-09 08:37:03 · 19 answers · asked by Zezo Zeze Zadfrack 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

19 answers

Yes I believe he is the successor of Peter and as such God will guide his hand and protect the Church. He is considered infallible only in certain circumstances.

2007-06-09 08:40:34 · answer #1 · answered by Debra M. Wishing Peace To All 7 · 3 2

There was a time when the head of the Church was called the Vicar of Peter. But Peter was the original leader in the Church, the Vicar of Christ. So the transfer of titles, calling the present head of the Church the Vicar of Christ is not surprising or inaccurate.

Infallibility in the Church is a charism that needs some study to understand. Papal infallibility is an extraordinary thing; it has been used only twice in history. But the teaching authorities in the Church, along with the Pope, are also said to have the gift of infallibility when they speak about matters of faith. Infallibility can even extend to the members of the Church itself, meaning that when the Church-believing accepts something as true, it shares the gift of infallibility. All of that needs some distinctions and clarification which I am certainly not able to offer.

Do I personally believe in the infallibility of the Pope? I used to believe it wholeheartedly. Now I'm not so sure. When one reads the history of Vatican Council I in/about 1848 and understands how the pope at the time seemingly manipulated the Council, one wonders if that infallibility is true. And reading about the history of the Church and teachings that were taught at one time but not at another, one might conclude that infallibility does not exist. And yet, there are the Biblical words of Jesus: "He who hears you, hears me." And, "I will ask the Father and He will send you the Paraclete, the Holy Spirit, who will bring to your minds all that I have taught you." Just what do those words mean and how far do they extend? I don't know. But I am willing to accept the basic teachings of the Creeds as infallibly true.

2007-06-09 15:58:07 · answer #2 · answered by Sebastian 3 · 0 0

Yes, he is the Vicar of Christ. About the infallibility , it applies ONLY to matters of faith, using all his authority, and speaking as Bishop of Rome.
When he speaks as an ordinary person he is not infallible anymore, or when one of the requirements seen above is missing.
As a curious detail, the atheists in Italy, in the XIX century said that with the guts of the last Pope they would hang the last king.
Well, the last king of Italy died years ago, but the Pope is still there, as Jesus said : The Gates of evil will not prevail.
The first Popes were martyrs. Later, the corruption of the Middle Ages threatened the Vatican.
Then the Great Schism, the emperor Leo the iconoclast, Antonio de Brescia, Napoleon, and many others.
Also, during the Middle Ages, some Popes were elected in spite of being very young, causing great scandal
But, as the legend says, near Rome there is a little chapel called: Quo Vadis, Domine ?

2007-06-09 15:53:01 · answer #3 · answered by Dios es amor 6 · 1 0

No. The Pope is an imposter, a fraud.

+++The 1600 year old lie+++

Jesus founded the Nazarenes also known as the gnostics.

The Vatican has known for almost 2000 years that it was Paul of Tarsus, not Jesus who founded christianity.

+ Jesus appointed his brother James (the Just) to be first Patriarch (Pope) of the Church. He was opposed by Paul of Tarsus, the first anti-pope and first heretic.

+ Pope Linus was the first Pope of Rome (60 ce). Peter was never the first Pope and the argument that Rome is the first church is an absurdity that has been perpetuated for too long.

+ Even the founder of christianity-Paul ofTarsus who only wrote about the first churches of the East and Never about Rome- would consider the Vatican's claims as absurd lies.

+++The Living God+++

Some will claim that procedural matters such as being seated in a chair are required in order for a statement of the Pope to be infallible- a laughable, simplistic and ultimately incorrect response.

Others, will claim that infallibility only operates when the Pope is in some magical "union" with his bishops and the church and states what he says is true- again a misinformed and deliberately spun incorrect response.

To get the truth, let us look at the specific effects of the actual document Pope Pius IX published- the Papal Bull Pastor aeternus in 1871:

(Par #11) "...that the Roman Pontiff, when he speaks ex cathedra, i.e., when exercising his office as pastor and teacher of all Christians he defines, by his supreme apostolic authority, a doctrine of faith or morals which must be held by the universal Church, enjoys, through the divine assistance, that infallibility promised to him in blessed Peter and with which the divine Redeemer wanted his Church to be endowed in defining doctrine of faith and morals; and therefore that the definitions of the same Roman Pontiff are irreformable of themselves and not from the consent of the Church.

(Par 12) If anyone should presume to contradict this definition of ours - may God prevent this happening -, let him be anathema.

(See: Full Papal Bull

So it is pretty clear by the Papal Bull that was used to create the concept of Papal Infallibility that the Pope is generally infallible on virtually all matters- unless he expressely states it as his own personal opinion- an extremely rare event.

Jesus was human and never claimed to be infallible...

No, the Pope is not infallible.

2007-06-10 07:15:05 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Absolutely Not!
The Pope is no more the Vicar of the LORD Jesus, than is any other thing of evil.
There are some really good sources to research the Papal religion and their domination over Christendom I have a couple of them listed below. The Universal (which is what Catholic means) Church have single-handedly altered the majority of the teachings of Christ himself as well as the teachings of His Apostles into complete Paganism. It's not a question any longer to their affiliation with evil they are its minion in every respect. There are so many examples of their demonic infiltration to name here, but just a couple to get things rolling are:
1. God's Holy Sabbath - which is the seventh day of the week - CHANGED to the day of the Sun
2. The TRUE festivals of the LORD eliminated and the abominable pagan rituals of Baal’s birthday and the worship of Ishtar in their stead.
3. The desecration of the Lord’s Supper, with the wafer matted into the shape of the sun
4. The Mary adoration
5. The bowing and praying to statutes
6. The cross
7. The steeples
The complete and utter disrespect of God's command not to 'imitate' any of the detestable practices of the heathen. (Lev 18:3) and above all their total disregard for the scripture that mandates "Do not worship the LORD your God in the way these pagan peoples worship their gods. (Deut 12:4)
There are many Catholics that will explain away if not completely deny these accusations, but the facts are in the Bible for all to learn.
Let us all pray that they do see the error of their ways and repent.
God Bless You

2007-06-09 17:12:40 · answer #5 · answered by B Baruk Today 6 · 1 0

The pope is not the vicar Of Christ, think about it, how many innocent people have died because of the catholic church inquisitions. In history how much suffering have the popes cause on millions of people.

Plus the bible said

Romans 3:10As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one:

Romans 3: 11There is none that understandeth, there is none that seeketh after God.

Romans 3:12They are all gone out of the way, they are together become unprofitable; there is none that doeth good, no, not one.

That includes the pope also.

2007-06-09 17:29:13 · answer #6 · answered by Justin J 2 · 1 0

Yes he is the Vicar of Christ.

He is only infallible when he is speaking on faith and morals. Otherwise he is just a highly educated and informed theologian. What he says and does is important as the head of the Church, but he is fallible just like the rest of us. The Pope even goes to confession.

2007-06-09 15:46:15 · answer #7 · answered by Misty 7 · 1 0

No and No. Jesus came so that men could go to Him directly with prayers and repentance. The bible shows the way to Jesus and what Jesus wants us to do. There was never any intention for a pope or leader of all Christianity. The catholic faith is not true Christianity in my opinion as catholics pray to Mary and other "saints", worshiping them. And worship should be reserved for God/Jesus alone.

2007-06-09 16:10:24 · answer #8 · answered by duke 5 · 0 0

Yes, Christ personally appointed the Apostle Simon to headship over the Church, immediately after conferring upon himboth the title "Peter", meaning "Rock", and full authority over the Church, sybolized by the Keys to the Kingdom. In order to preserve the accuracy and truth of the Church's teaching, Christ also conferred upon Simon Peter (Simon the Rock) the charism of infallibility, telling him "whatsoever you bind upon earth is bound in heaven". As a direct result of these gifts, His Church has remained united in belief, united in teaching, united in worship and united in administration for 2,000 years, while manmade semi-Christian religion has fragmented into thousands of unauthorized denominations teaching partial truth in just a few hundred years, in direct violation of the stated will of God, "that they all may be ONE". Manmade substitutes for God's plan just don't work.

2007-06-09 16:02:28 · answer #9 · answered by PaulCyp 7 · 1 1

I believe that he is the head of our Church. And you don't understand what infallible means in regards to the Pope. He himself is not an infallible person. When he makes a decision on matters of faith, he is at that time.

There have only been TWO times that has happened.

2007-06-09 15:41:07 · answer #10 · answered by SpiritRoaming 7 · 3 2

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