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And if Christianity is a religion of love and peace, how come Christian countries are very violent and have the highest crime rates??

One thing that differs facts from opinions is statistics. Statistics don't lie. Statistics have revealed that most Islamic countries are safer than most European countries. America is far more violent than Europe, and therefore is way more violent than most Islamic countries. Even in the Christian third world countries the crime is very great; in fact, it is the highest in the whole world.

Please do not try to cite Iraq and Afghanistan for being violent, they were not like that until the Americans entered there and put the ruling regimes (which kept these countries very very safe) upside down.

Americans! Have you not known that your capital city is one of the most violent places on earth? Yet it is still no match for Detroit, Baltimore, St. Louis, New Orleans,.....etc???!!!!!!!

Is this the peace and love that Jesus taught you?!!

2007-06-09 08:29:24 · 32 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

What is very interesting is that although Europe and America are far wealthier than most Muslim countries, they are far more violent!!!

Can you believe that around 2.5 million Americans are currently behind bars??

Look at the statistics regarding violent crimes in America and Europe: Manslaughter, arson, rape, child abuse, etc! They're horrible! Look at the racism! Look at the queer methods of killing and torturing! All that comes from a religion of love and peace while Islam is a religion of hate and violence???!

Do you not know that the annual amount of violent crimes in Baltimore, Maryland (population less than 1 million people) is more than the annual amount of violent crimes in 25 Islamic countries (populatio more than 500 million people)??! What??! 500:1 is the ratio of Christian violence against Islamic violence??!!!

Remember that I did not go near South Africa, Angola, Liberia and other predominantly Christian countries!!!

2007-06-09 08:36:17 · update #1

Wow! You guys never try to say the truth nor admit it, do you? You're justifying the high crime rate as a price of "freedom", while you're attacking safety because of the deterrent harsh laws of Islam!!???!!!!

2007-06-09 08:46:16 · update #2

32 answers

Praise be to Allah, the Most Exalted, the Most gracious...

Great question brother i would first of all say... Well now according to statistics U.S.A is the country with the highest rate of rape... and also many other crime... Apparently according to statistics they have 2 women raped every mintue or something.. Subhanallah... while Saudi Arabia is the country with the lowest rate of rapes. Well the thing is that there is a bad person in every community like even in saudi arabic there are the black sheeps but then it somehow is atleast better off than the soo called FREE america... The main reason is the punishement given... Islam actually orders the rapist to be put in death.. would any of the american be willing to put a rapist who has raped their women (a mother or daughter or wife) in prison... NO!!! they would murder the guy who raped his mother... and how is it fair you want a rapist who rapes a unknown woman to be put in prison for several years... Islam surely gives the best of rights.

And for the suicide bombing, the palestinians are dying and fear death in their evevryday of life. What kind of life is that? A 7 year old son loses his mum and cries with her blood on his face.. would anyone care to look after him... NO and what do many ignorant people say or ask WHY ARE MUSLIMS TERRORISTS... its like you let a your guest stay in your house for 2 days and the 3rd day he kicks you out of your own house and demands its his house and when you go in with a knife threatening him to go out he calls you a TERRORIST.. How fair is that... brothers and sisters i dont know why many of the people are still blinded like this.. Women are being raped in prisons thinking they've tried to do suicide bombing ... where on earth did rape come from... The iraqi's are dying... OKAY maybe few of them are being idiotic and killing people in the name of ISLAM but how does that include all the muslims.. No one blames christianity for hitler killing 6 million jews.

Islam is a relegion of peace alhamdulillah. You want to know the true side then learn it not just blindly say "oh Islam teaches terrorism". Allah says in the Quran(25:63)

"And the slaves of the Most Beneficent (Allah) are those who walk on earth in humility and sedateness, and when the foolish address them (with bad words) they reply back with mild words of gentleness."

Subhanallah.... does that verse look like it teaches us muslims on how to bomb people? No open your eyes the IGNORANT... and think freely and learn the true side of Islam and not what the media shows.

2007-06-09 12:19:24 · answer #1 · answered by ﷲAllah's Slaveﷲ 4 · 12 11

I resent the assumption that all americans blindly subsribe to christian doctrine... and you don't need religion in order to lead an ethical & positive life, effecting the people around you & your society with love, respect & humility.

Aren't the people slaughtering people in Darfur muslim arabs? You excluded Iraq & Afganistan from your answer, but you didn't exclude the genocide taking place in Africa.

Also, while I know genital mutilation (aka female circumcision) is not a musltim tradiation, and actually has roots in older naturalistic traditions of the middle east & africa... no matter how low the murder or rape rate is in a country... if You're cutting little girls clitoris off, that's f*cked up & counteracts any statistics that appear to make a country less violent. Also... honor killings.

Human beings are animals. There are many good, wholesome, intellegent people in the world.... but sadly, there are also many many hateful, idealistic, fundamentalist (believing your belief system & way of life is superior to others) that do harm to other human beings because they can.

Islam is not an inherently violent religion, neither is christrianity...but like any religion, both can be abused & bastardized into vehicles for hate & oppression against people.

2007-06-09 08:40:09 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 4 2

My dear sister in humanity, unfortunately your experience is not all that rare. It has happened many times before that a Muslim who knows little of their religion (or simply doesn't follow it) asks their spouse to become Muslim, only to have it bite them later, when their spouse starts to see their sins. I'm sorry your husband is acting in such a way, and I hope you will be able to understand that Islam is not always best represented by Muslims, especially in this case it would seem. While I would encourage you to become Muslim, as it is the right path, nobody has the right to make you do so. You also have all the rights afforded to a Muslim wife. While I don't know all the details, from you have said I would say divorce is probably your best option, as this seems to be more about his control issues than your religion. If you are determined to try everything to save your marriage first, you could try finding a good and learned imam to talk to him, possibly get first him (then maybe both of you as a couple) into counseling. Believe, me when you see a Muslim, male or female, with true Noor (the light of faith), you'll understand the difference. God bless you, and may you go in peace. Please e-mail me if you want any help or advice. I'm no scholar, but I promise I'll listen and do my best.

2016-04-01 12:40:17 · answer #3 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

It is not all about religion but it is about cultures. Even in the same country you can find areas are safer than others. Commonly, the big cities that holds many different people and more money are suffering from more violent and high percentages of crime.
On the other hand, the most poverty exists the most violent you get whatever the religion there is. Also we should recognize that believers (whatever their religion is) are more patient to face the bad conditions and to not act violently that they try to avoid committing bad things like steal, kill, rape...etc.
I would like to add that the political situation plays a big role in what violence the country suffers from.


2007-06-09 08:49:23 · answer #4 · answered by Eve 5 · 3 2

I like what eve said --

grasshopper--the punishmemts you gave are not sanctioned by islam --and we kill tons of ppl here in american too--esp. Texas aka saudi arabia west

not perfect--how can you compare war zones to here and now? yes, iraq was bad before but still not the same-- add up all the murders here etc...when you see them as individual crimes and then compare them they way you do to a mass killing it looks different I know -- but that's not the only way to look at it!

millie --u have been brainwashed--i don't even want to get into what each person has said that is wrong (because I do it a lot already and it is tiring) but for example femal circumcision is done more on christians than muslims -- it is not islamic --somebody asked the prophet about it once (because it was a cultural things some ppl did) and he said not to cut to much (just cut the hood of the clitoris not what they do now) and if the hood was cut you could feel it A LOT MORE --plus muslims aren't hung up about sex like christians sex is a GOOD thing in Islam -- muslims used to talk about how to please a member of the opposite sex--it wasn't something to be ashamed of like in traditional western culture

I have lived in other countries and felt a lot safer elsewhere!!! (other western and nonwestern)

2007-06-09 09:20:44 · answer #5 · answered by Sassafrass 6 · 3 1

Islam is a peaceful religion because every Muslim says Asalmalakum and that means may peace be with you,and Hinduism is a religion mostly worshiped in India, and India probably has the most rapes and are always caused by Hindus.to me Hinduism is a religion where they worship different types of gods and goddesses and rape

2014-02-12 04:07:55 · answer #6 · answered by Kainat 1 · 0 2

That's not entirely true. Have you seen the World Peace Index? (Visionofhumanity.com) While the U.S. ranks around the same as most MENA and predominantly Muslim countries (exceptions Morocco, Tunisia, Oman, Qatar, and a bit of South Asia), Western Europe, Canada, Australia, Argentina, Japan, Madagascar, and a few scattered others ranked highest. Not one predominantly Muslim nation was in the top 10 (although Denmark, at number 3 is said to have the highest population of Muslims).

Now, I live in a wonderfully peaceful Muslim country, Morocco, and I'm from the states, so you'd imagine that my perspective on violence has changed...it has. Moroccans are, on the whole, nonviolent people. They also practice a pretty moderate (relatively, anyhow) form of Sunni Islam, and are not under Shari'a law. It seems to me then, that Muslim morals combined with Western-style government/laws works a whole lot better than Shar'ia.

Also...why suggest that the United States is a Christian country? It's a 76% Christian country (Source: CIA Factbook). The others are Jewish, Muslim (each 1%), "other" or "no religion." That leaves a large percent of the population without Jesus. So why drag him into it?

2007-06-09 10:18:39 · answer #7 · answered by nomadic 5 · 1 5

I just wanted to say a few words for whatever it is worth.

The United States isn't all Christian. I don't know statistics but I'm sure there are many people in the United States that haven't accepted Jesus Christ into their heart and lives.

There are all sorts of religions here in the US. So why is it the Christians who are responsible for all the violence in the "Christian" countries. I didn't even know there was a "Christian" country.

As far as I was taught, Satan works hardest in the lives of those who are closests to God. Satan doesn't need to do anything with the people whom he has control over already. He's got them hook, line and sinker.

Just wondering, if the "Islamic" countries are so safe and a joy to live in, then why are there so many native Islam people living here in the United States. Wouldn't they just love to stay in their peaceful country instead of coming over here?

I have friends in the United Arab Emirates. I will have to ask for their take on the non-violent atmosphere they are experiencing.

Thanks for your time. Just trying to live this life the best I can so that I can someday be with my heavenly Father in peace.

2007-06-09 09:45:54 · answer #8 · answered by Plain Lady 1 · 1 4

so the genocide that Saddam practiced on his own people is somehow forgotten? what about the honor killings? what about what the Muslim people are doing in Darfur? (rape and murder of children on a daily basis)

you site the US as a Christian Country but it is not now and has never been such. (see the treaty of Tripoli) many of our citizens are christian. but many more are of many different religions or Athiest.

Iraq, was not a violent place before the american invasion?
learn your history. less than 20 years has passed since Irag invaded a peacful neighbour (Kuwait).

and crime rates are low be3cause of the very severe punishments.( cutting hands off of thieves. public beatings etc.)
for minor crimes.

oh yeah, in America we do not cut the heads off of Prisioners of war. and then broadcast it on the internet. we do not kidnap people that come to help us. and kill them because their religion is different.

we are not by any menas perfect. but you all have a long way to come to.

2007-06-09 08:41:16 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 4 2

This is exactly why I'm going back home right after I finish school...
My parents were sooo upset after the Virginia tech shooting... my mom said:
" couldn't u study here instead of there? Nothing like that ever happens here... look at them... they just broke their last record in school shootings!!! "

Since when I was 13-14... I used to go out alone... with friends my own age... without any adults...
We used to go to the mall... movies... do stuff that teenagers do... and come back home around 12 a.m....
I always felt safe... I never knew anyone who had something happened to them... violence was just for the movies...

But now... I turn on the local news... and omg... even 1 minute of it makes me pee my pants...

I can't wait to go back home...

2007-06-09 14:27:02 · answer #10 · answered by Samantha 6 · 4 0

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