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okay so i have two pitbull puppies they both are very vibrant healthy(bright-eye bushy tails)the male however has thrown up and passed bloody stool yesterday his stool was dark and watery yesterday. today it was light and more solid i recently lost a male to parvo but the disease is in my backyard he did go in my backyard for about two minutes(ididn't know the gate was open)i immeadeatly grabbed him and brought him to the front yard.now i don't know if he has it or not because he only had two symptoms.i can't take him to the vet because my parents are going through a financial situation but in 2 weeks they are going to get their scond set of shots i hope he can last that long (because i love both of my puppies.)

2007-06-09 08:17:30 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pets Dogs

my other dog when i took him to the vet they did not do anything all they wanted was money they did not even tell us abpout home treatment the girl has had her first set of shots but the boy has not is she safe??

2007-06-09 08:28:36 · update #1

i just feel so relieved but i don't want to get my hopes up yet he is perfectly normal now...no vomit today or bloody stool the stool has even hardened it does not have that oh so familiar parvo smell but i still wonder why he had bloody stool.

2007-06-09 18:52:19 · update #2

15 answers

If your puppy starts refusing to eat, or diarrea becomes watery, he likely was exposed. If he starts acting like he has parvo and you can't take him to the vet give him pedialite, and keep him hydrated, you can give him pepto bismol for the diarrea, and vommiting. if you have any antiobiotics you can use them also. I would call your vet, and ask for antibiotics. Keep your other puppy away, and clean everything with a bleach solution. GOOD LUCK You could also have hookworms which can cause bloody diarrea

2007-06-09 08:50:24 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I am sorry that your puppies are ill and even though it does sound like the worst I hope that everything works out for the best. People have told you to ask the vet about payment plans, but from what you have said this vet sounds shisty, I would suggest going to another vet, first thing. I have heard of vet clinics that actually have programs for people who have pets that can't afford certain emergency treatments and such so it would actually be a good idea to check into that. Also, find out through the vet how you could safely remove the disease from your entire property front, back and inside your home because every-time you were to have a puppy it would have a higher chance of picking up the disease. I hope that everything works out and I hope that you find a vet that works for you. If you have trouble finding a good vet you could talk to the puppy kindergarten/obedience trainers in your area to suggest a good vet.

2007-06-09 15:45:15 · answer #2 · answered by Danie girl 2 · 0 0

If you could get him to a Vet, it would be great but he may not have Parvo it may be just something he ate out there - you know puppies everything goes in their mouths. Since you already lost one to parvo you might be just adding 2 and 2 together and coming up with 5
Usually some of the symptoms are high fever, loss of appetite and he'd be really tired as well as the diahorrea. and generaly it takes 7-10 days from exposure for the symptoms to start showing. And the diahorrea should stink something real bad, does any of that sound familiar, if so get him to a vet ASAP, if he has it he could pass it to the other pup. If he doesn't have these just keep a close eye on him and if any of them turn up get him to a vet.
I'll keep my fingers crossed for you

2007-06-09 15:39:07 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

If he has bloody diarrhea, and you have a history of Parvo in your area, it's too late, he probably has Parvo. HOWEVER there is a treatment for Parvo, you don't have to just let him die! If you want him to live you MUST take him to the vet. If you can't afford it , the vet may offer you a reduced price or a payment plan.
DON'T let your puppy suffer for the next two weeks, if it even takes that long before he dies! If you can't take care of him and don't have a friend or relative who can help, give him to a shelter where he can be either cared for, or put to sleep.

2007-06-09 15:26:40 · answer #4 · answered by Firekeeper 4 · 1 0

Call the vet, explain the situation. Both the dogs health problem and the financial situation. Ask up front if you can work out a payment plan. If the pup needs help, the vet should be willing to work out a payment plan. The vet may be able to give you what you need over the phone. Don't panic, pits are tough, that's what gets them in so much trouble.

2007-06-09 15:27:38 · answer #5 · answered by Aunt Karen 4 · 0 0

I have a dog that survived parvo and yes you will find that alot of vets wont mess with you if you don't have money, but I did find a vet that would take him without payment first, you have to just call around to try to find one, the bloody stool isn't a good sign, my vet told me that they get parvo through the pads on their feet, so even if you keep your dog in your own backyard and an infected dog pees on the fence your dog could get it, he also said the even if your dog is vaccinated for parvo they can still get it, they had seen fully vaccinated dogs get it and non-vaccinated dogs survive, it all depends on the immune system of the dog, keep an eye on the dog and make sure he is drinking and eating and keep an eye on the stool, I had to force feed my dog with a turkey baster, I gave him broth and water, and crushed up a Tylenol. but try calling around to find someone who will at least talk to you about home remedies.also they told us to disinfect our back yard, put bleach water in a sprayer, and spray the entire yard VERY well, saturate it, you might have to do it a couple times just to be safe, we did .... good luck

2007-06-09 17:32:11 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You need to have him checked asap@!!!!!! dogs, especially puppies can die very quickly from parvo...and he symptoms sound a little like the begininng of parvo. Puppies immune systems are not in full swing, therefore parvo can consume them quickly. Parvo can live in the house as well, if the other dog was in the house, and you didnt disinfect the places where the dog was, parvo can still be in those areas. I think it would be a good idea to have him checked out...there are vet s out there who will work with you and you might be able to check with the animal shelter , they might be able to help you or refer you to someone who can look at your fur baby. Good luck

2007-06-09 15:26:35 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I would say that he has parvo and you should see the vet asp! Even birds carry the disease on their feet from place to place and it is very contagious. He probably will die if he doesn't get medical attention immediately! Try to get the vet to work out a payment plan they ususaly will. I am very sorry for you to be in this situation, good luck.!

2007-06-09 15:29:36 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

he needs to get to the vets good cahnce he has parvo. Talk to the vet about teh money.
If not you need to find a home for the pups that can afford to take them to the vets. Otherwisse it is against teh law not to care for your animals if they need a vet you can't deprive them.
get them to teh vets immidiately if it is parvo the pup won't last and even if it did they cant give him a shot and will end up costing even more.

2007-06-09 15:25:42 · answer #9 · answered by Kit_kat 7 · 0 0

your best bet for keeping the girl puppy safe would be to keep her away from the male and everything he plays with and such just till he is better....and yes dogs can survive parvo so dont give up hope just yet

2007-06-09 18:12:40 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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