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27 answers

Man has changed it
Man has edited it

2007-06-09 04:20:46 · answer #1 · answered by ¸.•*´`*•.¸ ℓανєη∂єr ¸.•*´`*•.¸ 6 · 4 0

1. The bible is written by man
2. Numerous Fallacies and Contradictions. The book of Genesis alone has been proven to be written by two different sources, contradicting itself.
3. None of the prophecies have been fulfilled. We can use Occam's Razor to explain away anything that may even resemble fulfilled prophecy.
4. Prayer does not work as stated in the bible. If you pray to Jesus he is supposed to answer your prayers. Blind studies have proven this false.
5. What's the point of the OT when supposedly the NT overrides it?
6. Young earth theory. Enough said.
7. Oh, another one (edit). The bible must be taken as a whole, not parts. If any one thing is false, it is all false. And since we've pretty much proven Genesis false with science, the rest of the book must, by default, be false, too.

I wanted to provide more than two reasons that object to the bible's irrelevance. It's only fair to the xians that I give 6 facts as well.

And the "proofs" the Christians are giving are simply based on faith, emotion and "becuase I said so" statements. Those are opinions, not facts.

2007-06-09 04:31:20 · answer #2 · answered by umwut? 6 · 3 0

1. Too many contradictions and inconsistancies. I could name more than 6.
2. Translation from greek or aramaic to english or Italian was translated to fit the agenda of the church. For example, May was not a virgin, the correct translation is 'young woman'.
3. Where is Jesus from the age of 12 to the age of 30? what were they trying to hide by leaving out most of his adult life?
4. Genesis disproves Genesis. Cain went to Nod where he found a wife. Obviously Adam and Eve were NOT the only 2 people on earth.
5. The bible promotes bigotry. Homosexuality for example. I never chose my sexuality. I was born the way I am. Why in the hell would God give a damn who you sleep with? it is ludicrous!
6. Noah's flood! Cone one, don't insult my intelligence. What? Did the Inca's have an ark and how about the Asian's.
7. Supposedly I am supposed to believe that God sacrificed himself to himself to save us from a place he created!!!! How stupid is that!
8. The whole concept of the rapture was not even invented until the 1800's but there is all this left behind $HIT EVERYWHERE.
9. The gnostic gospels were declared heresy and ordered destroyed by the church because they did not fit the agenda of the church. In them it says that Jesus spoke of salvation through enlightenment.
10. Why would god create all the souls alive on this planet right now knowing that 80% of them would go to hell because they are not 'saved'? That is beyond stupid!

I could go on and on but i'll stop now.

The bible is man made fiction designed to instill fear and keep control of the sheeple and collect their money.

2007-06-09 04:33:31 · answer #3 · answered by Gorgeoustxwoman2013 7 · 4 0


a 2000 year old book written by sheepherders during a time when mankind still believed the earth was flat where a man is born the son of a god by immaculate conception, water turns into wine, a man walks on water, a snake talks, a stick turns into a snake, a sea parts, and a man rises from the dead after three days, a bush talks, mankind was created from dirt, woman was created from a man’s rib, with a supposedly loving god that throws people into hell to be tortured for eternity if they didn’t do what he says during life, AND this book supports intolerance, and the promotion of prejudice and denial of the human rights of human beings like deriding homosexuality, and abortion, and the followers are EXTREMELY judgemental.

2007-06-09 04:31:50 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

I don't. Why? Corruption. Everyone wants to be right, its not a matter of religion and God anymore. Its about who has most power and who wants to win this never ending debate. Which is why pages and pages of the Bible are being hidden. Why? Second, There is no proof. No proof of anything, any major religion has no solid proof to say who is right or wrong. I hate the fact that the majority of the people who are followers of the Bible push it onto others saying it is Truth. Prove it.

2007-06-09 04:24:03 · answer #5 · answered by Harlequin 6 · 6 0

Deuteronomy is a fake, written by scribes and Priests under King Josiah, in order to change Mosaic Law. It is an ancient fake, but it's still a fake.

Mark chapter sixteen, after verse eight, is a third century fake.

There are many, many more.

2007-06-09 04:28:16 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 6 0

supposedly god orders adultery as punisment, violating "commandments"

because man is changed from being equal with woman in Gen 1 to being superior in Gen 2, a contradiction and an insult to humanity

God Orders Adultery

"This said the LORD, Behold, I will raise up evil against thee out of thine own house, and I will take thy wives before thine eyes, and give them unto thy neighbour, and he shall lie with thy wives in the sight of this sun." (II Samuel 12:11)

Here describes God, not only condoning adultery, but literally causes it to happen!

Note also, the strange assertion that God raises up evil, supposedly an act reserved for Satan. In fact, nowhere does the Bible accuse Satan of raising evil. Little do most faithful realize that they worship a raiser and creator of evil (for God's creation of evil, see Isaiah 45:7).

2007-06-09 04:48:51 · answer #7 · answered by voice_of_reason 6 · 1 1

1. No scientific proof.
2. It's CLEARLY created and written by man, as it is full of incoherencies and confussing messages,

I'll give you yet another one.

3. It was concieved as a means of offering spiritual guidance.

2007-06-09 04:24:30 · answer #8 · answered by Cocó 3 · 5 1

#1. My gods aren't in it, and I've met them.
#2. Thievery was not a crucifiction-worthy (capital) crime in the Roman provinicae, and if Pilate has crucified two thieves, he would've been recalled.

2007-06-09 04:34:12 · answer #9 · answered by LabGrrl 7 · 3 0

I believe the Bible was written by hearsay.. It was written many years after the time of Christ. I believe it was written to control people.... By fear and prejudice.

2007-06-09 04:32:30 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

1) Politicians lie about everything.
2)The Christian church and bible where started by a Roman emperor.

2007-06-09 04:29:00 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

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