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people are just fat because they are lazy, don't care about themselves,have no personal hygiene, and just eat bad food all day long?

I am sure there are people out there like that, but why generalize that all people that happen to be overweight choose this path? Who, other than someone completely INSANE choose to be treated like ****, made fun of everywhere you go, never get dates, be overlooked and abused and have it assumed that you are disgusting?

2007-06-09 04:16:57 · 19 answers · asked by grannykathy@sbcglobal.net 1 in Society & Culture Etiquette

19 answers

Yeah! Exactly!

I have been overweight my entire life, but my sister is slender.

I was always playing outside; playing sports, climbing trees, rollerskating, walking to the mall, jumping rope, etc.

SHe sat inside almost all the time, reading.

I ate healthy food in appropriate portions.Every year at the doctor's office we consulted dieticians that told us how to eat healthy.

SHe had seconds, thirds. She snacked a lot. She ate McDonalds-fries and shakes and cheeseburgers.

I played sports and was very active all through high school and college. I also worked out every day in addition. I also worked 30 hours at my job as a waitress at a busy restaurant.

She sang and worked as a cashier where she sat.

Now that we have both graduated high school and college, she is married with 2 children and I am single. I work 2 jobs to put myself through more school (to change my career) and still work out 5 plus times a week.

SHe has had 2 children and works as a teacher. She does yoga.

She still eats dessert almost every night and doesn't really watch what she eats in regard to fat, cholesterol, fiber, carbohydrates or sodium. SHe also drinks Full sugar Soda all day long. She also goes out 2 or three times a month and drinks.

I eat a balanced diet with portions; and I watch fat, fiber, carbs, cholesterol, and sodium. I never drink soda.
I never drink alcohol.

Now, according to most people, she would be the overweight one and I would be the skinny person. I am the one that cares about myself, my appearance, takes care to exercise and eat healthily, and I am the fat one.

2007-06-09 04:32:57 · answer #1 · answered by rebecca h 2 · 1 0

I have never thought fat people don't care about themselves of have no personal hygiene. I don't see what that has to do with being overweight. And I am sorry to hear that you are being bullied and put down because of your weight. I agree that it should be your inner beauty that matters.

Having said that, I firmly believe that most people are able to maintain a normal figure (that can range from skinny to slightly chubby) by eating healthily and exercising enough.

I am aware that there are exceptions to this rule, but not that many! And most overweight people don't have medical conditions causing weight gain.

Personally I don't have a car and either walk to places or use my bicycle. Besides that I go running three to four times a week. I have a reasonably balanced eating pattern and I try to avoid eating processed food every day.
I have no problem maintaining a healthy weight :-)
Apart from me, my entire family is overweight. They eat way more than me, snack a lot and do no exercise.

And when I was a student, I ate badly, drank alcohol very frequently and did no exercise whatsoever. I was 15-18 kilo's (33-40 pounds) heavier back then than I am now.

So I really do think that exercise and diet are crucial in most cases.

2007-06-09 09:57:36 · answer #2 · answered by Judith 3 · 0 0

I agree this is much worse for overweight people; however it is like that with many things. People are basically not empathetic. If they don't have a particular problem they assume that problem must be the sufferers fault. It is the same with some type of mental disorders; people tell others suffering from depression to just get up and do something and they will feel better; that is like telling a person who is paralyzed just to get up and walk.

I am happy you posted this; you are absolutely correct.

2007-06-09 05:05:55 · answer #3 · answered by Patti C 7 · 1 0

I don't know why skinny people think fat people are lazy. I'm a fat guy. I've been a fat guy my whole life. There have been periods in my life when I was very lazy. There have also been periods in my life when I was very active. Now, granted, when I was more active, I did weigh less. But I was still fat. The difference between me being lazy and being active is about twenty pounds. The difference between me and a skinny person is about 100 pounds. Also, I have known TONS of lazy skinny people in my life. It's about genetics, man. My family is full of fat people. Most skinny people's families are full of skinny people. Just live and let live and don't listen to what judgemental people have to say. They are just hateful and mean. Live long and be healthy.

2007-06-09 04:25:15 · answer #4 · answered by Ham B 4 · 2 0

Because people are just cruel. They don't realize that alot of fat people eat less food than "skinny" people. My mom is big and she eats way less than I do, she works longer hours than I do, she keeps a better house than I do but she also cooks food that taste awesome. I don't eat her food to often because it is really high in fat and calories. I know why she is the size she is and it has nothing to do with being lazy or eating a ridiculous amounts of food. It's because she eats great tasting food!! You can't eat great tasting food on a daily a basis and be skinny unless you think bland food taste just as good as well seasoned high calorie food. Most fat people are fat because they don't want to sacrifice that type of food. I don't blame them, I just prefer to be "normal" than fat.

2007-06-09 04:44:24 · answer #5 · answered by CeCe 3 · 1 0

sure i understand a fat lazy individual and that i understand skinny lazy human beings. eating isn't the only thank you to get fat. some fat human beings have wellness motives. some human beings can eat all day devoid of gaining a pound whilst some can income weight fairly quickly. no one knows the real reason of peoples fat and that they shouldn't make stupid assumptions approximately it.

2016-12-12 16:10:24 · answer #6 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

You know, once you get treated how you say fat people get treated, they loose self-esteem to a point where they really dont care what people think about them or not. People like that come to a point where they see life against them. I really dont think they chose to be like that, nobody would want to be like that, but its inevitable to change what other people think about you. In most cases, other affects of depression are constant eating disorders, which in a way is a depression itself, and that depression is what makes people like that sink even lower. So its not that they chose to be in that path, they just lost hope of whom they are, and of whom they could have been.

2007-06-09 04:26:26 · answer #7 · answered by Calypso65 1 · 0 0

People are trying to distance them selves from something they fear by acting like that. They are convincing them selves that they could never become fat. That fat people are so different from them and that there is no way that could ever be them. People don't realize how easy it is to gain weight. And by ostracizing others and distancing themselves they thing it makes them very different and superior. some one in my family has been like that for over 40 years, always judging and preaching about others being over weight and how they should try this diet or that diet in spite of how unhealthy it might be, because she never had a weight problem and really has no idea how it is. she would single her children and grand children out if they were over weight and either put them down or ignore them. Now she recently had her thyroid removed and has gained loads of weight. For some one who has always been a fat-phobic this must be hell for her. She always acted like she was afraid of fat people, like she might catch it. So distancing herself might make it less likely for her to "catch" it.

2007-06-09 04:30:31 · answer #8 · answered by auntieclimactik 2 · 1 0

Hey. because they fail to realize that they themselves have issues w/there own self!!! they may not be fat but i guarantee you that there's something under the surface that others CAN'T see that maybe thats a reason why they feel the need to judge/condemn others. a good look in the mirror may fix that but i doubt it 'cuz there too busy critizing others!!!! dont bother t o worry yourself about these small minded people....you're better than that. good luck, take care! ~SC.

2007-06-09 04:26:40 · answer #9 · answered by shopperchic 2 · 1 0

There are many in this world tht fail to attempt to see the inner beauty. remember through all this strife you may come upon, that you are beautiful in every way- inside and out...it is always diffacult when dealing with osterization, but try to hold your head high,as they who consume themselves with the largeness of others are far no better, but very ignorant. "Remember too"- YOU, have much to offer the world.... : ).

2007-06-09 06:53:11 · answer #10 · answered by Seeking 6 · 0 0

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