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Why do we have to die?
What is death
and what happens to you when you die?
and please tell me if you are afraid to die - why?
and what do you think of the quote " death is only the begining"?

2007-06-09 02:43:06 · 23 answers · asked by cjp201 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

23 answers

Spirit extraction. Cell decay termination.

Death is not only the beginning, for it is the way to the future.
When things die, they contribute their shells to the new lives as fuel.

2007-06-09 02:47:07 · answer #1 · answered by Invisible_Flags 6 · 1 0

Death is the end of existence in this physical body. It is the end of life as we know it. No one knows what happens when you die because no one has come back to tell us.

There are varying theories.

Sometimes I am a little afraid to die. Other times I am OK with it.

The truth is, the moment you are born you begin dying. This is the natural cycle of life.

I believe that death is the beginning of a new existence, although I have no proof what that might be. Surely, billions of people throughout the millenia who believed and currently believe in an afterlife can't all be wrong.

Regardless of whether or not there is an existence after death, we would do well to use our time wisely, being kind and relieving suffering of those less fortunate,

2007-06-09 09:52:10 · answer #2 · answered by Linda R 7 · 1 0

Death is when the physical body shuts down. From there, depending on what you believe, the spirit moves into another dimension of life.

Why we die who knows. The way the earth is set up the world would probably be overpopulated very quickly if we didn't die.

Yes, I am afraid to die. This is because I don't know for sure what happens when it's all over. I hope there is some type of a positive Afterlife to look forward to.

As far as the quote it depends on what happens when you die.

2007-06-09 09:49:27 · answer #3 · answered by kfount400 2 · 1 0

Death is a comma that seperates our life of this world with the eternal hereafter. We die simply because it is God's universal plan that every soul to taste death and none can escape it. Once we die, it is our good deeds done sincerely for God alone as shown by His messenger befits us there and life begins accordingly with the nature of our actions. Pious shall have bliss and evil ones shall get their due punishments. I am not afraid of death and I am 100% sure I shall meet my Lord oneday or the other, but I am only worried about my sins, but hope Allah will forgive me. The quote is true. Death is the beginning of an endless life.

2007-06-09 09:57:30 · answer #4 · answered by Ismail Eliat 6 · 0 0

Death is the end of life, and it happens for different reasons: disease, trauma, and the gradual wearing out of our bodies. And then that's it: when our brains die, they stop producing all these things that we call "mind" or "consciousness". It's the beginning of nothing, because we can't experience the absence of experience. We can only ever experience life, so while we might know that we're about to die, we won't know it when we're dead.

I'm not afraid of death, though I'd rather it didn't happen for a long time.

2007-06-09 10:48:50 · answer #5 · answered by garik 5 · 0 0

Death is nothing more than a very deep sleep if you will look in your bible. The second death is the one we do not want a part in as it will be for eternity as we will be destroyed, not live for eternity as most want you to believe. that is the one those that reject God will end up and will be burned up in the fire of Hell and be turned to ashes, burned up, will die. When you die, your thoughts perish, see Eccl. 9:5-6. As for being afraid of death, why would anyone be afraid that knows what the bible says about it. I welcome it as the next thing I will see is Jesus Glorious face calling me from the grave to join Him in Heaven. Death only the beginning, if your heart is right with God it can be a glorious beginning but if not, it is not such a good one as you will be in the fires of Hell and be burned up and die the second death, the one you will never be brought back from but will be ashes.

2007-06-09 09:52:20 · answer #6 · answered by ramall1to 5 · 0 1

Death is the surcease of pain. As to what happens after, where does the light go when you turn off the flashlight? I'm not afraid to die, and have little respect for anybody over fifteen who hasn't made peace with their own end.

2007-06-09 20:28:19 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Death... is the Cessation of Life!

"Clinical Death"... is when your Hear Stops! But if it is Started Again.... You once again... are Alive!

"BIOLOGICAL DEATH"...... comes between 6-to-10 Minutes after Clinical Death. The Body and the Blood start to decay... and... ACIDOSIS.....Begins to Destroy YOUR BODIES CELLS... and the Ability to be Revived!

Brain Death.... also takes place as a result of the ACIDOSIS!

We have to die.... because our First Parents.... Adam & Eve...Sinned against The COMMANDMENT of GOD!

(Romans 5:12) Therefore, even as through one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin, and so death passed on all men inasmuch as all sinned:


(Hebrews 9:27-28) And as it is appointed to men once to die, = = = but after this the judgment,

(Heb 9:28) so Christ = = was once offered = = to bear the sins of many. = = And to those who look for Him = = He shall appear the second time = = without sin to salvation.

Any other Questions... email me direct?

Thanks, RR

2007-06-09 09:52:16 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Death allows the renewal of life. If there were no death there would be no change...no growth....no maturing....the reason for having a family would be gone because all would be the same.....death is a process of living....a part of the cycle...energy which is life is neither created nor destroyed just transferred (laws of science)....so our life energy continues somewhere in the universe....I do not have a deep fear of death....having watched the cycles of life many times in my dog kennel over 50 years....death can be as beautiful as life.....yet there is always some anxiety as the time comes..

2007-06-09 09:50:20 · answer #9 · answered by chico2149 4 · 1 0

Romans 6:23: For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Roams 15: 55- 58 O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory? The sting of death is sin; and the strength of sin is the law. But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord.

I am not afraid to die, because I have Gods promises and I know what to expect. Sometimes I fear the way I might die, but again Jesus promised I am with you alway even unto the end.

There were martyrs such as John Hus who felt no pain!

2007-06-09 09:49:38 · answer #10 · answered by Ardys R 2 · 0 1

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