Omg, that's so sweet! She's really lucky to have you! I understand the feeling about being hurt a lot and being unsure about who to trust. Give it time. Just stay by her side, take care of her, do sweet things for her, and show her that she's loved. Show her that there are guys out there (i.e. you) that really love her and wouldn't hurt her. Remain loyal to her and just be the best boyfriend that you can be. Don't get angry with her too often, hang up on her, leave her, or flirt with other girls. You need to let her know that she's the one you want, and that your life wouldn't be complete without her. Make her feel needed, special, and loved. Give it time, and she'll turn around. She's just afraid to open her heart up just to have it crushed again. It gets to a certain point that after being hurt so much, we don't have the emotional strength to get hurt so badly again. Just make her feel safe and loved, and she'll realize that you're not like the other guys. Hope this helps! Good luck to you two! You'll see, it'll work out. =)
2007-06-08 14:53:30
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
What you said is really sweet! It would be a wonderful idea to show her what you asked here on Yahoo! She'll think it's sweet :)
Really the only way to build trust is through time. If you don't mess up and your intentions are pure, over time, she'll learn to love you. That's the amazing thing about humans...their heart may be broken many times, but love always finds a way of putting things back together.
If you show her a lot of devotion now, and if you do everything to make her happy, it's inevitable that she'll fall for you.
I'm glad you realize how she feels about this and why she has difficulty trusting you. As long as you two have a perfect understanding of each other, the past won't get in the way. It just takes time!!!
2007-06-08 14:53:30
answer #2
answered by Anita 3
First, do not rush her or push her to make a decision about how she feels about. On the other hand, do not wait too long for her to decide that she wants to have a relationship with you. Do things for her, but not too much, help her in ways like fill her car with gasoline, get it washed, once in awhile, but DO NOT do too much for her too quick or she will get scared off. Be considerate, open car doors for her, make something in the kitchen that only you made, even sandwiches would be fine, put it in a picnic basket, and eat lunch at the park.
When she tells you she is going to call you, and if for some reason she does not, do not freak out or let her know that you are worried about why she did not call you. Do not tell again that you love her, too soon. You already told her. When she tells you that she loves, then tell her. The main thing is to be very patient with her, but not too patient. There is a fine line.
After maybe 2 months of showing trust, and doing kind and considerate things for her, if you do not see her interest in you go way up, then consider stopping the extreme kindness, of course, continue to be nice, but not too much. You almost have to see how she reacts to you when you do something. If after your first considerate act she is very responsive by words to you, that is great, but do not read too much into it. The bottom line is take things slow.
2007-06-08 14:56:18
answer #3
answered by WE 5
It depends on what type of girl she is. I'm a girl and I know if a guy were to be really nice, generous, open-hearted, umm lets c, compationate, loving, and everything good you can think of i'd trust him. Well, not exactly. Try to get her to tell you a secret then while you're still together don't tell but never talk about it. Try to show her that you care and be a Man!
2007-06-08 14:55:15
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Honestly, I would show her the post you just left here!!! Sounds like you really love her and you can only be yourself. You seem like you are willing to be patient so all you can do is wait it out and wait for her to respond. Maybe send her some roses to her work place/or home (not sure how old you are) along with a card expressing your feelings. Girls love it, especially if it's something unexpected. I hope it works out.
2007-06-08 14:57:32
answer #5
answered by KR52 3
Just keep doing what your doing and be patient as you said she has been hurt before so she is looking for the hurt to come from you as well.
You sound like you really love her and will do anything for her right on cool. I have been where your girl is at with past things standing in the way of things in my life and I have been with a man for 8 years now and I still have times were I doubt his love! can you believe that? but he is just awesome and very understanding and we are still together and will always be so just be yourself and let her know that no matter what you are going to be there for her 100% and nothing is going to stand in the way of that.
Well take it one day at a time and I wish you both the best of luck.
2007-06-08 14:55:22
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Only time can build trust. I wish there was a "grand gesture" to fast forward the process.
If she has been hurt in the past, she may never be fully able to trust.
The best way to gain trust?
On every occassion, be consistent.
Do what you say you are going to do.
Say what you mean and mean what you say.
Don't lie, hide or hurt her.
Given some time, she will probably warm up to the idea.
(Please, whatever you do, don't mention that you want to marry her!) That would frighten almost anybody your age.
2007-06-08 14:54:53
answer #7
answered by Matt 7
Give her time... If u can, go spend as much time with her as possible maybe take her up onto a mountain or even to the beach as a date, and just show her how much u love her by writing a poem to her or even be cute and sweet and buy a ring and get on one knee and ask her to marry u and promise that she'll be ur future wife if u have to :) anything in ur imageation nothing's impossible to do.
Just show her how much u love her be as sweet as possible roll around on the sand with her anything.
2007-06-08 14:52:02
answer #8
answered by AppleSoda 4
As someone who is not all that trusting myself, you need to sit her down and tell her all this. You need to say exactly what you've written here. She may not react at first, but trust does have to be earned, and so long as she is aware of your intentions, I think it will all be fine.
But don't push the issue...she will trust you when she feels it's right, if you try and force her into it, she'll just become more distant. Give her time. Good luck.
2007-06-08 14:51:46
answer #9
answered by jacintamusiclover 3
Awwww! You sound like a really nice guy! Well, sit her down in a very quiet place, and make sure there are no other distractions, and hold her hands. Then just spill out everything, and don't worry about not looking manly or anything like that. Remember to ALWAYS stay faithful to your girlfriend, pay attention to her when she needs to talk, and all of that sweet stuff. Good luck!
-Caitlin :)
2007-06-08 18:45:57
answer #10
answered by Moi 6