Scratching is normal & needed for cats! You have to re-direct them and train them to scratch on something allowable (other than your furniture).
Make sure you have items available that are ok to scratch can find zillions of toys, towers and posts at you pet store, or if you're handy you can build one. The most popular covering is carpet and sisal rope. Some cats prefer wood also.
Whenever kitty attempts to scratch on something inappropiate, clap loudly and say"NO!" , or a quick squirt of water from a plant mister will stop her.....then gently bring her over to what is ok to scratch and put her paws on it. Show her what to do & praise her profusely. She'll catch on quick.
You can also buy double sided sticky-tape to place on the areas you don't want her to scratch.......cats hate that sensation.
2007-06-08 11:12:51
answer #1
answered by Barb P 3
All kittens scratch - it's a natural thing for them to do. In nature, cats use their claws for hunting, grooming, and protection. You can teach your kitten to be gentle with you by playing gently, stroking and petting, and making a loud noise (Ouch!) if you get scratched - and then stop playing. Never hit the kitten (that will only injure the kitten and force him/her to fight back). Give the kitten some toys to scratch, like socks filled with catnip and a scratching post. Everytime the kitten scratches you (or your furniture), pick up the kitten and place him/her on the scratching post. If he/she scratches your hand, put the toy between the claws and your skin. Also, ask your veterinarian to show you how to clip the ends of the claws (without cutting into the pink part). NEVER declaw a cat - that operation cuts off the first joint of each finger and it mutilates the kitten! It is incredibly painful, and it also makes some cats stop using their litter pan and even resort to biting. There are rubber tips that can be put on a cats toenails to prevent them from scratching.
2007-06-08 18:12:53
answer #2
answered by share112943 3
If kitty is scratching furniture, make sure you provide it with a scratching post. To train it, at first put the post near where kitty likes to scratch, and whenever it starts scratching pick it up and place its paws gently on the scratching post. Then show kitty how to do it with your own hands - kitty will cotton on pretty quickly! BTW, some cats prefer to scratch on level surfaces - if this is the case, get hold of a couple of carpet sample squares, and do the same thing - they work a treat! (Or provide a special kitty rug). NEVER punish kitty for scratching! They need to do it to refresh their claws, mark their scent and to stretch properly ... watch how kitty scratches and arches his or her back! It's important to keep their muscles healthy, especially the heart.
Above all, DO NOT DECLAW YOUR CAT!!!! It is horrendously painful, often for life, and can cause a lot of behavioural problems. It is the same as having the last part of all your fingers amputated, except YOU don't have to walk on those!
If kitty is scratching itself, then it's probably fleas that are the problem. Don't bother with flea collars - they never work properly. Get a proper flea treatment from your vet, the spot-on stuff that you put on the back of their necks once a month works very well. Or you can look for Frontline on the internet, it is very effective. To tell if it's fleas, part the fur on kitty's tummy or near its tail, or wherever it is scratching the most, and check for flea dirt - it looks like tiny little black specks. If it's not fleas, you'll need to see your vet.
2007-06-08 19:27:25
answer #3
answered by Cat 2
It depends on where it is scratching itself. Most likely your having some flea problems. This is easily fixed by getting some Advantage or Frontline from the Vet. Don't use the stuff from the store, it is dangerous and can even cause death, since the ingredients are not well regulated.
If it is scratching you, than every time it does it, tap it on the nose or spray it with a tiny amount of water from a squirt bottle. It'll get the hint.
Hope I could help.
2007-06-08 18:05:38
answer #4
answered by Cat Scratch 3
Training your cat to stop scratching takes time and patience, and nail trims last only a short time and still leave sharp edges that can scratch skin and surfaces in your home. Soft Claws is the answer to your problems. This vinyl nail cap makes your pet’s nails blunt and harmless. Simple four-step application: 1) trim the tip of the nail 2) fill nail cap 1/3 full with adhesive 3) slide nail cap onto nail 4) observe your pet for five minutes before releasing.
2007-06-08 18:06:39
answer #5
answered by Toxy 2
Scratching is natural and necessary to a kitten. Kittens scratch things to relieve stress and maintain their nails. You have to teach a kitten what she can scratch and what she cannot. Right now, she probably doesn't know the difference between a scratching post and your leg. Sprinkle the post with catnip and praise her when she uses the post to scratch.
2007-06-08 18:04:38
answer #6
answered by greyfluffykitty 4
You cannot get a cat to stop scratching; this is an instinct! If you don't want your cat scratching your furniture, get him/her a scratching post or other item that they can scratch without wrecking anything.
2007-06-08 20:05:09
answer #7
answered by hugsforfrazier 4
First give your cat something they CAN scratch so thye get their scratching needs out,
THEN, get a water gun or bottle. It is harmless to the cats and they learn rather quickly what they CAN scratch and what they CANNOT scratch in your home.
Sometimes my cats need a gentle reminder and all I have to do is bring out the water gun - don't even have to shoot it anymore.
2007-06-08 19:36:35
answer #8
answered by EvArtD 3
Check for fleas and treat. May have an allergy. Sometimes vets will give a shot for this.
2007-06-08 20:56:32
answer #9
answered by RB 7
He probably has fleas, you can give him a bath with salt water and 1/2 cup of vinegar fleas hate that......
2007-06-08 18:42:31
answer #10
answered by Nikki 3