1. Enforce the laws that are already on the books, such as deporting all illegal immigrants who have committed crimes
2. Impose the death penalty, to be carried out immediately, on any illegal immigrant who commits murder, rape, or a sexual crime against a child
2. Impose hefty fines and jail time for anyone who rents to or hires an illegal alien
3. Do not allow illegal aliens to purchase homes or obtain bank loans.
4. Do not allow the children of illegal aliens who are born in the U.S. to have instant citizenship.
If you dry up their source of housing and income - they will be forced to go elsewhere.
2007-06-08 10:17:01
answer #1
answered by Lacey G 3
Hmmmm, a million. i could triple border patrol and ICE and that i could enable them to do their jobs. 2. i could build the fence and that i could look after the border 3. i could enable the police to do their jobs and arrest and deport any unlawful alien that became stumbled on. i could supply the police the skill to envision anyones status so as that if stopped absolutely everyone that became unlawful could be deported. 4. i could harshly nice and arrest any employers that knowingly employed unlawful aliens. 5. i could revoke birthright citizenship for unlawful aliens. you may have a minimum of one parent it fairly is a legal citizen to grow to be a citizen interior the U.S. of A. 6. i could revoke the skill of any city in united statesa. to bypass its very own regulations to grow to be a sanctuary city. oh and the term is unlawful alien no longer immigrant. Immigrants are right here legally and are welcome with open palms. you employ the great wall of china as a controversy against using a wall and yet you refuse to apply documents and knowledge to the alternative the place partitions have been outfitted and the regulations have been enforced. you will discover that for the time of those factors crime is down. interior the climate the place there's no wall and the regulations are no longer enforced crime is up and interior the the San Diego section Crime is up via over a hundred thirty %.
2016-11-08 00:01:11
answer #2
answered by ? 4
Impeach W. Bush for not protecting us from the illegal alien invasion, and other reasons. Elect a president who will enforce our immigration laws like Duncan Hunter, Ron Paul, or Tom Tancredo. Make certain that the border fence is built by going here - http://www.gohunter08.com/petition/ Build the fence petition. Hire more border patrol agents and allow the National Guard to detain illegals and engage drug smugglers in combat.
End the practice of giving U.S. citizenship to the children of illegal aliens.
Make it a felony punishable by a minimum of 60 days in prison to be in the US illegally.
Pass The Nuclear Family Priority Act by Phil Gingrey (R-GA), HR 938, which would reduce chain immigration.
Stop providing social services to those who are in this country illegally.
End the practice of dual citizenship. You are an American, or you are not!
English must be made the official language of the U.S. government.
End the practice of cities giving sanctuary to illegal aliens by reducing federal government funding to those cities, and arresting the mayors. The charge would be aiding and abetting illegal immigration.
2007-06-08 10:38:00
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
1. Take away the incentive for them to come here illegally by immediately stopping all freebees.
2 Make All benefits available ONLY to US citizens. Which would include those immigrants who became naturalized. Which would include but not be limited to social services programs, loans, grants, and social security, medical clinics.
3. Impose hefty fines and sentences on people who employ or harbor them illegally.
4. Set up a central agency to match employment opportunities with those coming in legally for work and those needing workers. Those who are hired could be given identity cards that wouldn't be easily duplicated that would contain a tracking device. All foreigners coming in for work or school would have to go through the agency.
5. Don’t automatically give babies born to illegal aliens US citizenship.
6. Deport them when discovered. If they come in illegally again, mark them, or implant a device to track them and forbid them from ever coming in legally. If they come in a third time rescind green cards and deport any other family members living here. who have green cards.
7. Stop giving them hope to stay based on Amnesty agreements.
8. Make the legal immigration process easier to understand, and more desirable to follow
9. Set up more boarder cams and make them available for public viewing and reporting.
10. When the protests like we have seen of late occur, use this as an opportunity to round up the illegals.
It may sound a little tough here, but the whole purpose is to make it tough in order to discourage illegal immigration which is a crime.
2007-06-08 11:58:17
answer #4
answered by ron m 3
Yes, but it doesn't work that way. There is huge frustration that our representatives look at this issue, with our children's failing schools and closing emergency rooms and drained services and what they see as a priority is legalizing those who came illegally to take what wasn't theirs, and put us in this position.
That doesn't mean legalization of those who are not twice illegal or gang members might not be part of an ultimate solution. However, a bill that focussed on OUR issues and OUR overstrained and failing services would look VERY different then the Bill that Bush Wrote.
The priorities of that bill were 1) legalizing those illegally here and 2) bringing in even more immigrants who can't pay their way in taxes in order to drive our wages down further.
They BILLED it as 'strengthening border security' but it CUT the fence and number of border patrol officers required by existing law. That right there was enough for those who didn't read all of it to not trust that their hearts where where we felt their hearts should be: ready to protect US citizens who are suffering badly from illegal immigration.
Those of us who DID read it found it to be much worse than that, with a caveat or exception you could drive a truck through for nearly every enforcement provision put in the bill.
It did a lot for big business - slave labor to undercut wages and enhanced executive discretion to do all sorts of questionable things with respect to immigrants. It gave illegals legalization, and we are given to understand that about a third of those illegally here are relatives of those who were given amnesty in 1986 and are now citizens. So immigrant groups and big business, two relatively small constituencies, were getting catered to big time, and our schools, services and taxes were being used as bargaining chips to irresponsibly increase the inflow.
You can't bring more kids before we have schools to educate them in. Our own children's schools are failing and education is the key to THEIR future. Our children are not less important than theirs.
You know very well what needs to be done to strengthen the border, actually put in place the visa exit tracking system and enforce the law. Frankly, if they want the public on board, given the bad enforcement track record, I think it is going to take a citizen suit enforcement provision such as environmental groups have, so citizens can police enforcement.
And the guest worker program has to go. No one knows how succesful we will be at reducing illegal immigration until we actually begin to succeed. At that time we can evaluate our
'extra' foreign work needs, and what the impact of increasing work visas would do to our wages and livestyle here.
Frankly, it is a numbers thing. No legalization and guest worker program appeals to many more than legalization and no guest worker program, because rewarding those who came illegally is a problem. However, if the problem were TRULY addressed going forward, you'd see a lot of relaxation of that position, so long as future numbers were not increased. That is my opinion, in any event.
However, Bush wants open borders. All of the slave labor type Republicans do. I wouldn't want a bill he wrote. Maybe the House, or Senate acting alone, could come up with something. But they would have to completely change the members of the coalition.
PS I'm also totally fine with getting rid of NAFTA and similar agreements, as someone above suggested.
2007-06-08 10:32:29
answer #5
answered by DAR 7
Lock down the borders, pass laws that fine employers who hire illegals, stop all free public entitlements (schools, health care etc.), require an ID check before any one that looks foreign or speaks a non English language to produce a social security and state drivers license. Also, get the sanctuary cities to re thing their commitment to turning this country over to illegals and finally, write your congressman and demand that they follow the immigration laws.
2007-06-08 10:27:14
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Easy! Have every man and woman caught, be inducted into
our military forces. If they are serious about coming into our
country, let them fight for that privilege. Let them learn first
hand, what it means to have to fight to keep our country as
free as it has remained all of these years. We don't want our
country overtaken by Al Kaeda and all of the others like him
out there, so why should we allow to be overtaken by masses
of illegal nationalities? We used to have laws that allowed a
number of each nationality in every year, to keep a balance.
Now there's no way it's being enforced. Why I heard that
Bush is going to admit multy thousands of Iraqi's in soon. Now
how insane is that? Why there will be so much unrest and
anxiety for every citizen, that we can't expect to live in any
state of harmony. For none shall exist. And he should well
know it. If not, we are here to remind him.
Anyway, let all illegals prove their worth and be in the
armed forces. Then on completion, let him/her apply for
citizenship and be granted that privelege as soon as he
learns the laws most applicable to him and the rest of us.
And let him learn why we stand for what we do.
In the meantime, there should be no free rides for his family
to reside here under any circumstances until his tour of duty
is final. If they want to work on the American side and not
become citizens, let them still apply and come over legally
with the paperwork and all necessary to do so. No more
crawling over, under and around fences or no fences, in
order to get families over here. They care less how many
true terrorists have smuggled themselves over here already.
If the traffic is stopped by our National Guard or any other
body of force, they will have to rethink their intentions or
risk peril in some way. We have to hammer home on our
politicians continually in order to make those in Washington
know we're just not going to take it anymore.
2007-06-08 10:52:14
answer #7
answered by Lynn 7
Repeal NAFTA and make a real free trade agreement. "If goods do not cross borders, troops will" o in this case, immigrants. Solving the economic situations in Latin America without the failed neoliberal policies would essentially halt the need for a person to enter the United States in the first place, making the entire issue moot.
2007-06-08 10:23:06
answer #8
answered by chris 4
I heard this on the Mind of Mencia Show. What you do is hire illegal immigrants to guard the border, put one about every 50 yards and tell them if they let anyone in then you will be deported and the person you let in will have their job.
2007-06-08 10:26:19
answer #9
answered by John C 1
Help the Mexican government to solve the reasons they feel they need to come here illegally. If we can throw hundreds of billions of dollars to help Iraqis, certainly we can help our next door neighbors. Some of those reasons are but are not limited to:
1. A completely hopeless job situation in Mexico.
2. A backlog of 8 to 15 years in legal immigration.
3. Corruption in the Mexican government makes it impossible or unprofitable for Mexicans to start their own businesses.
4. Legal immigration too expensive about ($2500). How do you pay that when you don't have a job yet? Someone else has to do it for you.
Solve these problems and you end the need for illegal immigration at the source. Simply sending them back will not stop them from coming again. The laws don't work now. Thats why we need a change.
I believe that both countries can aid each other. Mexico has vast amounts of oil. USA has vast amounts of technological resources. A technology for oil tradeoff would create millions of new jobs in Mexico and help the US decrease the need for mid-east oil. The Mexican-American pipeline could solve the problems of two countries at the same time.
2007-06-08 10:30:36
answer #10
answered by David M 6