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I have PTSD, chronic grief and depression. I have counselling. I have been taking Cipralex for 2 wks now. This morning I feel so bad that I don't feel I deserve to ever be happy again and everything that has happened to me in the past is my own fault. I am stuck in the house because I have injured my leg, so I can't even go for a drive in my car or walk.

Do you ever feel like this? Do things ever get better or do they always keep getting worse? I don't feel like there is any way back up. Do you have any tips?

2007-06-07 22:12:22 · 13 answers · asked by Teejay 6 in Health Mental Health

13 answers

PTSD is particularly nasty, if you suffer flashbacks or interrupted sleep then the medication will help with that. I think that what you probably need most is some support in the form of friendship and contact with others. You should seriosly consider joining a support group for people who suffer from silimar conditions. You could even join an online one if you have trouble getting out and about.

Yes I have felt just the way that you do myself- I have been through grief and PTSD myself. You have to look at something as positive. Even if you only set one small goal a day and look forward to something it can keep you going. For me it was my children that kept me moving forward, there is no better motivation to be well and think positively.

You really do need some friendship. Everybody deserves happiness...it is very easy to convince yourself otherwise though.

I am still here and I have been through some terrible situations. I thought I would never been happy but now I am. There is hope for everyone, don't lose it.



2007-06-07 23:39:21 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I am Bi polar and manic depressive.i have been fighting the roller coaster of blues for 5 years. Everyday is a battle . But you cant give up. It will get better. If your just started a new antidepressant wait about 4 more weeks most meds take 3 to 6 weeks before you fell their effects. Keep a diary.Write down at what part of the day and what your doing that make you feel the worst.If your symptoms don't seem to be improving take your diary to your counselor and let them re adjust your meds. It takes a while to find the right meds.things you can do in the mean time and I know it sounds weird . Get a sun lamp. spend a little time each day in the lamp or outside on your back porch. Just a little sunlight and fresh air will do wonders.Put on some relaxing music. Above all just remember its an illness and you can fight it. Never give up. You didn't get a mental illness just because of something you did in your past.Your not being punished. Some things just happen. Always remember that. Some things are genetic to. do a little research on your family tree you might be surprised at what you find.An get a close nit support group. Someone you can just talk to . there is always a light at the end of the tunnel even if that tunnel seems to never end. Good luck to you and big hugs.

2007-06-08 00:07:57 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I've never taken an anti-depressant BUT there was a time when I was so depressed that I just didn't want to wake up and I couldn't see myself ever getting out of it. But I had my faith. Ver very very little but I had it. It was then that I learned that it really doesn't matter how much faith you have, what matters is that you keep holding on when there is only one string left.

You will get through this, just keep holding on. When you're sick and tired of being strong, just keep going. The healing is taking place very gradually. Maybe even a year from now you may just have slight progress but, I think it will mean the world to you, because even though you may still not be able to see the light at the end of the tunnel, you will know that you have improved, which means slowly but surely you are getting out!!!

Keep going, my dear, that's my advice. Pray for the resolve to keep going.

God loves you. That's why you're here.

Find a friend who makes you laugh constantly. Or put together your own diet of constant laughter (movies, jokes, and stuff). I know you probably just want to be depressed sometimes, but if you're really looking to get out you've got to start laughing again and release those endorphins!!! Good Luck baby girl!

2007-06-07 22:31:07 · answer #3 · answered by HoneyAndLime 1 · 2 0

I know how you feel. I've had depression, and it takes time before the tablets kick in. At the mo, I've just slipped back into a lull, so I'm seeing my doctor very soon. As well as taking medication, go to counsiling, or take up a hobby, because this REALLY does help with the healing process. Don't make any big decisions, just concentrate on a happy thought.

You will have moments of happyness which will last a few minutes, then you will feel low again. However, the minutes will turn to hours, and before long, you will begin to feel much better.

Good luck!

2007-06-08 09:31:27 · answer #4 · answered by cta_chester 2 · 1 0

Your depression is likely to be be due to oestrogen dominance which happened because of stress - chronic grief..

Stress --> Oestrogen dominance --> ailments e.g. depression

Do an on line preliminary test at www.johnleemd.com or www.salivatest.com or get a real saliva test test done by contacting www.salivatest.com or www.npis.info. On www.npis.info there is a list of doctors should you wish to contact a doctor. Blood tests do NOT show the active hormone levels.

Once your hormones are in balance your depression will be relieved and you will be OK ... but this could take a few months. Search the web for natural progesterone and depression there are many success stories.

2007-06-08 01:18:29 · answer #5 · answered by Willim 3 · 1 0

I'm really sorry to hear you are feeling like this. Last year I was forced to take time out from uni as I was a very low weight due to anorexia, I had recently lost a very close relative and felt so low. Now I am a healthy weight, back at uni and due to qualify in very soon as a nurse. It just goes to show things can only get better!

Try taking up a hobby to give you something to focus on. When i was trying to gain weight I had to rest and did things like build a family tree on the net, crossstitch and reading. I read some really interesting, insperational autobiographies and discovered many people have gone through devastating times in their lives but have got through them. I'm sure you will too. I hope you feel better soon, Take care

2007-06-07 23:00:45 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

You WILL feel better soon, I promise. Give the Cipralex a bit more time to work. I find thinking of myself as another person helps. I "mind" myself, make sure I'm in comfy clothes, eat the food I like best, I iron my bedclothes so I feel soft and comfortable, listen to my favourite music. Hug yourself! Be kind to yourself, push the negative thoughts away. Deal with them in the counselling. One morning soon you will wake up feeling a little brighter, and everyday will get a bit better. My thoughts are with you, take care.

2007-06-07 22:33:42 · answer #7 · answered by supersue 2 · 1 0

I've learnt something in life and it's this....

When your sun is shining and your sky is blue....you better look behind becos something is gonna come up behind you...

In other words when things seem to become normal again....the sht hits the fan...but it goes away eventually....It's like a constant mountain climb.....a rollercoaster ride....and if you hate rollercoasters (like I do) It just takes that much more self will to get over those mountains....but they never stop....

Only when you die...

So depending on how strong you as a person are....It'll either get worse or ease up just a little before getting bad again....

Tips: Go through life one day at a time, things happen for a reason, but that doesn't mean you have to let it get to you ALL the time...sometimes you just need to let **** slide....

2007-06-07 22:27:29 · answer #8 · answered by missceekay 3 · 1 0

It DOES get better. You didn't get to feeling this way in just two weeks did you? So it will likely take longer than that to feel better. Try listening to some favourite music, preferably happy music. If you feel up to it, try to do something creative - bake a cake, or anything you can feel proud of youself for, then concentrate on that feeling of pride for as long as you can manage. It won't be the whole answer but it will help you feel a little better straight away.


2007-06-07 22:20:30 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

basically save telling your self that your counselor has heard worse and she or he would manage to understand that there is a reason you sense this way. in case you think of you're reacting to unimportant issues then you definately've gotten a medical melancholy that makes that ensue. now and returned meds do help additionally. I went to a counselor, and that i mentioned so I take a seat right here and gripe approximately how overworked i'm and all this time i'm getting extra in the back of and that i'm able to gripe to the folk at paintings, i'm no longer coming back. yet i did no longer sense extra useful basically grumbling to my in addition oppressed paintings friends so I went back and did it for longer and it pulled me with the aid of. i in my view do think of it became medical melancholy, I propose i began out crying at living house for the duration of situations that would desire to have been happy, it became in comparison to i became obsessed on the paintings stuff!

2016-10-07 02:36:37 · answer #10 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

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