The words are often used synonymously in contemporary English to mean the spirit of life (breath of life) that dwells within each person.
The soul as used in most English bibles, such as KJV, refers specifically to the a living worldly being both body and spirit.
Flesh is often used synonymously with body to refer to the vessel in which the spirit dwells, alone it is not alive.
2007-06-07 14:51:01
answer #1
answered by Holy Holly 5
Soul is a combination of life-spark & body.
Biblically speaking, the book of Genesis says that "God breathed into man the breath (spirit) of life and man BECAME a living soul." It doesn't say man RECEIVED a soul, but became one.
Spirit is a word that, again, Biblically, has a single meaning: breath. The Hebrew word, ruach, means breath or wind. The Greek word pneuma (we get our words pneumatic and pneumonia from this) also means breath or wind. The word is used to describe the life-spark within man. When a man dies, this "spark" or breath or spirit, returns to God who gave it. At this point, man ceases to be a living soul. He then awaits resurrection to eternal life or...well, I think you know the alternative.
2007-06-07 14:52:40
answer #2
answered by MiKal-el 2
Your Soul is what you Believe yourself to be, and will die with you.
Spirit is the True Self, and will not experience death with the body.
More simply, Soul = Belief, Spirit = Knowledge
2007-06-07 14:59:46
answer #3
answered by Champion of Knowledge 7
a soul is your inner-most being: your mind, will and emotions within an amaterial form called the soulish essense.
your spirit is a dependant form that allows us to interact with other spirit beings, such as angels, demons, other humans (to a limited degree, not telepathy, that's the mind), and of course, God. by "dependant" I mean a spirit needs a mind to govern it. it is made of a spiritual substance
mind: your intellect, the transfer of information from your brain to your soul and back and forth. your mind deals with analysis, evaluation, ability to learn, etc. your mind is influenced by your brain-chemistry greatly
will: your conscience and the decisions you make based on morals. it is the part of your soul that decides what is right and what is wrong. experience and links to the mind are great influencers of the will.
emotion/heart: emotions not fueled by chemical reactions (non-sexual love, hate, grudges) occur hear. your inner-most desires, your feelings, your personality, your gut instincts, your determinations and your drives are found here. your heart/emotion is greatly influenced by outward experiences and the mind.
2007-06-07 14:59:25
answer #4
answered by Hey, Ray 6
The soul biblically is that which is mind,will and emotion
The spirit is described as the spiritual heart,the essence that is you.
2007-06-07 14:47:41
answer #5
answered by bonsai bobby 7
the spirit is the person, the image of God who lives in a body and the soul is your personality and character, the part of you that makes you laugh or cry e.t.c. all three parts makes you-you.(body soul, spirit)
2007-06-07 14:54:58
answer #6
answered by hevn4sure 2
Your soul and spirit are the same thing.
2007-06-07 14:52:05
answer #7
answered by God's Child 4
bonsai bobby is actually some-what correct, bright fellow is he {bonsai bobby) !
The spirit is that part of us which can communicate with GOD once we are Born Again.
The soul is our mind, will and emotions.
We are a spirit, we possess a soul {intellect/mind, will and emotions) and we
live in a physical body.
From: dad&son.
2007-06-07 14:51:42
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
The soul is distinct from the spirit within a man. Man has three parts as seen in 1 Thes 5:23.. " And the God of peace Himself sanctify you wholly and may your spirit and soul and body be preserved complete, without blame at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
The first time the word soul was mentioned in the bible was at creation.. where God breathe into man's nostrils ( body) the breath of life ( breath, pneuma, spirit) and man became a living soul
From the word we see that the soul is made up of three parts..The mind , will and emotions. The mind which is the leading part of the soul is the part of us as believers that needs to be renewed in the word day by day. The mind of the soul can be set on the Flesh (fallen body with its lusts and affection ) or set on the spirit ( which is God's habitation)
Romans 8 says" for the mind set on the flesh is death but the mind set on the spirit is life and peace"
Our soul makes up our personality. It is where we have self consciousness...After the fall of man the soul became damaged and became the Self which is independent from God and does not submit to God's will. The soul life is that independent life that struggles against God's divine life in our spirit. Its this soul life that we need to loose.. " he who saves his life shall loose it and whosoever looses his soul life for my sake shall find it" God's intention was that man would not live according to His soul life but by the Divine life in his spirit...("he who is joined to the Lord is One Spirit"... That which is born of Spirit is spirit")
The body encases our soul and the soul encases the deepest part of us.. our human spirit. The spirit too has its three parts.. It has three functions...the Conscience, Intuition and Fellowship... it is with our spirit that we have God consciousness...
The spirit is also called the " hidden man of the Heart"
When we are saved or born again ( regenerated) it is our spirit that is enlivened from its deadened condition with the Divine Life of God. Its again able to receive the things of God.. its made aware of God.. it can fellowship with God.. receive intuition or a sense regarding things of God.. the conscience which approves or disapproves is sharpened and sensitive regarding what God desires or does not desire.
The spirit and soul of man is sometimes confused.. we can feel touched in the emotions of our soul and think that its our spirit when its not. Growth and maturity in the Divine Life through the feeding and drinking of the word and in prayer will see to this healthy growth .. which brings with it discernment to know what is of our soul or what is of our spirit.
The goal of God in His creating of man's body soul and spirit is that one day .... when He regenerates man.. That This man will have his spirit enlivened by God's life.. To use our spirit as a starting point to transform our mind.. will and emotions of our soul and when the rapture takes place we will receive a glorified body as the Lord's ...
Its God's complete.. organic ( according to Life ) salvation that He accomplishes in us upon our regeneration.
2007-06-07 15:11:46
answer #9
answered by Broken Alabaster Flask 6
This is a link for Strong's Concordance and you can look up any word in the KJV and get the meaning.
2007-06-07 14:53:38
answer #10
answered by Ardys R 2