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Next month, I am going to a wedding this is my very first wedding i have been to what should i get for my friend she owns a house and im sure she has everything needed so what should i get her?

2007-06-07 14:30:45 · 26 answers · asked by (Anonymous) 5 in Family & Relationships Weddings

26 answers

If they have a registry get something off there. If not, money would be best.

2007-06-07 14:32:46 · answer #1 · answered by DTott 5 · 0 0

Send them a great wedding card just before or even after so they have something fun when they get back from their honeymoon! And then. . .

Anything off of her registry would be perfectly appropriate, as there is usually a price range to suit every budget. If price is less of an issue and you want to get them something special, you may consider a bottle of their favorite wine/champagne, or a painting of the ceremony/reception site (this might be based on a photo you take at the time and commission a local artist to do and so you should bring a card to the wedding and know that you have a year in which to finalize the giving of the gift).

Another idea is to contribute to their favorite charity if you are certain that they do not need the money, otherwise a check inside the aforementioned card is perfectly acceptable.

Also if they have a registry and you can order what you want to give them online and have it shipped, know that it will be wrapped appropriately by the company and that it is usually preferable to have all of the gifts arrive at one location than to have to drag a bunch of stuff home from the wedding!

2007-06-07 14:49:43 · answer #2 · answered by pea soup 2 · 0 0

If this function is only a month away, chances are the bride & groom have already registered somewhere. Just ask them where & go there. If they haven't, then they're probably not looking for gifts & would rather receive money or gift certificates. You can pick a place you know they go a lot or a place they don't go because they don't have the money. If they aren't living together yet & plan on moving into a new apartment or house after the ceremony, you can get them a GC to a place that sells things for the home, like Bed Bath & Beyond. You can get them a GC for a restaurant, so they can have a nice dinner when they get back from the honeymoon, because they might not have had the chance to get groceries. If they're the type of couple who, instead of giving party favors, donate to a certain cause, you can try to match that donation in their name. These are just a few ideas. I hope they help.

2007-06-07 14:38:32 · answer #3 · answered by RIJayWalker 2 · 1 0

definitely find out if they are registered anywhere, and get something off of that. if they don't have a registry, consider a gift debit card that can be used for anything, or a target gift card or something.
i live with my man and we have lots of things we'd need for a house and all, but by the time we get married, we'll be happy to get some updated things.
so here's your to do list:
~~check for a registry
~~if no registry exsists, ask your friend what they would most appreciate (money to help with wedding expenses, honeymoon, etc.; gift card to a certain store...)
~~go from there!
good luck!!!

2007-06-07 14:39:30 · answer #4 · answered by Laur 3 · 0 0

I'd look at their gift registry, hopefully it will have some ideas in your price range and not be like my former best friend's was (pricey, pricey, pricey). 1) I paid for my own bridesmaid's dress 2) I paid for the dyed-to-match shoes 3) I paid for 2 airline tickets 4) I paid for a rental car 5) I paid for hotel room. After paying for all of that (over $800 worth) I couldn't afford anything on her registry. What gift did I get as a bridesmaid you ask? Costume jewelry necklace and ear rings (plastic beads) to wear with the ugly dress, she had me stand the furthest away from her during the ceremony (further away = least important bridesmaid) AND she never spent any time with me NOT EVEN a hug when I arrived; it was a nightmare. Needless to say when I was asked at the rehearsal dinner (which his parents paid for) to say a few words I declined since I couldn't say anything nice at all. Her marriage lasted less than 5 years and she ruined a friendship of over 15 years with her bitchy attitude. Yes, I realized she was stressed BUT don't treat your friends like dirt.

2007-06-07 17:43:46 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

One of the best gifts I gave was a his and her massage at a local spa. My friends did their own wedding pool side at a friends which included setting up, tearing down, the whole nine yards...so we got them a gift card at a local spa for them to go together after the hub-bub of the wedding was done and all the guests finally left town. Since their honeymoon isn't for a few months, it was a nice way to start their married life together.

2007-06-07 14:54:31 · answer #6 · answered by Florida Fun in the Sun 2 · 0 0

Are they registered? If so, you can always check to see what they would like. If not, or if you're in a creative mood and know the couple pretty well, try to find something that a) fits your budget, and b) seems like something they might enjoy.

Many couples who have everything they need can still use extra towels, gift baskets of nice bath products, or gift certificates to restaurants. Don't be afraid to get creative!

2007-06-07 14:47:33 · answer #7 · answered by gileswench 5 · 0 0

Money – Yes it's true; while it may seem impersonal or uncreative, money is my number one recommended wedding gift. Most young couples are saving for something big – a house, a car, a piece of furniture, or are still paying back their student loans. Money may also help them have an extra-special honeymoon or let them order that extra photo for their album. While it's rude for a couple to ask for money, it is never rude to give cash. If you still want to give a personal wedding gift, combine the two: attach a check to a beautiful picture frame, a kitchen gadget, or a long letter detailing your wishes and advice for their marriage.

2007-06-07 14:34:44 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

I would first check to see if her and her future husband are registered for gifts anywhere. Even if she lives out of town, if she registers at a well-known department store, you can purchase the gift where you live. I think a gift is much more personal than money. However, if she is not registered anywhere, then everyone can use the money.

2007-06-07 14:35:47 · answer #9 · answered by conni 6 · 0 0

money, simple and easy and they could prolly use it toward a honeymoon! im getting married the 24 and bought a house 6 months ago so i am in the same situation as ur friend because we have everything we need for the house, so when people ask we just say money if they want, wo we can use it toward a trip somewhere. but shes ur friend, im sure she will appreciate anything.

2007-06-07 14:34:09 · answer #10 · answered by baby_love_marybeth 4 · 1 0

Find out where she is registered, and get her something off her registry. Gift cards are always welcome, if you don't want to get her something off her registry, or if she isn't registered. Places like Bed Bath and Beyond, Target, Williams-Sonoma, Crate & Barrel where she can get some really fun stuff. When all else fails, you can give good old cash. Good luck to your friend, and have fun at your first wedding!

2007-06-07 14:34:56 · answer #11 · answered by Proud to be 59 7 · 2 0

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