I wouldn't use the word you. You is overused and second person is not the most interesting voice when writing.
A good friend is respectful. A good friend wants what is best for others. Friendly companions wish the best for each other....
mutual friends...
Synonyms for friend:
acquaintance, ally, alter ego, amigo, associate, bedfellow, blocker, boon companion, bosom buddy*, brother, buddy, chum*, classmate, cohort, colleague, companion*, compatriot, comrade, confrere, consort, countryman, cousin, crony, familiar, fellow, intimate, kissing cousin, little brother, main man, main squeeze, mate, other self, pal, partner, playmate, roommate, schoolmate, sidekick, sister, soul mate*, spare*, well-wisher
accomplice, adherent, advocate, ally, associate, backer, partisan, patron, supporter, well-wisher
best friend, bosom buddy, close friend, companion, confidant, dear friend, pal, soul mate
admirer, baby, beau, companion, crush, daddy, date, escort, fiancé, flame*, follower, gentleman caller, gentleman friend, heartthrob, inamorato, lover, main man, man, old man, paramour, squeeze, steady, suitor, swain, sweetheart, truelove, wooer, young man
best friend, constant friend, devoted friend, fidus Achates, good friend, great friend, staunch friend, trusted friend, trusty friend
2007-06-07 14:41:10
answer #1
answered by Anonymous