Oh yes. I actually lost a friend recently because I couldn't go to her daughter's wedding. We had a house fire a few months before. I had nothing to wear that wasn't rags... and I had to worry about my family's needs over a gift to this over the top wedding. I told her I wish things were different we couldn't attend. I haven't heard from her since. But I guess she wasn't that good of a friend if that came between us.
2007-06-07 16:09:13
answer #1
answered by jeaniesfloral 4
I will have to decline attending a wedding in the next month for my cousin's. It's not for the reasons you specified, but because I'm pregnant and due 6 days after the wedding. She is getting married in another state (where she lives), and I can't travel within 30 days of my due date. I will still send a gift or at least a card with some cash. Just because you can't afford a gift doesn't mean you shouldn't go. I don't expect people to bring us gifts at my wedding. I just want them to come and celebrate with us. If anything just buy a card.
2007-06-07 20:43:45
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
I missed my best friend's wedding. I was young and poor, she had the official ceremony about 1000 miles away and I just had no way to go. I'd been the only "guest" at their unofficial wedding several months before at the courthouse, and when she remarried last summer I made a point to go, even though it was again, 1000 miles away.
She's never held it against me and we've been friends 15 years now.
2007-06-07 20:48:56
answer #3
answered by sage 5
I've declined because it was far away and I couldn't spend the money for the plane ticket, hotel AND a gift. I sent a nice gift and a card. You shouldn't feel bad if you can't go - for any reason. They'll understand.
2007-06-07 20:44:46
answer #4
answered by raquel122203 4
Yes, lots of times. I'm not in a position to break the bank account on a dress for me, a suit for hubby, nice clothes for the kids, and a gift to go watch someone get married. We did that once for my husband's brother when he got married, my hubby was the best man. On top of that we had to take time off work, travel a days drive in each direction, and it took us forever to catch up on bills.
2007-06-07 20:52:23
answer #5
answered by RanaBanana 7
Just once, I would have had to fly from New York State all the way to Hong Kong to get to the wedding. Everything was going to be done in Chinese and I probably would have been the only "round-eye" there. If I had a Chinese girlfriend, I would have considered going.
2007-06-07 20:48:30
answer #6
answered by Flying Dragon 7
The only time I had to decline was my cousins wedding because it was in Kentucky, and I had just gotten back from a graduation trip to Florida. Plus dad didnt want to drive there for it....I was sooooo bummed.
2007-06-07 21:02:38
answer #7
answered by ♥Mommy to 3 year old Jacob and baby on the way♥ 7
I have declined an invitation. I have had other plans on the wedding day or was not really close to the person.
2007-06-07 21:24:41
answer #8
answered by Shanan D 4
Yeah, I just always make sure to RSVP and let them know that I would not be attending. I know they need to know the numbers. I would never skip out because the day/week of the event I didn't have anything to wear....
2007-06-07 20:44:33
answer #9
answered by Krystal 2
No, not for any of those reasons. I've gone to a wedding in not as dressy clothes as I should have been in, but it was just the circumstances then.
2007-06-08 07:40:18
answer #10
answered by Lydia 7