It all depends on the seller. Be sure to check the seller's feedback rating before buying anything. If he has 1000s of positive feedbacks with few negatives, he's a pretty safe seller.
Be sure to read the auction description carefully and the shipping and handling price. Some sellers will advertise items for .99 cents and make up the difference with outrageous S&H fees.
If you aren't sure of something, don't be afraid to ask the seller a question. And especially be extra careful if you're buying an expensive item.
Always use paypal. If you are not satisfied with the item and the seller will not cooperate with you, you can always dispute the sale with Paypal and get a refund that way. I did this once when the seller never shipped my item and wouldn't response to e-mails. Paypal gave me a full refund.
I buy stuff all the time on e-bay and I've rarely had a problem. However I've never bought "big ticket" items. Usually I purchase stuff like dvds, cds and books.
2007-06-07 03:09:36
answer #1
answered by Maquis 7
I think most are, but you must used caution as with anything else. Make sure you check the seller's feedback before you buy anything.
2007-06-07 10:02:56
answer #2
answered by naf23 3
i dont think so caus eu could be buyin some thing that they say is brandnew an wen u get it...if u get it...its broken an it sucks...i dnt use it but i dnt like the idea of it i mean i would use it to get piercings, tongue rings, hoops, barbells but i dnt trust it at all
2007-06-07 10:18:35
answer #3
answered by katey13 2
sometimes but not always, that's why people need to shop wisely and not just bid on something all willy nilly :)
2007-06-07 09:59:41
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I've done very well with it.
2007-06-07 10:03:36
answer #5
answered by Anonymous