for the topics of homosexuality or hating on atheists because they don't believe in jesus, alot of christians will stand up for homosexuals and say stuff like its ok or something similar my thoughts on that i think in their heart they think its dead wrong but they just dont want to be hated, jesus told what he had in his heart even if people didnt like it or hated him for it. I think im one of the few christians who would say homosexuality is wrong and athiests are just agnostics, all in all i say we christians, homosexuals, and athiests are just as guilty as the other no one is more filthier then the other.
13 answers
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because we are all bros and sisters and all need saved
00:16:17 ·
update #1
im not comparing at all im saying alot Christians stick up for homosexuals saying its k or its the way they feel and its ok they say this because they don't want to be hated I say the hell with that Homosexuality is dead wrong but all in all we all have sinned all are guilty the same way no worse or less we are all guilty.
00:20:41 ·
update #2
and yes all true Christians do know in their heart sin is wrong even homosexuality its just most are afraid to be hated by it
00:21:36 ·
update #3
and all im saying about non believers is i just think their agnostic
00:23:10 ·
update #4
then do that buddy, its your choice but i will give u all good ratings just for anwsering
00:25:30 ·
update #5
What do you mean "few"??
Homosexuality is dead wrong according to scripture...
No question about it. A true born again believer will know in his or her heart that blatant homosexuality is wrong......forgiveable but wrong.
2007-06-07 00:18:32
answer #1
answered by primoa1970 7
If you don't understand what labels mean, don't label others.
theism/atheism is about beliefs.
gnosticism/agnosticism is about knowledge.
Probably 99% of the world is agnostic. Agnostic simply means "I don't know" or "I'm not sure". Anybody who is 100% sure about the god/no god question is simply arrogant.
I don't believe in any god or gods. The concept makes no sense to me. I'm born as an atheist, raised as an atheist and I've never found any proof for any gods.
Therefore I'm an agnostic atheist. You're probably an agnostic Christian.
Your second part, about homosexuality. If you're finding somehting "wrong" it would at least be nice to say why you find something wrong. I'm sorry, but it looks kinda stupid to simply state "it's wrong". If you would have given reasons, I could explain to you why I disagree with you.
2007-06-07 00:43:40
answer #2
answered by ? 6
I can see most of you points,But and a big but,We by the Grace of God are forgiven.And they have yet to ask for it and live the life.All is a forgivable sin.And we are not perfect still after being forgiven .The difference is Jesus.Christians don't like to be compared to atheists and homosexuals. There again we are sinners the same as they ,everyday because no one person can be perfect.We are forgiven by the Grace of our Lord.Really good points but I'm sure you will hear some yelling from ALL sides LOL
God Bless
2007-06-07 00:29:31
answer #3
answered by Christal 3
Friend myself as a christian for over 37 yrs. I am not anyone of those type of people you mention, I have always openly declared when ever I am ask what do I think about this topic, I come straight out & tell them it is sin & wrong, & I do this not even worry the least bit what ANYONE says to me or about me Or anyone hating me, I am not here to please man But God, You say we all are filthy, Yes that is true to a certain point, Us True Born Again Christians have one thing that others don't have, & that is salvation.---------May I add, Jesus said who is my brother or sister or mother, but he that does the will of my Father.
2007-06-07 00:31:38
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I am a Wiccan, I am also as straight as a die...
But I have no dramas with homosexual people at all..
We are all people and we all have a calling and choices..
Just because it is written down in the Christian book of Lies, Terror and Deception that it is wrong...
Who deemed it wrong ????
Some straight scribe, some King who re-wrote the Bible...
I say get a life and think and feel for yourself, stop letting a Faerie Tale Book rule your life....
Love and Light... BB.. )O(
2007-06-07 00:46:56
answer #5
answered by Bunge 7
There is absolutely nothing wrong with homosexuality. How can there be? It is simply people choosing to be with the person they love or find enjoying. That is something to be applauded not condemened.
How are atheists just agnostics? I'm certainly not! I don't say it is impossible to know if God exists or not, I say it is a fact that there is no God. And I'm certaintly not guilty of anything.
2007-06-07 00:25:55
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
some gain this simply by fact they aren’t out as atheists. some gain this with the intention to no longer rock the boat between non secular kinfolk. some gain this simply by fact they consistently have and don’t prefer to alter or in simple terms take exhilaration in the holiday. Others argue that it incredibly is going to possibly get replaced by utilising a extra rational holiday, and nevertheless others argue that one and all such trip journeys could be skipped over traditionally, Christmas has in certainty been a Christian holiday. it incredibly is, in spite of everything, Christ’s Mass the place the Nativity of Jesus is properly known. Many atheists don’t have faith that Jesus existed, and people who do don’t regard him as having been everybody specific. No atheists are Christians, so why worry partaking in considered one of those Christian holiday? It’s debatable that partaking makes Christianity look extra time-honored than it incredibly is, to no longer point out giving Christians an unjustified ego develop.
2017-01-10 17:45:38
answer #7
answered by porro 3
Ah a sinscreamer! Trying to make yourself feel better by calling every one filthy sinners eh? Not going to work. I am not a sinner.
There's nothing wrong with homosexuality. Its perfectly natural. And no, I am not "just an agnostic", I am an atheist. That means I don't believe your god exists, if I was agnostic I'd be unsure on whether or not he exists. Please learn the difference between the two words before you go labeling people.
2007-06-07 00:27:52
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
i don't understand why people think they are inherently bad. some people sound like a bunch of whining puppies after they poop on the floor and are about to get punished. seriously, people are NOT inherently bad. no matter what that book tells you. you were born into this world by no choice of your own. and you think that because you were born you must essentially repent for your being born? did your parents sin by bringing you into this world? obviously they did, if they knew that them having sex would just bring more sin into an already sin-filled world. dam people, can't you see that sin is just something mandmade used to control your actions!
2007-06-07 00:33:12
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Since you can tell me what I am. Isn't it only fair for me to make the statement"there are no Christians really,they are actually agnostics?"You don't decide what I believe,in no case,ever. That is totally presumptive of you. But,OK,I will now refer to Christians as agnostics
2007-06-07 00:21:57
answer #10
answered by nobodinoze 5