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There is this boy and i told him that i like him and he started texting me on the phone everynight. Then my freind asked him if he like me. He said no......i was like WHAT! It seemed so obvious that he liked me! Is he playing hard to get or playing mind games! *he is popular and alot of girls in my school like him*

2007-06-06 15:53:05 · 5 answers · asked by heythere 1 in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

5 answers

Ok, for starters....Never never have someone else ask anyone how they feel about you. A relationship caught in the grapevine is doomed. I answered a similar question like this a few weeks ago....you have to get some courage and ask this person how they feel. Isnt it a little odd that this guy was texting you and than your friend asked him if he was interested in you, only to tell you that he said "no" I think your friend is telling stories. Go to the source. This is between you and the guy. Remember people can be very manipulative and will be if you let them.

2007-06-06 16:01:37 · answer #1 · answered by ME 3 · 0 0

I would say this is a case of one of two different things. Either, he likes you a lot and was embarrassed when your friend asked the question, or he is a guy who enjoys attention from girls. I would say that if you flirt with him so that you give him some clue about liking him, and he doesn't make a move, then he's probably just a guy who enjoys attention.

2007-06-06 15:57:52 · answer #2 · answered by annie bananny 2 · 0 0

i dont think he likes u yet i think he is just wanting to know if u will answer him. i think he is wanting to get to know u alot more.but dont rush things. and if he can wait on sex. that means he wants u and sex can wait but if he wants sex right away then he will leave and u will never see him again . try it out.and here is an idea u can always go by keep mouth closed but always open ears and eyes.

2007-06-06 16:03:10 · answer #3 · answered by ? 1 · 0 0

was she lying? first off? if not then he is lying and you don't need him !! maybe to cause he knows alot of girls like him and it went to his head so he don't want any girl knowing he liked you cause that would stop them from liking him to and he likes the fact that they all like him ! He most likely will not end up with any girl cause he knows he can get any one he wants and I say who would want a guy like that anyway ?? !!

2007-06-06 15:59:40 · answer #4 · answered by monkeymomma46 5 · 0 0

lol, you shouldn't ask your friend to ask if he likes you, truth is if he does he wouldn't want anyone else to know before you do so of course he'd say that to your friend. most likely if he started texting you right after you told him he likes you too

2007-06-06 16:00:14 · answer #5 · answered by Drew T 2 · 0 0

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