I never been married, but I can only begin to imagine how scary and uncertain it can be to get back into the dating game after years of being out of it can be. You start asking yourself, "Will women still want me?" or "Will my approach or game still work after all this time?"
If you are going to ask women out, then flirt with her first and gage her interest in you first. If you are feeling a vibe, then by all means ask her out. Just take things slowly and at her speed. Don't rush anything and don't take rejections personally. If she just got out of a relationship herself, then she might be apprehensive about dating too.
Also date and flirt with other women. Get a feel for getting back into the game. Don't hedge your bets that this woman in question will be interested in you that way. Most important:
2007-06-06 16:00:18
answer #1
answered by davester1970 7
I would be a little creeped out if a guy just came up and was like. Hey i think i love you let's go out. Why don't you take things slow. You know since she's had a heartbreak recently. And invite her out for coffee or something where you can talk. Then if she accepts keep asking her on mini dates. So that she'll hint you like her but won't be creeped out. Then you can go for the real thing and date date her. Good luck
2007-06-06 22:56:26
answer #2
answered by Sound of Madness 4
Why don't you give yourself a little break? See how things go with you, or go different places to clear your mind and ask yourself if you are REALLY ready for a new relationship. Like me I won't go out with a guy who just seperated with a wife, I really have to make sure that he really wants to date me not because he's feeling lonely.
Good luck!
2007-06-06 23:02:33
answer #3
answered by Natalie 2
well first off, sorry to hear about your marriage ending =[
but im glad you were able to move on.
so about this female friend of yours.
guys make straight forward confessions all the time...its better if you do. just ask her out to lunch or to grab a quick coffee or something and ask about her relationships and if she likes anyone. if not go ahead and tell her how you feel.
unless you say something you will never know! go for it!
2007-06-06 22:56:07
answer #4
answered by britt 1
You don't say how long since your marriage ended. That might make a difference to some women because they may not think you are over your wife yet. Do you know that you are?
2007-06-06 22:56:18
answer #5
answered by Rhiannon 6
Be yourself. If you are truly wanting someone to like you for you then don't pretend to be someone that your not because you will both end up disappointed in the end. Let your personality shine. Go for it. If she is not interested then you haven't lost anything. Ask her out. Be a gentleman. Tell her that your new at this and be honest. Gals like honesty and when a guy admits hes nervous.
2007-06-06 22:57:28
answer #6
answered by Leta 1
Its good to honest beacuse it means your serious and your direct, your obviously not childish in terms of asking someone out, your an adult for god sakes. Right now your in a good position with this girl because she too has had a failed relationship so that means you two have something in common. Right now just be cool about it and try to go out on a couple of dates to see where it goes and you'll be find. Good luck.
2007-06-06 22:59:01
answer #7
answered by The Ragin Caucasian 2
You probably are rebounding. Wait until you are comfortable enough to jump in. If you have doubts, don't do it. Are you divorced yet? The messy stuff is yet to come. Just wait. You don't want to get into a relationship while divorcing.
2007-06-06 22:55:43
answer #8
answered by BoredinVA 4
I'm sorry to hear that, that happened to you. Try for an easy date, nothing serious, even if you are not really interested in the lady, just give it a try until you are comfortable pursuing something more serious. Good Luck.
2007-06-06 22:59:46
answer #9
answered by mianjo413 5
I don't think either one of you need to be making any straight forward love confessions at this time. Both of you need to sort of let yourselves adapt to being single. I think it would be a nice gesture to say to her, "It looks like we are both in the same predicament. Would you like to go to dinner with me this evening?".
2007-06-06 22:59:40
answer #10
answered by don n 6