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1. You refuse to accept any other possibilities about how the universe came about

2. Most of you were raised to be bias against any other belief

3. Thinking about scientific possibilities is too hard. It's easier for you to just say "God did it"

4. You can't imagine reality. (humans in this big scary universe with no skydaddy to watch over us)

5. You dont have enough confidence in humans to keep feel safe so you imagine your imaginary friend is keeping you safe.

2007-06-06 10:55:28 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

about me

2007-06-06 10:56:17 · update #1

20 answers

1. I do not refuse to listen to any other possibilities. I refuse to listen to slander against my Lord.
2. I was not raised a Christian. My family only went to church like three times a year. I think more for looks. I was lead to the Lord because of His call upon my heart. The Lord sent me a wonderful husband who has helped me grow stronger in the Lord as well.
3. Scientific possibilities? Who wants to come from apes? Whatever, if you want to derive from apes thats fine with me. I choose to believe that I was created by a wonderful God in His image.
4. Imagine reality? Think about that one. How do you imagine reality? Think real hard. You really showed yourself there:)
5. Why would I want the human race who are so full of hatred, your just one example, and so full of sin to "keep me safe?" Humans turn on eachother in anger and commit murder, adultry, theft and on and on and on. How are they keeping me safe? No, the Lord is keeping me safe and when it is time to go, I accept His grace gratefully.

Okay, as a Christian, am I right about you as an Atheist?
1. You are full of hate and disdainfullness against anything besides your own opinion?
2. You love to mock those who believe other than you.
3. You yourself cannot imagine that there is more than this world.
4. You love the world and it's material offerings?
5. You think that you are in control of your own destiny. Pretty arrogant of you.


2007-06-06 11:06:42 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Well, this is my honest answer - no lying.

1. You refuse to accept any other possibilities about how the universe came about

A: I can accept possibilities, but I don't really believe them.

2. Most of you were raised to be bias against any other belief

A: Yes, I have a bias against Islam. Just look at this:

Damned sick of catering to them?

3. Thinking about scientific possibilities is too hard. It's easier for you to just say "God did it"

A: Nah, I probably rely on some scientist to do it for me. Its called "intelligent design", the only reason it works that way is because God made it to work that way. The science part is studying what god made.

4. You can't imagine reality. (humans in this big scary universe with no skydaddy to watch over us)

A: Sorry, but I like my skydaddy. I can imagine it, but I really would prefer it if I still had skydaddy.

5. You dont have enough confidence in humans to keep feel safe so you imagine your imaginary friend is keeping you safe.

A: Absolutely right. Humans are generally unreliable and stupid creatures, and I really bite the bullet when I say that (I happen to be particularly stupid and bigoted).

2007-06-06 18:02:12 · answer #2 · answered by CanadianFundamentalist 6 · 1 1

1) I have an open mind, and I believe that the universe did not arise "ex nihilo". The odds against that are so great that it lead Watson and Crick to posit "panspermia", which is the theory that "aliens" created life by seeding the solar system. I am not so arrogant that I cannot believe that there is an intelligent power greater than myself.

2) I was a Christian BEFORE my parents became believers.

3) I have 26 years of formal education, including a BA, an MD, an MS, a residency, and an academic fellowship. My degrees are all science related.

4) Life would be far less threatening without the possibility of the existence of a JUST God who demands our allegiance.

5) Safety is an illusion. However, God did heal me of an "incurable" mass and I have the cat scans to prove it. He didn't have to do that, I didn't expect it, but I'm grateful.

Have a great day!

2007-06-06 18:00:24 · answer #3 · answered by greengo 7 · 1 1

1.I couldnt care less how the universe was created,If God told us He found us in a box then thats good enough for me.

2.wrong,you shouldnt entertain that anymore because that belief doesnt help you.

3.see 1

4.reality?you are just a wire stripper.
news for you,theres meaning greater than mans in the world.

5.People are just people and they wont ever be any better than that,I feel much much better knowing there is a God because at the end of the day i know everything will work out and no detail will be mistaken.

2007-06-06 18:33:29 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Since your an athesit tell me how everything began, earth and all the galaxies in the universe??? It's didn't come from "nothing" like the big bang THEORY, which is not proven. Everything has an origin and a first cause. Thus your something from nothing THEORY has already corrupted itself, you should know this since your scientific proof disproves that nothing can be "destroyed" or created from nothing......wow i just outsmarted your first cause of the big bang. Something has to get it started, Christians call him GOD , others have differnt names for "him" since we know that he is a being, not a human.

Some people do have bias opions since they learned about Christianity growing up, but others do not and learn, as do we all in life...we learn and experience different things. So i do agree that some people are bias and closed-minded when trying things new.

Alot of Christians do believe in Scientific possibilities, although Big Bang is not one of those since its a THEORY, an unprove/ unproveable idea about creation.

Good luck in Hell buddy

2007-06-06 18:07:00 · answer #5 · answered by irishredfishstick 3 · 0 0

hey hey :)
i guess your wrong
thats what most christians thought christianity is all about years ago...the time when superstion ruled and a time when there were a lot misunderstanding due to lack of resources, communication etc.
christianty accepts how the universe was made, the human etc....its obvious that the world was not created in 7 days...that was a story that has a lot of meanings that are not meant to be taken literally,

it could be that most of us were raised biased...but the ones who truly tried to understand their religion either continued in beleinving it or left it...after all isnt it like most of other things in life eg politics. its every single persons initiative to then decide for himself which path to choose

most scientific PROOFS that make sense are accepted by the church..whats the point in not beleiving in something that is proven...but wat we also believe is that god permitted things to happen that way

god is a spirit of love and understanding... if you choose not to believe in him and live life the way you want he d let u do it ur way..obviously all of us imagine but i personally am not scared of the universe..wat can it do to me? what i am scared of is my own temptations, knowing that i am such a weak person and often fail, but then i know that if i want to be helped there is someone who accepts me just the way i am

pff sry your last point doesnt really make much sense to me...so according to you 2.1 billion of christians in the world are all do not feel safe? and if that is so y r der so many marthyrs?

i tried to answer you from the best way a 17 yr old can ....but its best to ask someone who wud really know the answers well to answer u :) have an awesome day

u know wat even i sumtimes doubt the religion i believe in but wen i hear of so many, many people visiting places that people have said that religious ppl have appeared and other signs which are also scientifcally proven to be miraculous than i really do believe!

2007-06-06 18:23:07 · answer #6 · answered by shisha 1 · 0 0

I have a few to add:

6) You haven't read the bible and you only know what it says from what other people have told you.

7) When it comes to the history of the christian church, you are completely ignorant of it, other than that jesus lived 2000 years ago somewhere in the Middle East.

8) Anytime someone brings up how illogical the idea of 'god' is, (for example how could an all knowing god blame the people he created for their sins) you zone out and say 'I have faith, so there!'

2007-06-06 18:02:34 · answer #7 · answered by Biggest Douche in the Universe 3 · 0 2

1. Yes 2.no 3.no 4.no 5. look at the worlds condition, so no

2007-06-06 18:00:31 · answer #8 · answered by Dean D 2 · 0 1

Im christian and im very open minded.

1. i believe in evolutiion, but DO believe in god.
2. My family isn't bias against muslims or anything
3. no, i know there was evolution
4. no thats hypocritical
5. i been through many things, just like everyone else, i am confident thank you.

2007-06-06 18:00:00 · answer #9 · answered by headfirstfearless<3 5 · 0 0

In regards to origins, I think that imagery used to portray alleged events has a lot to do with it. Evolution imagery seems to involve chance, luck, destiny (there's practically some mixed wine in there somewhere) which is contrary to the Biblical ethic of perseverance, keeping your heart involved and not trying to figure out whether that thing that just happened was "lucky". It's the wrong mix between noumena and phenomena, and Christianity, obviously, has noumena present right from the beginning.

Cults do tend to do that - turn people against other beliefs - and Christianity is terrible for having cults in it. Belief in New Testament Greek has to do with the idea of tranquilising, compliance and inducing a yielding attitude. This would be hypnosis, except that the Bible also condemns pursuing your imagination, dreaming and in 1 Peter 4:7 it says: "be clear-minded and self-controlled so that you can pray." You can't really pray when you're hypnotised. You need somebody else to do it for you, practically. Love is what induces a compliant attitude, specifically Christ's love for us when we were yet sinners.

Science - how much is too much? Ecclesiastes 12:12 says: "Of making many books there is no end, and much study wearies the body." Experiment is related, as a word, to experience, which means "ex peril." Science is supposed to be something you live by so as to keep yourself safe. Hypnosis, as I just mentioned, is not one of those things. I'm not sure why people think that hypnosis in the hands of a faith healer is dangerous, but hypnosis in the hands of a hypnotherapist isn't. Perhaps it's because hypnotherapists only claim to focus on problems that are essentially to do with classical conditioning in the first place, or they are focussing on problems which are deemed to be problems due to conscious awareness of them or not. Hypnosis and autogenic training alter cerebral blood flow and altered cerebral blood flow has been linked with depression and schizophrenia.

In relation to evolution, it means "unrolling." Cladistics seeks to analyse growth by means of representation by binary nodes. Growth, according to Nietzsche, is a trouble-spot for philosophers. They mummify their subjects and are interested in the "being" not the "becoming." James 5 in the Bible says that rich Christians don't pay harvesters and lawn mowers. Romans 1 shows that claiming to be wise is part of the change in thinking from "suppressing the truth by injustice" (favouritism is a sin - James 2:9). If you are looking for others of similar wealth, because they will allegedly have had access to more interesting ideas in life, then you are essentially asking for a "currency" ethic. This is how mythology works. It tells the past merely with a view to positioning you in the present (pretty much literally) for right spiritual action in the future. This has to do with the relationship between Joseph Campbell's traditional and creative mythology (traditional mythology leaves a shell for creative mythology to fill), or "combinatorial mechanics" and "an epiphany of the mystery unrolled through the transformation of the enquiring conscience itself" via the "energetic transformation of libido." I don't think the "unrolling" imagery here is an accident. It's repeated again in the same article, but using the word "evolution" instead - "on the plan of the psychological evolution of the conscience, the process of individuation needs an indispensable step: the recognition of one's ego as an entity different from the world under observation." This is what anti child disciplinarians call "self-identity." I call it buying into an archetype. It's got nothing to do with what you're born with as a birthright. You don't have to prove that you're one of a kind. It should just be part of scientific truth. I thought that's what science had shown, with genetics and so on. Back to favouritism as an evil. If you're looking for other "creative" types because you want to have an interesting life, do you think that sex and violence mean creativity? If you're looking for others who have a similar taste in entertainment, that's basically what the word homosexual means, so it's no wonder that Romans 1 goes through a series of steps as to the consummation of the first desire that was merely in the interests of finding people who understand you. Basically, money and science don't mix. Money necessarily involves a currency ethic. As Romans 1:25 says, people end up worshipping and serving "rules, ordinances and institutions" rather than that which makes things transformable and habitable. Money has to do with distribution. Angels are messengers, where demons are distributors of fates and fortunes, from daio - to distribute. I think that a scientific approach to the world is to submit to rulers and governors, as 1 Peter 2:13, 14 says. You'll keep yourself safe a lot more easily that way than trying to know all the "rules" for human behaviour via evolutionary methods. Democracy is based on the myth of the social contract. Evolution is basically the consciousness of mythology, as described above. The general theory of relativity has no electromagnetism in it. It is a model of a dark universe. Spacetime pouring into the present would still only get darkness, which is what the Bible says that people use to do evil in - John 3:20. Verse 21 says: "Whoever lives by truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what he has done has been done through God." I don't think I have a problem thinking about scientific possibilities. I did a year at university and got straight HDs in physics, chemistry, psychology and drama, all with a creationist outlook and a good work ethic.

Why would you need to imagine reality? This is in fact the trick to staying in the present even without people to keep on streaming information to you. James 4:13, 14 says: "Now listen, you who say, 'Today or tomorrow we will go to this or that city, spend a year there, carry on business and make money.' Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes." With the true Christian ethic, you're always in the face of change. Ecclesiastes 7:14 agrees.

Humans are awful. Anybody who thinks otherwise has a short memory and is possibly doing quite well out of the currency/distribution ethic at the moment. It won't last.

2007-06-06 18:28:43 · answer #10 · answered by MiD 4 · 1 0

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