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Many people these days has forgotten their aging parents and I hope that you can give out some opinions on how to show your appreciation to senior citizens or what we always call, the Golden Citizens:)

2007-06-05 23:10:05 · 20 answers · asked by sheepysherry 1 in Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Senior Citizens

20 answers

1. Treat them the way you would anybody, just because our bodies age does not mean by any means that our minds are all gone.

2. Be more respectful and helpful when you seen the need, without making a big deal about it and calling attention to the situation.

3. If an older person wants to do something and is of sound mind, don't tell them they are too old and should take it easy. They are still alive and want to live life to the fullest just like anyone at any age.

2007-06-06 01:25:56 · answer #1 · answered by ginger 4 · 2 0

There are many ways and that is so nice of you! 1. Show up and have tea or a favorite snack. spend the day to help with chores that those lovely seniors cant do themselves.a) rake leaves b) if you are handy with tools help with small repairs like a favorite chair or table that needs fixing. or clean the eaves on the house of leaves. For the most part seniors love a good ear for listening and you get a sense of history and they are happy and starved for attention. Maybe they need an errand for their favorite magazine or treat. Or just some kind words and a flower. also keep in touch with the rest of the family to help you too.

2007-06-05 23:29:07 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

If they are living in a retirement home you can:
1) go visit them on a regular basis (maybe once a week),
2) call to talk to them and see if they are doing okay,
3) especially during the major holidays and even days like father's day (coming up) take them home and let them get away from there for a while or even overnight so that they can spend some time with you and the family.

2007-06-08 02:13:18 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I can list way more then 3, but heres just 3 that I've done:

1. Listen to them and let them be apart of your life - I spend most of my early life around elderly people and I love to listen and talk with them. I've pretty much lived with my grandparents and they're more my parental figures. Even if you're not THAT interested, listen to the advice, guidance, and stories of the elderly, you WILL gain something from it!!

2. Volunteer at Nursing Homes! Spend time with the residents and really get to know them - My great-great grandma was in a nursing home from when I was about 5 to the time she died when I was almost 12. During that time I spent alot of time at the nursing home (because my grandma took me with her all the time). We did lots of things for the residents, like put on fashion shows and tea parties, run the bingo nights, I'd talk and visit with people, play dominos and all sorts of other little things. Even though the place stunk to high heavens, I look back and realize I really enjoyed my time with the seniors there and how much they enjoyed the attention and love they got back. I really miss my dominos partner, she was a very awesome and kind lady, but she died quite a few years back :(

3- Run errands for them, visit the shut-ins, do/male special things for them; really love them!!!! - I love senior citizens, I really think they're the best people in the entire world. You can have intellegent and meaningful conversations, they're (usally xD you always run into a few onry ones) respectable and loving, they listen and don't judge you like your younger peers and are always willing to give advice and honestly care for you!! I know many older adults and senior citizens not related to me that love me and care for me like I was a member of their own family, and i can talk to them about stuff I can't with my own family. They're incredible people and I love having them in my life :)

I couldnt make a complete list of things to show my appreciation, theres way too many!!! Choosing just 3 (which I listed way more then 3) is too hard!!!!!>.<

2007-06-08 16:46:24 · answer #4 · answered by Arei M 2 · 1 0

Batty...."burro" would be a donkey. Or a jackass. I'd be inclined to discount his assertion, but perhaps he's right since he seems to be well acquainted with jackassery. EDIT: Looks like someone reported him for his jackassery. I'm neutral on that subject. I'd rather less reporting take place and that idiots simply be mocked publicly. Although, perhaps he self-deleted. Which would have been the wise choice. Three wishes is a good idea. I personally can only grant one wish before I have to take a nap, and over my lifetime, my average staying power before the inevitable nap occurs is one minute and seventeen seconds.

2016-04-01 05:10:42 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I dont know about appreciation. I'd appreciate it if you let me ask for the senior discount before assuming how old I am I also dont like being yelled at just because I'm an old lady. Dont assume we're all hard of hearing. We dont fit easily into any category any more than anyother age group.
Just be kind to one another and fit me in somewhere.

2007-06-09 15:03:57 · answer #6 · answered by phlada64 6 · 0 0

1. By showing them that you care - you show concern about their health, ask them how their day went, find out what they need - there are myriads of ways.

2. By leaving the channel of communication open - set aside a fraction of your time for them - discuss a book, movie, politics, current events - anything.

3. Give a small boost to their ego - check that rude retort, pretend you value their advice even if you have no intention of following up.

2007-06-05 23:47:12 · answer #7 · answered by Traveller 5 · 2 0

You can help them by running whatever errands they need to be done but are not able to do themselves. You can just go by and visit them and sit with them. Showing people you care and love them goes along way.

2007-06-06 05:14:01 · answer #8 · answered by joyce 5 · 1 0

I tend to trade recipes with my older neighbors, insult their cooking , and then sit through lectures and pie at their homes. Everybody wins.

I also insist that anyone over 29, tell me they are 29. Most like this tradition. Except a lady that keeps telling me her age and asks me when I take my meds.....

I tend to garden and often give my older neighbors produce. They insult my garden, and give me REAL produce.....I don't think I will starve, EVER.

When in doubt, I ask older gals where there younger men are at, most giggle....Except this one lady who proceeds to show me her much younger boyfriends. I hated her for a while, then I went clubbing with her. I now have a great respect for older ladies, and their boyfriends. And replacement body-part warranties.

And that's how I ended up being appreciated by senior citizens.

2007-06-05 23:21:49 · answer #9 · answered by earthcaress 3 · 2 2

Treat them as equals ... not "old farts"
Listen to their stories with much interest, even if you've heard them 100s of times
and...if, like me, you are a long way from your parents .. send real hand written letters not just emails!

2007-06-07 01:25:34 · answer #10 · answered by Lou C 4 · 1 0

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