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12 answers

Just use plain english. Use of jargon and radio talk will just make you sound like an idiot, on a walkie talkie. No one uses such talk, unless they are on a CB, and only where applicable.

One thing... NEVER, and I mean NEVER call anyone a "Good Buddy", especially on CB..... it doesn't mean what it used to way back when. It is considered an insult now.

Just talk normal, like on a phone, and you will be okay.

2007-06-06 08:56:23 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Walkie Talkie Codes

2016-12-16 03:38:02 · answer #2 · answered by laranjeira 4 · 0 0

Walkie Talkie Lingo

2016-10-04 10:41:01 · answer #3 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

"Yeah, I've got a huge catfish with a basketball stuck in his mouth. Over."

"10-4. Saw the catfish. He was a 10-45, but I pushed 'em off. Not sure how he got on the road. What's your 20? Over."

"I'm at the Goat and Candy Emporium. Needed a goat and some candy. That's E as in Edward, M as in Mary, P as in Pterodactyl, O as in Oscar, R as in Robert, I as in Ida, U as in uniform, M as in Mary. You want something? Over."

Stuff like that.

2007-06-05 19:53:10 · answer #4 · answered by Mickey Mouse Spears 7 · 1 0

10-4. Roger that. Over and out. or just over. And it's so fun to say "niner' instead of nine hahaha. OOOHHHH also "breaker, breaker 1-9.Hee Hee

2007-06-05 19:54:38 · answer #5 · answered by vananabanana22 2 · 0 0

These are for CB radios but many could be used for walki-talkie's

After burner... Linear amp
Air bear... Police helicopter
Ankle biter... Young Child
Auntie mary... A.M. Radio
Back... Over(Back to you)
Back at ya... Answering
Back door... Rear CB'er
Back 'em down... Slow down
Barefoot... Legal rig
Basement... Channel 1
Base station... Home based CB'er
Bear... Policeman
Bear cage... Police station
Bear in the air... Police helicopter
Bears wall to wall... Police everywhere
Bear trap... Police radar
Beaver... Woman
Bending the needle... Strong signal
Big ten-four... Yes
Bleed over... Interference from another channel
Blowing my windows out... Strong signal
Bone box... Ambulance
Bone yard... Cemetery
Boots... Linear amp
Breaker... CB'er
Brown bottle... Beer
Busby... G.P.O.
Buck Fuzby... CB Magazine cartoon character
Cancer stick... Cigarette
Catch a few Z's... Sleep
Catch you on the flip-flop... Speak to you on the return trip
Coffee shop... Restaurant
Come back... Answer back
Come on... Answer back
Convoy... Group of CB'ers travelling together
C.Q.... Calling any station
C.W.... Continuous wave
D.B.... Decibel
Dead key... Key mike without speaking
Doughnut... Roundabout
Do you copy?... Can you here me?
Ears on... CB Radio on
Earwig... Listen without talking
Eighty eights... Love and kisses
E.R.P.... Effective radiated power
Eyeball... Meet another CB'er
Five and nine... Good strong signal
Five by five... Strong signal
For sure... Definitely
Four... Yes
Four on that... Yes
Give me a shout... Answer back
Granny lane... Slow lane
Green back... Cash
Green stamps... Cash
Hammer down... Speed up
Handheld... Walkie talkie
Handset... Walkie talkie
Hit the hay... Sleep
Home 20... Home
Kicker... Linear amp
Kojak with a Kodak... Police radar
Little woman... Wife (not quite P.C. no letters please)
L.S.B.... Lower Side Band
Making the trip... Good signal
Mayday... Distress call
Modulate... Talk on CB
Monitor... Listen without talking
Motion lotion... Petrol
Motor mouth... CB'er who talks too much
Negatory... No
One-eyed monster... Television
Over modulation... Talking to close to mike
P.T.T.... Push to talk switch
Put the pedal to the metal.... Speed up
Radio check... Transmission report
Ratchet jaw...CB'er who talks too much
REACT... Radio Emergency Associated Citizen's Team
Rig... CB Radio
Roger D.... Yes
Rubber Duck... Possibly the most famous handle ever
Rug Rats... Kids
Seat cover... Attractive woman
Seventy three's... Good luck
S-meter... Signal meter
Smokey... The police (Jackie Gleeson)
Spliced... Married
S.S.B.... Single side band
Stamping... Talking over another breaker
Super slab... Motorway
S.W.R... Standing wave ratio
Swar... SWR Meter
Ten-Four... Yes,Ok,Roger etc.
U.S.B.... Upper side band
Wall to wall and treetop tall... Good strong signal
What am I pushing you... Signal reading
Wiped out... Over powered by a stronger signal
Wrapper... Car
XYL... Wife
You got a copy on me... Can you here me
ZZZZ's... Sleep time

2007-06-06 00:45:19 · answer #6 · answered by Michael N 6 · 1 0

breaker breaker
10-4 good buddy
smokey on my tail

2007-06-05 19:52:51 · answer #7 · answered by michael 6 · 0 0

10-4 big bore You sound like a v8 mouth with a 2 stroke brain.Its not whats going on its what coming off.~~

2007-06-05 19:59:41 · answer #8 · answered by burning brightly 7 · 0 1

For the best answers, search on this site https://shorturl.im/awhgd

woi ngkau kat maner, aku kat sini, jawab cepat sikit.

2016-04-07 01:44:17 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

bear report (find out where the fuzz are)

that's all I know!!

2007-06-05 19:53:33 · answer #10 · answered by ~~*Paradise Dreams*~~ 6 · 0 0

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