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BUDDHISM is the third most Important.

on the other hand.....Protestants are not a religion, they claim to be Christians, but they had forgotten about Christ teachings.
Jews are confused as well, they do not know if they are a religious group or a sub-Arab ethnicity.

2007-06-05 19:13:22 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

14 answers

Islam and Catholicism are basically the same with morality as the basic belief. Thus, there are many followers of these religions because they believe that they will be good by practicing the moral teachings.

2007-06-05 22:07:16 · answer #1 · answered by FRAGINAL, JTM 7 · 0 0

I cannot attest to Islam, but as for Catholicism it would probably be due to the fact that the Catholic Church is the oldest Christian denomination dating back to the apostles. That coupled with its worldwide missions and networking, especially in third-world countries which some other religions tend to shy away from, would probably be the reasoning the Catholic Church is so popular. I do not have much experience or knowledge of the history of Islam.

2007-06-06 02:22:11 · answer #2 · answered by dodge66trio 2 · 4 1

Christianity and Islam are the largest religions for one reason,because they both spent the last 15 plus centuries spreading the word of God with the sword,it's pretty easy to spread your religion when you spread it under threat of death as the alternative. Then you follow that up with the entire religious society brainwashing children into those religions before they're old enough to rationally examine those beliefs, and totally ostracize and often victimize those in the society who reject religious dogma,and you have a great recipe for success.


2007-06-06 02:24:43 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 4 2

Well everyone got this wrong so far.
Christianity is the largest -33 of the world's population
Islam is second - 21%
Next is no religon - 16%
Hinduism - 14% (we forget about almost the entire population of India it seems)
Buddhism is well down there with 6%
Chicana Girl is of course speaking pure fiction with Judaism being 2nd - try 0.22%.

2007-06-06 02:46:30 · answer #4 · answered by Sageandscholar 7 · 5 1

Is Islam a religion??? Islam is not a religion as each of the imamans change the "meaning" of their sacred "writings" to promote what they want or need . The various "interpretations have been used for everything to simple land grabs (the guys over the hill with all the water, good graising, big herds..need to be killed as they defile Allah's laws we can keep the women ..) to getting rid of a leader/other tribal leader who might challenge one's power.
..Most REAL religions believe in a supreme being or all powerful God. THey do NOT"believe that their "powerful god" needs man to their help to kill others..Can there be an all powerful God so impotent that he/she cant eliminate that which "is offensive"??
Christianity is a religion..catholics/protestants have differences but they adhere to many of the same basic beliefs. Jews share the same basic tenents of Christianity but believe that God has not yet sent the Messiah as promised. Buddhism is based on the teachings of Buddha; It is a philosophy or belief that man can attain a state of enlightenment by suppressing worldly desires.
In short, Islam cannot be defined as a religion simply because each religious "leader" has a completely different interpretation of "the laws" that Allah requires...Tolerance to others beliefs is "acceptable to some muslims but others require thedeath of unbelievers or maybe just a named enemy of unbelievers ..one group will tolerate anothers different interpretations of A;llah's will if the other guys are stronger or share resources to add welath/powere to each other...
Real Religions DONT use their God as a excuse or bartering tool. All religions can be corrupted by man when they justify killing as "god's will or "command.

2007-06-06 03:00:11 · answer #5 · answered by ymicgee 3 · 0 4

Because most people are stupid and irrational .

I often pondered that myself , especially the miracle of Christianity which was invented by Jews (who have never been otherwise significant in History , until recent times at least) , how Christianity invaded Europe , which continues to be , together with Europe's extensions in the Americas and Australia , the most advanced nations of the world . Watching an English or German Christian person , you would think Jesus was from Berlin or London , or Los Angeles !!

Islam with it's limitation of freedom and it's chauvinism was suitable for countries with large populations of poor people , since these aspects of Islam facilitated the control and oppression of those peoples at the same time promoting some degree of civility .

2007-06-06 02:16:52 · answer #6 · answered by shogunly 5 · 3 5

No organised religion can exist and grow without instilling FEAR in the minds of people.

It will be easier for you to look for a group of people which has the most FEAR in their minds, then find out what religion they follow and BINGO, thats your answer!!!

2007-06-06 02:55:34 · answer #7 · answered by devotee 2 · 1 1

check your facts brother. Christianity is the largest religion then judisam, and islam and then budism. Catholicism is a part of CHristianity. It is not it's own super power. We need more love and less seperation. Find some common ground with each other. God Bless.

2007-06-06 02:30:18 · answer #8 · answered by Chicana girl 1 · 1 5

When you say "third most important" it's strange. I don't see any religion as being more important that any other.

2007-06-06 02:16:38 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

It is only by control and fear that any of them still exist buddhists probably being the exception.

2007-06-06 02:32:40 · answer #10 · answered by Amy m 6 · 2 1

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