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i feel for them being a mother myself but i cant understand that there is no emotion i would be at my wits end ,i dont know something isnt quite right at all ,i did defend them cos i felt sorry for them ,but am now beginning to wonder, which i think a lot of people are

2007-06-05 18:02:10 · 16 answers · asked by angela f 2 in News & Events Other - News & Events

16 answers

I've always defended them on here, but I'm afraid its starting to wear thin now.
I think they need to cry or show emotion. I can't believe how strong they are being in this situation. I would crumble.
I also think that they should be thinking about coming home now so that their other two children can get back to some sort of normality. Lets be honest, there is no point now to stay in Portugal. Maddy is most probably not even in that country now. They can do just as much as they are doing at home and they will be saving an awful lot of their "fund money" by doing this!!!!

2007-06-05 18:49:43 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 8 4

Lack of emotion in a post traumatic event is a very common symptom, to dwell on or think about the trauma causes immense pain and distress. There is only so much pain and distress any individual can deal with and usually the emotion is dealt with privately as to do so publicly emphasises the trauma and distress. Medication such antidepressants and tranquillisers help control extreme emotion and restore normal function.
Grief is also impossible to predict and effects us all differently, one thing grief is not is dictated by what others think it ought to or should be.
To people who say the reaction of the Mccanns, in their situation, is not normal, I say how one earth do you know unless you have been there? Also, who says your judgement of how they react is what we should be considered first and foremost?

2007-06-05 23:18:13 · answer #2 · answered by bumbleboi 6 · 6 2

yes it is strange the way that they show no emotion after watching crimewatch last night one mother was gutted that her teenage daughter had been raped and could hardly contain herself but the McCanns have lost a baby and yet they seem out of touch with the reality of what has happened i haven,t once seen them pleading into the cameras begging for the wee girl,s return unless i missed that.
Edit: Piltdownman that is what i would have been doing if my precious daughter went missing and there is no need to get nasty i am not a McCann supporter or anti im just voicing an opinon in fact how dare you call me sick just because im not agreeing with whatever it is you want to hear you dont know me so shut up!! Edit: abluebobcat i now have looked at the link you gave and see their pain but no matter what you say on this someone is going to get nasty sad if this is a reflection of today,s society
Edit: Piltdownman maybe the word beg was wrong plead for the return of their daughter that is what i would be doing if it was my situation.

2007-06-05 19:48:01 · answer #3 · answered by nmore 2 · 10 3

I have tried to see this from all angles, I have tried to think maybe they're are just trying to be strong, I have tried to think maybe they don't want to give the kidnappers the satisfaction, I have tried to think maybe they are tranqued up to the eyeballs, I have tried to think a whole host of things about these people, but the fact is their reaction and their words are just not normal in this type of situation. Maybe in the beginning stay positive, but surely reality must get a grip sometime, surely the facade must start to slip eventually, they're doctors, not actors.
As for Piltdown Man and Abluebobcat, pay no attention, they probably leave their children alone too so see nothing wrong in endangering the lives of 3 small children. These are the type of people the NSPCC were invented to protect children from. Say what you want about me guys, but my little girl is playing 3 feet away from me, safe and sound because I look after her properly, I'm not the one who handed my child to kidnappers on a plate, I will always put a child before an adult and I make no apologies for that because that is what any decent human being would do. If we were so evil we wouldn't give a damn about what happened to Madeleine, but the reason that we do get so angry proves that we do have a heart, ours is just where it should be, with a very frightened, bewildered 4 year old child, not the people who made it all too easy for this to happen to her.
As for being jealous of the McCanns, their daughter is missing, mine isn't, why would I be jealous of that? I wouldn't swap my daughter for all the sh*t-hot careers and money in the world. The money they're getting for the fund isn't supposed to be being used for them personally. So all these "reasons" Piltdown Man seems to think we're supposedly jealous of are blown out of the water along with his legs, aren't they?

2007-06-06 00:47:55 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 3 4

I also agree. I was so gutted for them when the news first broke but as times going on they dont seem to be showing any emotion at all. We dont know how they are behind closed doors but if it was me I know I'd be an absolute wreck. They dont seem to do anything other than wander around. They seem to be more calm as the weeks are going by. Maybe they have some inner strength thats getting them through but whatever their plan to cope, its making them look cold and unfeeling. I know I'd be out looking for my daughter if it had happened to me. Considering they left her alone in the first place its almost as if they dont care. I think its time they came home. Their other kids need some sort of stability. How long can they possibly stay there? How many of us could afford to stay on holiday for months on end. My boss wouldnt pay my wages indefinitely. Although sympathetic he also has a business to run. Are they scared to come home?
I wonder how long it will be before they sell their story to the press

2007-06-05 22:42:33 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 5 5

I'm not sure how i would act if i was in their position particularly after such a long time, i don't think any of us know how we'd behave in the same situation. For me i just hope Maddie is found as soon as possible,for her sake and no one else.

2007-06-05 19:15:13 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 4 2

I reckon the tide is beginning to turn....most people started off the same as you honey....feeling shocked, horrified & very sorry for the parents.....I know I did. Now, however I feel a lot differently.

2007-06-06 00:34:34 · answer #7 · answered by Funky 6 · 3 4

The McCanns who are using their undoubted brains and talent in a desperate attempt to rescue their child will be applauded by all civilised people.

I would describe your question as drivel

jd why do you want them to "beg to the camera" ?

abluebobcat, well said, another point is that they are medical people and trained not to show emotion. I thought I knew people until I saw the sick anti McCann weirdos here.

Faith, I think Dave S needs psychiatric treatment; however, to be so full of hate simply because the McCanns are successful people with a tragedy may be untreatable.

angela f
The McCanns are controlling their emotion, what are they supposed to do, cry to the cameras ?

A very interesting answer bumbleboi, I was thinking myself that they may be on tranquilisers, this is a very tragic case and I am waiting for the anti Mc Cann hate mob to find other unfortunate but career successful people to hate

2007-06-05 20:21:42 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 6 8

I know where you are coming from Angela!!! I can understand them constantly searching and wanting to keep their daughter's face and name in the media. But it seems that they are enjoying the 'celebrity' factor. Apart from what would be deemed the obvious, What was meeting the pope all about??? Maybe they are trying to be strong, because they still have two other children to look after, but I know that this kind of experience would have made me crack!

2007-06-05 18:44:29 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 11 4

I was reading about the McCann's latest trip and read 'During their fleeting visit to Berlin, Mr and Mrs McCann will meet British ambassador Sir Peter Torry'

I read it as 'During their fleecing visit to Berlin'.

I think I might be right.

2007-06-05 20:55:52 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 6 4

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