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...so, has that example made you aware of having to be responsible for yourself and your family in an emergency, and to prepare for it, or do you, still, believe the government has a magic 'Fix-It' wand?

2007-06-05 16:17:06 · 17 answers · asked by Moxie 3 in Entertainment & Music Polls & Surveys

17 answers

If you are thinking you can rely on ANYONE in a case of extreme emergency you really got another thing coming. The government does not care about individuals nor will it ever. One person means little to the government. It take a lot of people to make anything happen and that alone requires tremendous teamwork. The best thing you can ever do for yourself if you live anywhere that natural disasters are possible is to be fully prepared. You can contact local authorities for advice when something happens but do not rely on them to survive. Darwin's Theory really applies in extreme emergencies.

2007-06-05 16:24:09 · answer #1 · answered by sirdouglas527 5 · 1 0

New Orleans is an example of how stupid people can be.

First they build a city on a swamp.

Then they find out that the swamp is sinking so they build levies around it to keep the water off the streets... but they don't build decent walls.

Then the people stick around when a hurricane is on the way and they get DAYS of warning to get out.

Then they wonder why there's 5 ft of water in their living room...


Its also an example of why the government isn't good at handling emergencies.

Religious based charities (Baptist and Morman leading the pack) provided more relief than the government, and had their relief trucks ON THE ROAD before the storm hit. Religious based charity relief organizations beat the Red Cross in providing relief... by days.

2007-06-05 16:24:14 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

In times like what happened in New Orleans and with the war going on, you have to ask yourserlf, what is this world coming to? In my area over the weekend a lot of small towns had very bad tornadoes. It just sucks that we as a nation have to experience such heartache. Wouldn't it be nice if we all had our own magic wands and could fix any problem we had!

I am going in September with my church to help with clean up and building in Mississippi and I can not wait.

I was not devasted or did not have any famiyl member affectred by Hurricane Katrina. I just feel that I am young (25) and should be able to help out when needed!

2007-06-05 16:22:25 · answer #3 · answered by hamcoming00 2 · 3 0

Everyone that lives along the Gulf coast should have an emergency plan. However, when something as devastating as Katrina comes along the government needs to get it's sh*t together and deal with it in a timely manor. The city of New Orleans has been left to deal with much of the destruction on their own when they had less than nothing.

2007-06-05 16:23:52 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I first came down to NOLA on a spring break trip and fell in love with, now I live here and may never leave. So if you're not looking for a big move, watch out because the city will lure you in. Any type of party or experience you're looking for you'll find here, and don't listen to people who say its not a clean, or a rebuilt place, its vibrant and beautiful, especially so once the sun goes down and the jazz clubs, bars and pubs fill with people. You'll never drink alone in this city, and the people are so nice. You just find yourself talking to a new person every night, although sometimes its a homeless person who just won't leave you alone. That being said, I would stick to the city centers of the French Quarter, Marigny, Garden District and Up-Town, just to be on the safe side. If you don't act too foolish you'll be fine. Have fun!

2016-04-01 04:50:00 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Haha! Thats a very good question.. the answer is simple.

Most people would like to think that the government will take care of them if something like Katrina happens again but I dont think that'll happen.

I think every house owner should already have their own plan in place and not sit around and wait for the government to help them.

2007-06-05 16:28:06 · answer #6 · answered by dejavu7013 4 · 0 0

this is a touchy subject due to moral beleifs. Lets start this out by stating i HATE bush, but he did nothing wrong in this situation. the people were warned initually to get out and still stayed, regardless of the reasonn to stay (money, transportation stubburness or whatever). Tehen were warned AGAIN and still stood to their decision. The government did everything they could as the situation presented itself, granted the levys were not up to par but that isnt somthing the government needs to step in to correct, that is a state or county reponsobility.and now the rest of the country has helped these poor stubborn people anyway even though they are victoms of there own stubborness. yes people need to be more prepared to handle situations but its not like this situation came out of no where, these people were warned weeks before this disaster and made their choice to stay.And furthoremore its not the goverments responsobility to replace loss of fix private damage. And forcing these people to abandon their propertys or enforcing some kinda order is unconstitutional and they do not have the power, means or time to do that. Finishing, i deeply regret all that these people had to go through but they knew and chose, and now they want the goverment to fix it...... You make your bed..... lie in it

2007-06-05 16:35:35 · answer #7 · answered by madness4life 6 · 0 0

We had an EPK (Emergency Preparedness Kit) long before new orleans, and always will keep it on hand because we live in seattle, serious earthquake fault lane. I wouldnt rely on the government to supply us with food and water, at least not for 5 days (which is how much we are prepared for)

Our kit has 5 days bottled water for 5 people, which I change out every 3 months, and water purification tablets. Enough food for 5 people for 5 days. Emergency flares, blankets, waterproof matches, propane, propane cooktop, duct tape and plastic sheeting, cording, knives, fire extinguisher, batteries, radio, flashlights, candles, fireproof blankets, cooking supplies, first aid kit, my husbands gas mask from when he was in the military. diapers, baby formula, sewing kit...
list goes on, but it all fits in one of those large tupperware bins, and could fit in our trunk if need be.

2007-06-05 16:23:36 · answer #8 · answered by Kristin B 4 · 0 0

You cannot expect the government to do it all. You have to protect yourself and your family. If your lucky your local officials can help. New Orleans leadership was a dismal failure. How they idiot go re-elected mayor is beyond me.

For Hurricane Rita, which was a few weeks after Katrina, my area and surrounding areas were prepared. Everyone was evacuated. The citizens and the Katrina evacuees alike. No one was left behind.

2007-06-05 16:23:00 · answer #9 · answered by nicegirl 4 · 1 0

I have always considered myself responsible for taking care of my own family/self. The government doesn't owe me anything except some of my taxes back at the end of the year.

2007-06-05 16:20:11 · answer #10 · answered by Baby'sMom 7 · 1 0

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