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Are you tired of getting thumbs down just because you like a modern band?

Are you tired of people saying "emo sucks" and "go listen to some real music?"

Are you tired of having to read these comments everytime you come in this section?

Don't you think it's sad that random people who don't know me waste their time talking about me and saying my taste in music is crap thinking I care? Don't you think it's ridiculous to be mad at someone you don't even know?

Also, people have said I don't know anything about music. If I didn't know anything about music, then why would I be the top answerer in Rock & Pop with 136 best answers? Why would I be a top contributor in Rock & Pop and General - Music?

If you think something should be done about this, then please answer all question thoroughly and truthfully. I think Yahoo! Answers is going to have to split Rock into "Classic Rock" and "Modern Rock."

Thank you!

2007-06-05 06:31:24 · 17 answers · asked by twixette 7 in Entertainment & Music Music Rock and Pop

17 answers

Yeah!! me too!!! Not just rock but R&B! Because my family is prodominatnly african american the fact that I like rock , period is frowned upon. If it's r&b(or rock) they always say "we don't no anything about real R&B" ...um ... explain to me what exactly is "real" , please (I pretty sure every kind of music is real!) I'm upset because people always say that "their" days were better ... but we're living in 2007 now ... those days are over now! I'm not saying that I don't enjoy an oldie but goodie every now and then , but I digress. It' kinda like another type of racisim . Making stereotypes , and not liking someone just because of thier music preference . In fact , I now dub this problem "musicism." Yes , you do know a great deal about music ... just not there type and people don't like that (which sucks!) . They're just bashing the things that they don't understand and if I like emo , then dang it I like emo!(Which I do ... I love my chemical Romance!). I think that getting Rock split into two groups is a great idea!!! Let the thumb - downers (like a certain person who listed his sources as "your mama") bash thier own preferences and stay off of the music that we like!You rock out loud!

2007-06-05 07:12:17 · answer #1 · answered by Float on ... 3 · 4 0

People treat you like crap on here, and I honestly don't get why. Their are other people that like some of the same music that you do, but it seems like you get the fighting most of the time. It's a waste of time to come onto this place and criticize someone that you don't even know, just because you don't have the same opinion as them.

Today there's a lot of diversity, and the people that criticize you better start getting used to living in the real world where there's gonna be thousands of people that have different views, opinions, likes, and dislikes. People should just realize that everyone likes different things, and there is nothing that they can do to change that.

And you know a lot about music. I'm one of the top 10 answerers in Rock and Pop, and I don't have a third of the number of best answers that you do.

And yes, I'm sick of getting thumbs down for liking bands like The Used and MCR because they're not "real music."

2007-06-05 18:09:22 · answer #2 · answered by këlly 6 · 0 0

As an elder, let me put it this way:
Most music that is popular is popular because younger people are into it, and younger folks tend to be a lot more passionate and generally have a lot more time to be passionate. What it really amounts to is the novelty of simply getting turned on to music as expression. I will not admit to the utter crap that I listened to as a kid, but will admit to how much I loved it at the time. I *thought* that the music I was into was the best in the world, but when I started getting exposed to more and more music, I grew a little embarrassed. I mean, face it, there are many emo bands that owe a lot to many older bands you just haven't heard yet, and sound pretty lame by comparison.

People who criticize your taste in music aren't gonna change your taste in music, are they? So there's no need in getting pissed about it, they're not worth it. Most older folks who tell you your music sucks are just afraid that the music *they* like is gonna be forgotten. However, TRULY good music will never be forgotten. And they fail to see that there is still a lot of great stuff coming out all the time.

My point is, music is constantly evolving and, hopefully, so are the fans. Just don't take it personally when people disagree with you. I could turn you on to literally hundreds of artists you've never heard of that I bet you would love and just may cause you to view your own opinions differently. Just consider the possibility that some of the stuff you really love right now may be a source of embarrassment in ten years.

To divide rock into "classic" and "modern" is just silly. Much of what was "modern" is now "classic." And some stuff comes out and is an "instant classic." When "Nevermind" was released, for example, it was most certainly "modern rock," but we all new immediately that it was already a "classic."

2007-06-05 14:39:04 · answer #3 · answered by Bokb 2 · 4 0

Yes, I always feel that putting down music of ANY kind shows a certain level of closed-mindedness and ignorance. While it is perfectly fine, of course, to have certain musical preferences, declaring out and out that a particular genre "sucks" shows a basic intolerance of others' beliefs. If people have such a huge problem with something as innocuous as music, how must they carry that judgmentalism with them in bigger issues such as politics and religion?? Also, since music is the basic form of expression for all cultures, I think being narrow-minded about any kind of music speaks volumes about cultural intolerance as well. Personally I think modern rock is a wonderful blend of all that's right about rock music- you have the basic combo band structure of the 60's, the punk flavor of the 70's, the new-wave synthesizer sound of the 80's (in many modern rock songs), and even a little 90's grunge peeking through. It's like a beautiful amalgam of all that rock has embodied for the past 4 decades. Nothing wrong with that!!

2007-06-05 13:54:54 · answer #4 · answered by fizzygurrl1980 7 · 2 0

I understand your point very well! I am a just a bit tired of the "Emo/Screamo" posts. People post MCR, Fall Out Boy or Panic! at the Disco is the best band ever! What is the best band? or do you like them? The posts seem very self serving and not really a question of merit... Answering them over and over again is not worth a best answer either.

I understand this is an open forum and people are passionate about their favorite bands, but come on! These bands have a place in music, but not in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame or history of music defining sounds. They are the flavor of the moment, just like Duran Duran, Skid Row, Herman's Hermits, Young MC and Backstreet Boys were. All those bands sold allot of music and were very popular, so to each their own, if they were a fan... I even listened to Duran Duran a bit..

I love discussing music, but the overflow of Emo posts is staggeringly boring... A modern rock forum area would please me greatly in this case... You asked for an honest answer, so I expect a thumbs down from many..

2007-06-05 19:41:00 · answer #5 · answered by hugh9269 5 · 2 2

If I ever acted that way, I'm sorry
I get just as angry when people say "Pink Floyd sucks cause they're old!!" as you get angry when people say Fall Out Boy suck.
It's just hard for us classic rockers to heard people say stuff like "Blink 182 is the best punk ever!" because, well, Blink 182 isn't real punk to how it origionally was established in the 1970's.

And I really do think that they need to divide the modern rock from the classic rock, this split's really building up alot of hostility.

P.S. I do listen to some modern rock, they're just not mainstream.

2007-06-05 16:40:34 · answer #6 · answered by meep meep 7 · 3 0

Unfortunately you've stumbled into one of the classic music fan traps. Classic rock fans in particular love to whine about/make fun of pop music and it's fans while they pontificate about how great it used to be/no one has any talent anymore. That's the classic trade. You get easy access to the music you are into and new bands you'll like and on the flip side they get to complain about your music and sometimes you. It's just worked that way for years.

With that said, it's true, it's never nice to act condescending and a little sarcasm can be pretty of hurtful. So, for what it's worth I do apologize for getting snooty from time to time. I'm honestly a like what you like, live and let live type of guy, but I think the redundancy of this site has brought it out in me a bit and I have no problem admitting that I am a crotchety old dinosaur. I'll try to be a little nicer.

With THAT said don't completely make the victim of your demographic. The self righteousness/"thumbs down" stuff does go both ways. I've seen plenty of it. Also, I bet some of these "thumbs down" are when the suggestions are not in context with the questions which I have seen plenty of as well. Just food for thought.

I would also like to take the opportunity to completely agree with Bokb and Sara C.

I've done a little more thinking as I rechecked out this post. It is an interesting topic by the way, and here is one more thought. It sometimes comes down to people asking questions not to get an answer, but in search of people who agree with them. You can't just be a fan searching for confirmation and ask "do you like...?" and get all mad when someone says it's crap. I mean, people should (and I figure this is something we can ALL work on) be a little more constructive than that, if you're going to only want people to agree with you be more specific in the question (ie. I Love ... Who Else Loves...) or just go to a fan message board. Also, I'm glad the Blink thing go brought up, because if you're going to throw it out there as REAL PUNK FANS, Don't you miss Blink 182 that's the response you'll get. I know this is just a single instance, but it is an example that is being ran with and I think it's a good one. Punk rock, at it's roots isn't about playing songs at 120 bpm and having that half scream voice with a 1,2,1,2 drum beat. It's about giving the finger to the mainstream on all sorts of levels. At its core it's about revolution, in some cases political in some it's about changing music, but when you see people saying punk can't exist in the mainstream that is what they mean. So in some cases the thought of Green Day or Blink-182 being punk rock could be seen as offensive to punk rockers. I'm not really a punk guy, but trust me, I know enough of them and how frustrated they are that their genre is now perceived with this thing that it was totally against.

Also, I've found people get to into the terminology. It's all rock music. I give the punks lattitude here because it was a movement, not just the tunes, but you want to talk about something that divides people. I mean half the time people are getting angry is over calling something emo when it's not and vice versa. I mean is that really something that should get you so mad? It's all just rock music anyway. All those mini-genres are bleeding into eachother and blending together. There is a difference between a negative point of view and being mean. I understand everyone should be nicer to each other, but also people should try not to be so defensive.

2007-06-05 15:00:41 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

I completely agree!!! Also, it really sucks that people are judging others by what music they listen too. That attitude is pure crap. Just because YOU might not like modern stuff doesn't mean you have to diss other people who enjoy it. Different people like different things, face it. Rock on Little Miss Black Death for bringing this up and making a point out of it. \m/( >.< )\m/

2007-06-05 13:50:32 · answer #8 · answered by ¾ pErFeCt™ 4 · 2 0

Certainley most peoples taste in music is lame
and I certainley wouldnt listen to them
For me most modern music is crap , that you hear on
" the buzz 94.5 houston" type stations. payola is alive and well and there was a recent court case settling charges to that effect
the band named i remember was good charlotte and i always thought they were terrible , but very popular on the radio,
and well if you were paying me 50,000 i would play them in heavy rotation too
and classic rock ? please the same 8 songs for the last 20 years ...barf
so dont pay no attention to the idiots who suck up the cheez whiz as it is presented to them
there are good bands out there
but if they dont fit the corporate mentality , well
college radio stations is where you will hear the great stuff

2007-06-05 14:00:57 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

Chuck D would laugh at people who have absolutely closed minds to all music. When you hear him discuss the history of music then you realize the continuum over the centuries to today & a true music fan doesn't "live" in one genre.

2007-06-05 16:55:14 · answer #10 · answered by Zombie Birdhouse 7 · 1 0

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