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37 answers

Haroula is the name of my little black dog!!she was found by me injured on the side of the road!i took her to the vet she had an operation[her leg had been broken]and his very well now!and is very much loved!

2007-06-05 05:09:47 · answer #1 · answered by ....FED UP............ 7 · 1 0

I like to speak my mind and even if I do think i'm right a majority of the time i'm not a stuck up snot like some people on here. I'm not even right about EVERYTHING....i know a shocker..usually if you think you know it all you know poop which means your heads a little too far away from daylight...but anyways. I say what i want and i didnt want to put ***** so i just put weeotch..it's a combo between witch and b*yotch...

2007-06-05 03:22:04 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I went to Italy last summer. It was really awesome and I would love to move there, but that's beside the point.

There was just about everything that I tourist would buy that said "Ciao Bella" on it. I didn't buy any of it (but there was this one t-shirt that was really cute that I wish I did buy) but I still like the Ciao Bella thing. So I adopted it as me.

2007-06-05 03:20:44 · answer #3 · answered by Danielle 5 · 0 0

Well, it's kinda goofy but here goes.....About 15 yrs. ago, my Dad & I would hang out a lot & he started to teach me how to play pool. As I started to get better & making a few shots in a row, he'd get loud & announce to the bar "Look out, she's on fire now!". Now, it's just something I think about when I play.

2007-06-05 03:36:09 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I've had it since 1997. It came about because I wanted something that said scorpio. I thought of too cold, too too, and too much, but toopretty was more me. lol

My other name is what_the_f_ck. That was because every name I tried to use was taken, and I was like what the f_ck.

2007-06-05 03:22:29 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Girl in Florida

2007-06-05 03:22:02 · answer #6 · answered by whos_ur_girl 3 · 1 0

my youngest daughter has speech problems....and when I was choosing a name she ran over to me soooo excited and said good girl. It was the first time she ever put 2 words together, and it is all she says now! she is so funny running around the house with her lil short legs screaming good girl!

2007-06-05 03:18:16 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

i have 2 i use That Girl my friend calls me that and the one i am useing now. The one i am using now is simply explained racist people sux i don't kill them just beat them down the way they beat others down...a good old fashioned tounge lashing. it may not stop them but it does make them stop and think i hope...my son is mixed so my heart and soul goes to the cause.

2007-06-05 03:19:50 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Well my name is Tad VanZandt,so I came up with Tad V. A lot of brain power used there! WOW!

2007-06-05 03:22:22 · answer #9 · answered by Taddster 4 · 1 0

It's from a really funny Adam Sandler song.

2007-06-05 03:21:40 · answer #10 · answered by Kameo 5 · 1 0

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