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The movie was about these bigfoot-type creatures. These creatures were about the size of a normal man. These creatures were ruled by a larger bigfoot monster. The smaller ones did the bidding of the large one--the bigfoot king I guess. There were a group of teenagers camping and ended up being chased by these creatures. I think maybe a girl was captured by these creatures. There were also two Laurel & Hardy type characters that added slap stick to the movie. I think they drove around in an old 1920's car. That's all I remember about this film. I saw the movie around 1971, but it is possibly older than that. This movie was not an animated movie--it was live action. It was not a Laurel & Hardy movie, either. It had the feel of a 1960's beach movie except, of course, it was in the woods and not the beach.

2007-06-04 16:37:32 · 3 answers · asked by Scifi Boy 4 in Entertainment & Music Movies

Thanks for all the answers. It wasn't Harry and the Hendersons which is a movie I really enjoyed. Harry and the Hendersons came out in the 1980's and I remember it well. The movie I'm talking about was most probably made in the early 1960's. I was 7 or 8 when I saw it. It appeared to be at least serveral years old when I saw it even though I saw it in a theatre. When I was young, they used to bring back old movies from time to time. Of course, this was years before the VCR age.

2007-06-05 03:41:06 · update #1

3 answers

That was my ex in-laws family reunion video.

2007-06-04 16:40:30 · answer #1 · answered by johN p. aka-Hey you. 7 · 2 1

Is is "Harry and the Hendersons"? I watched it when I was a little kid and I know I loved it and your description reminded me of that movie. I have no idea where you can find it, but Harry and the Hendersons .... well, Harry was a "bigfoot creature" and I think he lived with some family - and I remember him sitting in their car and when he got in, he sat up straight and made a big push up on the roof .... I hope this helps. If not, sorry ;0(

2007-06-05 08:50:08 · answer #2 · answered by *Casey * 6 · 0 1

big foot is real you know....lol

2007-06-04 23:41:52 · answer #3 · answered by ALL SMILES :D 5 · 0 1

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