Happiness Is...
a million dollars? love? success? a warm puppy?
For the majority, happiness is what life is all about and the search never goes out of fashion. Most decisions are made on the basis Will it make me happy? Our goals, dreams, aspirations, and even our fantasies revolve around happiness. Happiness is the balm of the heart and soul as well as medicine for the body. Studies indicate that the happier you are, the fewer physical ills you suffer, the slower you age, and the longer you live.
So what's the magic recipe? There's just no such thing as a one-size-fits-all formula for contentment. People are too different to find joy in the same things. However, certain factors seem to contribute to meaningful happiness. Here are the top eleven (each person has a different "priority order"):
1. Love yourself. You'll never be completely happy until you do. Self-esteem is the foundation of contentment. If you love yourself you feel worthy, competent, ready to achieve, to work and love. How do you get there?
a) With your mind: I am a ________ ( effective, intelligent, nice, neat, cool, fun, pleasant, etc.) person.
b) With your body: Eat right, sleep, don’t abuse substances and exercise. The body and mind influence each other. Studies show exercise increases self-esteem, relieves anxiety, improves attentiveness, dissipates stress, and elevates moods.
If you don't like the way you look, change it. Wage war on negative thinking. Reward yourself "because I'm worth it".
2 Seek the Loving Life. Almost any kind of loving relationship can contribute to happiness and help us better tolerate life's misfortunes. Focusing attention on someone else helps you feel better about yourself. So if you don't have a loving relationship, get involved in a small group with a purpose and establish some social bonds. Spend time with the people you care about.
3. Believe YOU are in control of your life and act accordingly. I “am master of my fate, captain of my soul”, not “a leaf blowing in the wind”. Take time to think about how you made decisions that determined what direction your life took. Develop an Internal Locus of Control; avoid saying “I can’t (verb) ……” or “I hope to (verb)…..”
4. Be optimistic. Fight against pessimism. Always view the glass as “half full” as opposed to “half empty”. “I’m OK. You’re OK. The world’s OK. And things are gonna get even better.”
5. Focus on the world outside of yourself.
a. Give your Life Structure by Joining the Workaday World. Although people complain about work, most consider it crucial to happiness. We get a sense of being loved from the respect and admiration our work generates. Completion of a challenging task generates a thrilling sense of triumph. Working makes you feel good about yourself. Those who don't work should do other things that make them feel good such as volunteer work, hobbies, etc.
b. Enjoy the Power of Touch. Touching is vital to our well-being. It fulfills a large share of our human needs thus leading to happiness. Touching someone can affirm friendship or approval, communicate important messages, promote health, and bring love. (However, people put up barriers to effective touching. Society tends to equate touching with sex or violence. Thus, many people avoid simple touching that affirms goodwill such as pats on the back, cordial hugs, and heartfelt handshakes. All relationships need touching that implies caring and affection.)
c. Give to Others. Reaching out to others or putting others ahead of your own ego can block out depression, lessen awareness of perceived inadequacies, help you surmount personal problems, and increase well-being. Without some connection to others, life doesn't have much meaning.
6. Search for Meaning. People who lack meaning in their life tend to be unhappy with all aspects of life. They usually suffer all sorts of physical and psychological symptoms. These people lack a set of guiding principles, a durable sense of purpose, and a feeling that life is worthwhile. You must have a belief system or collection of values to make sense out of life, recognize your self-worth, and maintain an identity.
7. Live One Day at a Time. Too many people fret about the past - what was or might have been. Since you can't change the past and the future may not arrive, you should live as fully as possible in the here and now.
8. Turn On the Laughter. A sense of humor keeps us from concentrating too much on misfortunes and the tragic side of life. It can help us get over the worst things and take the sting out of failures and stupidities. Consciously look for life's inanities and the jolly aspects of situations.
9. Avoid Self-Defeating Behaviors. Anger, Blaming, Complaining, Guilt, Worry (ABCGW)
10. Take Time to Waste Time. Squander your time in leisure. Lose yourself in its pleasure and celebration. Take time to play. It usually lifts depression and increases your feeling of well-being
11. Be grateful. “Feelings of thankfulness have tremendous positive value in helping people cope with daily problems (especially stress) and to achieve a positive sense of the self.” (Dr. Robert Emmons, Prof. of Psychology, Univ. of Cal at Davis) People who describe themselves as feeling grateful to others & either to God or Nature for the gift of life (“It’s good to be alive.”) tend to have higher vitality and more optimism, suffer less stress & experience fewer episodes of clinical depression than the population as a whole. How does one express thankfulness?
a. To your friends & family - tell ‘em you’re thankful they are a part of your life & how much you appreciate all they do for you.
b. (If you believe in a Higher Power) To the Higher Power in your life for the blessings that have been bestowed on you.
c. Internally (To yourself), for your state of being (“I’m grateful/thankful that - I live in a free country - I have a high standard of living - I’m healthy - I’m doing well in college - I have many friends - my life is exciting & full of adventure - I’m intelligent - I’m good-looking - and on & on! This is different from Positive self-talk (#1 above); Self-talk = I AM… Thankfulness = I’m THANKFUL FOR…….).
Happiness is a journey that is powered by these 11 actions... and the road goes on forever... and the party never ends.
2007-06-04 16:51:19
answer #1
answered by noneofyurbusiness 3
Personally I think happiness is so over rated. No one is every truly happy with themselves. So I think it's really important to remember the little times that made you really happy and made you laugh alot. Look through photo albums, they always make me laugh. Keep a journal of happy and fun times you've had. Laugh at the stupidest things, laughing always makes you feel happy! Every day make a point of doing something fun, or laughing hysterically at something, that way you will know you were happy at that time!
Hope this helps :)
PS: Laughing is sooo important as it releases endorphins which increase serotonin levels in the brain, making you happy!
2007-06-05 01:36:46
answer #2
answered by Anonymous